The Status Quo

Why do some people on the internet seem to like keeping the status quo in terms of having male dominant characters and grit and dark and you know all of those other aspects? What have those things done for the game? Ask yourself that question? Think long and hard. It’s like those who wants to keep the status quo doesn’t want the game to get any better or even tell an even more coherent story when the status quo have been hurting those specific aspects of the game for the longest time.

But, if you (the internet) want more of the same like in terms of warlords, shadowlands and Battle for Azeroth type of story then please continue the status quo.

“Show don’t tell” does more harm than say good. The people who play World of Warcraft lacks critical thinking or media literacy skills to figure anything out so I do hope that they do more on “tell don’t show.”

So exactly what are you talking about?


This seems very loaded, perfect for GD to handle without someone taking something the wrong way or already starting off with the questions feeling set to cause drama. Let’s watch. :slight_smile:


Why? You ain’t

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I think people just want to see something relatable and there is a way to make a bigger cake

Definitely a Sunday post for sure. Op is just a few days early to the game.

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giggles uncontrollably


I’ll bite. It’s for the same reason the NBA is wildly profitable and the WNBA isn’t, which is why the NBA subsidizes the WNBA.

It’s about who will pay to play the game and the major portion is males. In Warcraft the split is around 85% male and 15% female, so if you are wondering why a for profit company would primarily target males, that’s why, it’s 85% of their revenue.

Well that’s just patently false. Some of the smartest most creative people there are play Warcraft to relax. You may be thinking of something else like Fortnite or Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

Control yourself, Fuzz.


Lol I’m sorry i tried to read it and got stuck on that part

Because my personal preference in fantasy, whether it is video games or tv shows or books, just happens to be dark and gritty.

As for male dominant characters, well, let’s be real here, in a lot of cases dark and gritty hero or even anti-hero female characters make people uncomfortable. (I think it has something to do with the female=future mother mindset but I could be wrong).

Well, it got it 12 million subscribers in 2010 with Wrath of the Lich King.

Male dominated, gritty, dark storytelling is not even in the top ten of the issues that have hurt the game over the last 14 years.

BfA’s and Shadowlands’s stories were bad due to the ridiculous shoe-horning.

Not tone.

Wow, you didn’t just move the goal posts, you switched them out for an different set!

makes me think you dont fully understand the concept of Show dont tell. so let me tell and not show, to spell it out in simple terms. Show dont tell is for the people who dont lack critical thinking skills, by allowing people to come to the conclusion of a story beat on their own rather than blatantly telling and beating them over the head with it.

If you want tell dont show, you are in fact the one who lacks critical thinking skills, and need to be told what conclusion to come to rather than coming to it on your own.

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Bad troll thread is bad.

…And I hope they bring back the dislike button.


Sure, game is called world of WARCRAFT. War is the key word today. When i resub i want to put a poisoned dagger in some orcs back. I want to see a troll, orc, whatever male character actual tutosterone junky rage and blow a gasket cause someone pooped in his pants that wasnt him.

Id like to see Sylvanas plotting and skeeming in the shadows of supporting her undead in lordaeron!

Im not here for care bears or rainbows, im here for whoevers blood is next.


Jaina and Sylvanas have been part of Warcraft lore since 2002, over two decades ago.


This is what warcraft has always been, and should always be. MAYBE with short, periodic exceptions here and there to keep it interesting as we watch the peace and happiness crumble.

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it’s appealing to us.

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He’s talking about some good ol’ fashioned cola!