The stigma against twinking never warranted this

I want Blizzard to disable the xp off stuff, tbh ppl Is just getting tired of twinks, it is not fun to play with u all it doesn’t matter if u are in the enemy or Ally team, it’s pretty shameful and disgusting to watch twinkers camping graveyards and making comments like “this Is pretty Easy” everything twinking has brought to the game Is unfair competition, “hardcores” insulting non twinkers in random bgs or making fun of them, twinks are not positive for the game at all and they need to be removed from the game for real

I can sense you’re genuine, and honestly like the others I’m sorry if you came against a bunch of twinks. Even with twinks on both sides, you’re right, you will hear “this is boring”. This is something I hear frequently. But this is important to point out.

This is at the core of the sentiment I’m trying to convince some to understand. We want a challenge. But we want to play our twinks. The solution, is never to entirely prevent someone from playing their character. Out of context, does that sound fair? No. We need different, well-thought-out solutions so that twinks can compete, and non-twinks can level. That’s why I’m here.

I agree, that’s why twinkers must be forced to leave the lvling brackets and go that “competitive” at lvl 120 bgs, where everybody can improve, and there’s no chance to one shot the entire enemy team because we all can put the same effort to be better, unless twinkers are too scared to face More players who can fight at their same lvl and obviously that will not gonna be easy at all

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im shocked by this move from blizz. Most people Q up for the bgs as a means to get quick xp bonus for daily win and wine when they get camped by the opposite faction twinks but they say nothing when twinks on their side go out and fight with the other twinks . This allows the other levelers to participate in the bgs and if they know how to play their class a leveler can forsure kill twinks if they play smart and together. ( I guess they wont learn that till 120 now?)
As a twink myself I can say i dont camp, yeah it happens but most of the time its levelers who are so happy to be killing the other team for once they take it a little far. Have i ever gotten involved, yes. But i dont anymore and other players would vouch for me that i never was rude or emoted anything other than a wave or a point( watch hotlikesauce on youtube if you dont belive me). My goal was always to get 10v10 twink warfare going on. the levelers we would make the match go as fast as possible.
However i get the arguement about the 1 shots and too that i have to agree things like ramstein should be removed or not use-able in bgs. Because that is 100% unfair when used against levelers. I myself stopped useing it on my pally and never used it with my boomkin. That being said the ramstein is fair game in my eyes when used against other twinks because then its not a 1 shot at all, often used wrong leading to said player killing himself.
To solve the problem blizzard needs to put a twink only Q or xp-off only Q but to even it out let the sides mercanary like u can in the sewers at level 110 and up? or just let the twinks make rbg teams and face off v either faction just against eachother and get rating or a title or a mount somthing that will give us the honor badges and some sort of loot reward.
Im fine with the “titanforge” or " poor man’s epics" they intend to give out as dungeon loot and thats fine that gives the non-twinks leveling now a 5- 8 level window to own people if they say get a ramstein or smoldering eye( BOth can be gotten in high 40s and low 50s so thats 2 brackets ). Which is pretty much the same thing blizz is trying to avoid right? On that note what about level 120 bgs? omg get glads running around just drilling people. when the stats were squished in legion it was still noticable when someone was over geared but it wasnt as punishing as Cata for-say. I was good with that! I would be good with that in the brackets too come to think of it!
But honestly how hard would it be to do rbgs for the twink brackets? 19-29-39-49-59 and whatever else people enjoy doing because thats the bottom line, having FUN. People enjoy twinking or they wouldnt be like me and spend tons of time getting gear and farming profs for pots or mana oil or food cause u dont do all that to kill levelers!Nor do you optomize your enchants and research your stats and not just check icyveins but invest time and gold getting everything just right to go gank people… The twink v twink combat is always the goal and where the fun is at. I know there are other people that agree with what the O.P is saying and what im saying cause i see them all que up every night or watch their streams or you-tube videos and they wouldn’t be there if they didn’t enjoy it!
Bottom line im pissed i logged on tonight to do battle with familiar faces both friendly and enemy again to HAVE FUN. but no i can’t even que without turning on my xp and ruining my toons, nullifying all the work i put into old out-dated prof’s that were more intersting then the new ones for 120 bfa. Im really hoping blizz figures somthing out and gets the twinks in the game again cause playing the bracket 59 was the only thing keeping me subbed to this game.
Not its endgame grind for gear that will just be replaced in a week and i didnt want to do that, so i stopped playing my 120 and my twink became my main. Now its been taken away because of people getting 1 shot in the 19 bracket im guessing … IDC if somone hits me with the grammar hammer, or disagree’s i just hope that the twinks out there that actually rep the comm’s and go toe-to-toe everynight speak up here and we can come to some sort of solution.
Cold cold move blizz and with no warning… SHAME SHAME SHAME
----- Hotlikesauce/Shwagz ( a grown man in tears)

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I’ve been exploring this all day. I’ve spoken to more twinks than I care to on any given day. People are not feeling this way. In the light of these changes all I’ve heard was “well can we group with each other at least?”

We have yet to experience a true Twink-exclusive queue. Until we do, how can we say it works? I don’t even know why it hasn’t worked yet, truth be told. In theory, it’s perfect. Remove the minimum BG participant requirement so we can get some 5v5 WSGs, etc. But that hasn’t happened yet.

They didn’t have to coordinate queues just to do a BG. They started doing BG’s and found only other twinks. They complained on the forums to no avail. They then stopped queueing.


Ok, so how does the game quantify a “twink”? What system of measurement is used?

PS: if its because a player has experience turned off on a X9 level character, then there is a very simple solution to this one. Experience turns on when you enter a bg and turns off again when you leave. Eventually the character will hit X0 and their advantage is removed until they hit the top of that new bracket.

That’s never been a one shot on my leveling characters either because I actually updated my gear. Most levelers have empty slots well into the 40’s…

19’s and 29’s (maybe 39’s) didn’t because that was a popular twink bracket. Upper levels 100% had to coordinate times to queue, or wargame because it’s not as popular. Plus, forget it if you didn’t play popular hours.

U all can perfectly find challenge at end game bgs, I have never understood why Blizzard allowed the xp off thing, it might be better to create different realms for each expansion in case ppl wanna stay there and play bgs in that exact expansion, but honestly twinking Is not good for the game at all, Is totally unfair, and can make some ppl to quit the game, specially newcomers, and to not recommend the game at all

This is a potential solution. I would enjoy 5v5 matches, esp. if you could set them up with your own faction.

Right? it holds back all those undergeared, just there for the experience, players.

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There aren’t any. Separation is it.

Templates came close, but people hated templates, so they complained, and Blizzard removed them. So much for “Skill should matter more than gear!”

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I’d believe this if all the twinks I’ve had to endure over the years didn’t take advantage of that fact regardless. But even if they genuinely were in it for competition and challenge against other twinks, it’s not like they ever showed mercy to the non-twinks.

I just have a hard time believing that though. The folks who want challenge would be far better off finding it at the max level where it’s on more of an even footing. I do genuinely think twinks were in it to prey on weaker folks, and that needed to change.

Think of how frustrating it would be for a new player to join in, try a little PvP, and get completely smashed with no recourse. They would get turned off from PvP or even the entire game.


BG’s originally awarded no xp. Twinks were given the option to stop so they wouldn’t level. There was no conspiracy or revolt. Don’t believe players that claim this.

However this is looking to be a side effect of the patch, according to Blizzard.

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Yea, they aren’t going to stand a chance against enchanted heirloom players though. I get people want to fight for the new player, but honestly, how many do we think there are?

I liked templates. I liked being able to try new classes in PvP without having to do weeks of work just to have a fighting chance, getting nothing but smashed along the way, only to realize that it wasn’t the class for me and have all that time wasted. I’m sad they’re gone.

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u can improve your toon if you leave him at a bracket. Im telling you once you get the toon gear thats it. not every raid teir regearing. Call me lazy but i work and when i wanna play i wanna just log on, no dailies or anything like that, and the bracket i played (59) the levelers had enough tools from their kits to make a differnce often out damaging twinks! I see both sides to it but i feel like this is all hatred towards the 19s cause that level what 14 when u can que for bgs your all stoked to see what your class can do and u get 1 shot… instanly… thats sucks and i get that but 59 u play the player/class not the azorite gear and whoever ahs farmed the most! the twink v twink is def not easy.

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Hah! Try level 10

Nowadays? Not sure. Doubt it’s many. But back in the day there were plenty. My dad, whom it took some work to actually try the game, quit the game because of twinks.

And he would quit from enchanted heirloom players these days… it’s not hard to do the damage of a twink

Can’t really comment as I haven’t done any low level PvP in ages, but it used to be a lot worse.