The stigma against twinking never warranted this

UI’m referring to catching up to twinks instead of trying to catch up to those at the head of the pack of the lvl 120 gear treadmill.

Twink gear is finite in ilvl, a player can more easily become competitive with xp off

This is what i wanted to do with a nee rogue i made. Turn of xp at 59 and do all the classic content. That would eventually include rep from old pvp factions.

Same here, I don’t support this cowardy at all, And I really hope twinks to never be able to queue again, why should we care about their game experience, if they actually didn’t care at all about ours, if we all are paying to play we are expecting to get some fun, no to get this pathetic twink thing to happen bg after bg

There are plenty of twinks that play objectives, and avoid GY camping. It’s very likely that you have had twinks on your team in winning games, and didn’t notice. People remember negative experiences far more than positive ones. The main problem isn’t twinking; it’s bad behavior, mostly related to premades. There was a perfectly viable solution to this problem that didn’t involve cutting off our access to timely queues: namely, preventing XP-off players from queuing together. Despite the hyperbole in this thread, twinks aren’t going around one-shotting ten people at a time. It just doesn’t work like that. To win BGs, even as a twink, the rest of your team needs to be reasonably geared and willing to work together and communicate. No amount of gear negates the basic preconditions for winning.


BGs are a lot like a game of Tug’o’War.
Sometimes, you’re going to get a team of 100 pound weaklings against a team of Lumberjacks or Professional Wrestlers. It’s Going to happen.


Kazul above pointed out a very obvious truth.

It’s just so rare that you’ll ever run into a Twink, You’ll MAYBE run into 1 every 10 games. Yeah, that one game out of 10 sucks. But you’re going to run into that in XP on mode too. It’s just not much of a Problem. At lower lvls, it’s even less of an issue because that Twink is going to lvl in a couple of games and then you’re not likely to see him again for another week (if ever) because he’s off re-gearing and/or Twinking a new character.

Frankly, I still think it’s extremely stupid of Blizzard to have included EXP gains in BGs in the first place. BGs are where you go to take a break from lvling/grinding and just want to smash some face.

What Blizz should do is REMOVE all Exp Gains from BGs.
Then when a player ques for a BG, that player can choose to play for either EXP or Honor.
And Have appropriate rewards for players who choose whether or not to play for EXP: Gear for those who do, PVP tokens for those who don’t.


“Twinks shouldnt be able to que with non twinks”


Lets make Item Level brackets for endgame pvp then… this is what you all are remotely saying. ITS THE SAME!

So at 120 anyone with low item level can have “fun” in the bgs… and high item levels can have their own so they dont destroy low item level toons.


You’re not a HUGE chunk of the population… if you were, you’d be able to sustain your own queues.


Nope. I warn your community to tone it down. Most laugh and called me a tin hat. You just can not rumble stomp for months and expect anyone to complain. It what happens when you make BG unplayable for the rest of the population. Only if limited to a few. Then thing might be different.

But not big enough to get matches if you know you’ll be facing twinks rather than squashing ungeared levelers.

There’s something just hilarious about how the twink community has always said they play for the competition, yet whenever there is competition they refuse to play.

How it’s this large, important segment of the community, but even with cross server queues there’s not enough of them to make matches without having fodder to roll over.

Fact is, you’ve been ruining the fun of other players for a decade and a half, despite the idea of putting ultra geared twinks against newbies and levelers being the equivalent of putting diamond tier HotS players against bronzes with under 100 matches.

Even so, even despite how much you’ve enjoyed ruining the game for everyone else, while showing no concern for the damage you did and pretending you’re doing it for competition- Blizz isn’t even taking action against you.

They’re giving you a competitive queue. If, and I know this is a big ‘if’ because obviously twinks hate competition- but IF you actually wanted competition, this would make the twink brackets THRIVE because they’d no longer have to deal with casuals and would only get other, serious players like themselves.

But- as we all know, as everyone that isn’t a twink knows and everyone that is a twink also knows but won’t admit- twinking has never been about competition or fun (for everyone) pvp- it’s about squashing players, ruining their fun, and getting to feel great about treating other players like critter level challenges.

You’re not going to get sympathy- because either twinks are getting something they want as they say (competition), or twinks are losing what they want which is a hunting ground to stomp on others.


I don’t actively want people to quit, and I hope twinks find an avenue they can enjoy, but…

I would watch the game sail right down to 100,000 subs if it meant the game itself got better as a result.

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“This change is going to cause a big chunk of players to quit, blizz will be sorry!”

“There aren’t enough twinks for exp-off only queues.”

Which is it?


Same % of the population as Leveling Characters queing for dungeons.

On some of my leveling characters, there are some nights it takes an hour for my 100-109 DPSs to find a group just to run a single Dungeon. God forbid I want to Level up through dungeons or have specific quests I need to complete.

Same Basic principle. Splitting ques hurts everybody. Just Hurts some more then others. But you don’t care. Your hate and Spite will kill this game.


Its both because when blizz prevents twinks from having fun the way they want to play they just stop doing lower BGs altogether or unsub, which increases que times due to lower numbers of players. Mind blown right? Logic SMH

@Karaski - +100 for the comment.

When they merged twinks back in with the exp on queues it pretty much killed low level bgs for me.

Maybe one day I’ll pop back in to check things out, but the damage is done now and the desire to pvp is pretty much gone.

Nah. I stopped doing leveling BGs entirely because twinks ruined them. Being one shot and GY camped by players I couldn’t even scratch, while I was wearing a full set of enchanted heirlooms, was a complete waste of time.

The separation of brackets is a 100% improvement to me. Unplayable to playable.


Ya, totally. Games are sooo much different now :joy:


Why would someone queuing in low level BGs want to collect gear to min/max themselves in a bracket they are going to out level anyway? Just be real, you need people who don’t care to gear up and just want to level in order to get easy kills, otherwise you’d have no one else to battle against.

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Is this really a question?

You’re not making yourself a martyr here- you twinks did not give a flying F about ruining the fun of everyone leveling, about turning new players off of the game and causing levelers to avoid the BG queues.

You’re trying to sound like Blizz is doing you wrong, but in reality your hate and spite for non-twinks that just want to play without being squashed all the time is what ruined BGs for most players.

Why are you so against them having their queue, where they can play others like them- and you having your own queue, where you can play others like you?

Oh right- the only reason to twink is to squash newbs, and since you can’t do that, there’s no reason for twinks to play.


twinks have so much more than that you are minimizing it to try and make your point

insane eng trinkets/etc plus fully min-max’d gear and all the other try hard elements that go into twinking

it has always been complete and utter cancer to deal with and i hope it’s gone for good


Enchanted heirlooms and updated gear was enough to hang with twinks.

Even non twinks can make this if they level an engineer

Only thing missing from heirlooms that twinks have is gems

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