The stigma against twinking never warranted this

Back in the day, yes, twinks were an issue. That was when leveling consisted of 70% of the game and the other 30% actually being the end game. Back in the day it could take weeks to enter a new pvp bracket, meaning you were stuck with those twinks on your server. This is not the case anymore, you can EASILY outlevel content.

Today the game is 90% endgame. A fraction of the playerbase even cares about non current content, except twinks. People who lock themselves to that expansion or level of the game to compete. everyone else is just a passerby on the way to 120.

The arguments that twinks are destroying levelers is just hilarious, because it only takes an hour or so to out-level a bracket.


I have several twinks and I can tell you the hard truth right now. Most twinkers want to get into a 5 man team and steamroll new players while trash talking their non-twink team for being noobs. Most of the twinkers in their big communities actually queue dodge Alliance twink teams like cowards and rarely want a fair fight. We have a boat load of members in our communities, capping over 1k members easily. Thereā€™s no excuse to not have a twink only bracket.

Iā€™d love to see the twinks on your account, mind sharing them?

Fact is, no twinks right now are getting games. No one is enjoying this change, and behind all the moaning and groaning, all we want is for it to at least work as intended. As of right now, as Iā€™ve mentioned a dozen times or more - it doesnā€™t work.

Weā€™re currently setting up scheduled raids to try and keep our community going, but itā€™s a bandaid. It would be great if Blizzard would let us form cross-faction communities - we might have a better shot at getting queues rolling. :confused:

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I sincerely doubt Blizzard is wasting their time with this change.

I donā€™t work for Blizzard. But I have worked in software development, BI, and data analytics for a long time, as both a developer and through upper levels of management for teams of developers. Development salaries are expensive. Too expensive to waste their time on unnecessary crap. You simply do not do that if you are a successful company.

This change is also, given the complexity of their code not a trivial change. They are unlikely to be able to just flip a switch and set things back to the way they were. They are putting someone to work on this.

Combined, they are just extremely unlikely to be making this kind of change, something they first elected NOT to do, right now without having evaluated the ROI on expending the resources.

Itā€™s just not how we do things in the development business.

Yea sure Iā€™ll humor you, this is one of my many twinks.

  1. If you donā€™t get games, you arenā€™t big enough of a community for the company to allocate resources.
  2. It works as intended. Youā€™re separated because you choose to stop XP. Not the companies problem there arenā€™t enough of you to group.
  3. It does work. Non-twinkers pvp just fine and have loads of fun. Absolutely NO ONE has said: ā€œah wish twinks were in bgs to carry me through the levels.ā€ On the contrary, they enjoy the challenge, instead of the: ā€œthereā€™s a twink, letā€™s go afk cause no one will be able to win.ā€

Keep seeing the change in stance, either you got enough community for queues or you donā€™t. Either way, separation is the answer.

Like I said, OLD content is not a priority. New players and new content is.


Assuming this is true, this also means that Blizzard weighed its options, allocated resources, and proceeded to implement a major changeā€¦ without putting it in the patch notes. The change itself is a bummer, but the total lack of communication and basic respect regarding the change is far worse.


wouldnt be the first or the last time they do something like this.

Unfortunately, for Blizzard, missing documentation for some major changes in patch notes has been a problem since classic. Thatā€™s something Iā€™d personally want my teams to do better on. But it is a feature of the way they have done things for a long long time.

Iā€™m getting about the same queue times but now I am steam rolling fellow twinks rather than 1 shot ungeared new people. Much better now.


The twink salt is legit my favorite thing about this patch. Leveling queues are there for people who want a break from questing/running dungeons. Twinks spoil the fun for normal players. And then they come on here and try to defend what they are doing like it is some sort of legitimate playstyle that should be respected.

You donā€™t have a right to have fun at other peopleā€™s expense. If you want to spend forever at 29 or whatever, no one is saying you canā€™t, but there is no legitimate argument in favor of allowing you to run around abusing a bunch of people who queued up for a casual BG in between stonetalon and desolace.


if youā€™re getting queues on 19 bracket against twinks only then itā€™s working as intentedā€¦

Yep, Iā€™ve been asking for this for a while. Glad to see it back, playing vs non twinks wasnā€™t fun.


glad youā€™re having fun with fellow twinks alike then happy for you maybe there will be more people that join that community.

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youā€™re right. And this is a good start. Oh the slopes i see Blizz carrying RBGs down.

Lets separate brand new 120s from players who are ilvl 350 and above. Itā€™s not fair to them that they cant pvp from just hitting 120 without getting stomped.

Arena rated players should have their own queues as well.

They should also separate players with heirlooms from players without heirlooms since looms are so much better than what a brand new player will find. Honestly, loom players shouldnt even be pvping since looms are there for leveling up quickly and not pvping. Like why bother to do a 15 min bg when those 15mins couldve gotten you another level?

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Did any of the players there purposely select to stop participating in a core aspect of the game (earning XP) in order to have an advantage over undergeared people?

If the arena rated people intentionally lost on purpose to lower their rating to only face lower rated players, that would be a similar circumstance. Is this happening widespread?


If earning xp is a core aspect of the game, then why does blizz allow for players to turn xp off? You arenā€™t earning anymore xp at lvl 120 despite the fact that the greatest gulf in gear is at the level cap than in any other rbg bracket.

Arena is its own beast of niche, like-minded players.

Random Battlegrounds are(were) the wild west option of pvp that anyone from all different types of playstyles and mindsets could dip into because itā€™s very accessible. So now blizz has decided to segregate players based on playstyle, I want to see further segregation based on playstyle. It is only fair since, well, technically theyā€™re arenā€™t very random anymore.

overall itā€™s only fair. levelers donā€™t want to run into twinks at lower levels, and Iā€™m sure brand new 120s donā€™t want to queue against players with ilvl of 400+.

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Ok. I agree. Lets run with this. But it has to be segregated in the same exact way. To be fair. Right?

So every single person that is not leveling past 120, needs to be put in their own queuing system.

Warmode says hi.


No it would be done exactly like i mentioned: 260-325 or something like that, and 350+ and even a 400+ only bracket.

Yea youā€™re stopped at lvl 120, but youā€™re still gaining Ilvls at 120, so youā€™d separate players based on ilvl brackets.

I mean twinks were Ilvl capped based on their bracket and couldnt go any higher. But at 120 you can continually earn ilvls and a competitive player in 120 will always been several ilvls ahead of a new player no matter what. That isnā€™t fair.