The State of You

I am always down for another trip down the historical rabbit hole!

Been subscribed to the Timeline Documentary channel for a few months now, and have been devouring their series on the era of peace between World Wars 1 and 2. It’s a period of history that gets glossed over when so many big and important things happened.

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To be fair, a lot of historians consider them to be the same war with a snack intermission.


It’s fascinating isn’t it? Things like the Spanish Flu, which is essentially a footnote at the end of World War 1 history, are super relevant to us today.

The failings of the League of Nations are also really important. Not to mention the Great Depression. Not to mention the fallout from the effective abolition of absolute monarchies following the First World War - a lot of dictatorships started springing up that were essentially the same thing. The 20’s and 30’s are definitely not unimportant. I must say though thanks for the recommendation, I wasn’t aware of the Timeline Documentary channel!

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Last few months have been harrowing for many reasons. IRL has seen me financially and emotionally beaten to a pulp, and having our family dog die in a violent and graphic way due to an imbecile who didn’t even bother to pull over to see if things were okay after just kind of piled on the hurt.

Being overworked at a grocery store that doesn’t honestly pay us enough to deal with these animals we serve. Entitled upper middle class part of town that has more cranky Karens than a soccer mom convention, and that was before covid. Now it’s like herding cats that really don’t like you, and every day something else re-breaks my spirit in humanity. I’ve had to stop raiding, the only activity I kind of enjoyed in BfA (even though it was getting really REALLY stale and the corruption system is discouraging and dumb) due to my sporadic work schedule, and…yeah. Not fun. Nothing is fun.

And today my car lost a wheel, repair and towing is unaffordable to me right now, and my fiance came in contact with staffers at her school in Mindanao who tested positive for covid and now I’m absolutely stressing out of my mind and worried about her.

State of me is not doing good. Not doing good at all. I’m just attempting to try and keep hope that things will improve, despite how they continue to punch me in the gut. But I’m honestly a bit scared something will happen to her now, cuz medical treatment in her city is honestly scarce, and that terrifies me.

I want this pandemic to end. It’s kept us apart, and might threaten to do worse and I’m livid and honestly angry with the world right now.

Trying to find distraction in the form of games, humor, my novel, anything I can, and now I’m even trying forum posting, so…yeah. This is life.


I’m thankful that my grocery store’s online order system is back in full swing because it means they won’t have to deal with my bumbling, cane-toting self shuffling through the aisles. I hate that I can’t tip them.

The school district has opt-in remote learning, which I’ve jumped on. I don’t like straight up saying my kid can’t do something, because kids will surprise you, but in the case of special needs students that generally means doing things differently and that doesn’t jive with the new, strict protocols that teachers will have to deal with. It also seems like the district is banking on a certain number of remote students to free up space for social distancing, so at least on paper this is as close to a win-win as we can get these days. I’m lucky to be a stay-at-home parent – the downsides are pretty minimal, all told.


If there is anything we can do mate, let us know.

Nobody is ever truly alone, not if we can still reach out to each other and give some form of support to one another.


I appreciate that, Gentarn. I was mostly just venting, frustration and anxiety reaching its peak tonight. This pandemic has affected everyone in different ways, I just hope that it’s gonna end soon so everyone can get on with life.


My desire to do anything directly corresponds with my ability to leave my home and go out to take care of necessities - which involves being able to spend money. Unfortunately I haven’t received anything in the form of my unemployment compensation in the past two months (I know the reason why, it doesn’t make me any less upset over it). With no money to go out anywhere, I’m forced to stay at home. Since I have nothing productive to do at home, I sit in front of my computer almost the entire day.

I get out to walk around the neighborhood for maybe an hour in the morning, but beyond that I’m sitting in front of my computer. Doing it for long periods of time burns me out a lot. When I get burned out, I lay down on my bed and I take a nap. Rinse and repeat. This has been my process since this pandemic started.

I’m mentally drained and frustrated due to my financial situation and waiting on the call to go back to work - but considering I work for a Retail store that has been seeing massive financial success with a decreased workforce I don’t see myself going back to work any time soon.


just got made redundant. so that’s fun.

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I’m broke and can’t pay for a sub. Don’t have enough people to regularly RP out of the game either.
Despite working full time, I’m not making any money and am now spending the start of every month with an empty bank and little food. Fun!


Life has been hard. Right at the start of everything going crazy my body started progressively falling apart more and more. I ended up having to take leave from work and was in and out of several doctors and hospitals while everyone to figure out what was wrong. Now in my mid thirties I’ve become fully disabled and they don’t expect me to ever return to work again. That also means I’ve lost 50% of my income going on disability. That isn’t making things easier.

On the other hand though I decided to return back to a WoW. I’ve unlocked Kul Tirans and now I want to give them a shot with RP. Hopefully I’ll find some good rp out and about and some good communities too. It’s the perfect way to distract me from real word issues right now and make some friends along the way


Currently back to being in a bit of a mood. Just got back from the vet because someone decided training and socializing their german shepard was optional.

Their dog got loose on a walk, ran up behind me walking my pibble Bruno and proceeded to have at his back leg.

Bruno is fine now that he’s been to the vet, got the wound looked at, some painkillers and chicken nuggets on the ride home for being a good boi. I’m currently livid this happened today.


I’m currently working on 5 different alts. [plzsendhelp.]
I’m not doing as well off, things have been a little harder in life, but I enjoy these kind of nice threads that stick out against the. 'I HATE BLOOD ELVES PARTY!" ‘I HATE NIGHTBORNE RAH!’ ‘I HATE VOID ELVES RAWR XD!’ ‘OMG VULPERA ARE SUCH FURRIES!’-

I’m trying to think of where to start, I have 2 blood elves to level, and then I believe 2 night elves, and then a human to level! D:

Spread love, not hate folks!


Aaaand now that the Pac-12 have canceled fall sports, I am effectively out of a job for…the rest of the year, practically. Maybe hockey in December, but even I am not holding my breath for that.

It’s not all bad. I’m sitting on a lot of saved cash from the unemployment bonuses, and I still have a roof over my head and a full belly…but I may have to tighten up going into the next few months.


Hey! I hope things get better and I’m sorry to hear things are going down in your life, keep your chin up! You’ve got this! :^)


I’m pretty much broken to WoWs story after everything BfA has done. Lost any pride I had left for the Horde. Right now I’m just working on what my character will finally do in SL since it will be my last expansion I play.


Still here. Still tired.
Got promoted to where I can be trusted to help run the Love Hotel I’m a bartender at, though, so that’s nice.

People at work are still slacking in the common sense and mask departments. Over the next couple months we’ll be hiring another four thousand people across all shifts (so basically another 1,000 per shift) to be in the building during our seasonal period.

And temp hires are the w o r s t when it comes to following procedure.


Heyo! I hope that you don’t quit after this expansion, I’m sorry and agree this x-pac hasn’t done us much good, but don’t quit now! I understand if you still go because it can be hard to continue at something where things are just going wrong! Much love to you!

Glad to hear you got a promotion! Sorry to hear the temp hires are bad, I hope things run smoothly for you and those temp hires are much better at following procedure!


Good and bad.

Finally got the boss to agree to pay me the additional 2 hours per day I’m working in addition to the 12 hour shifts in actual cash instead of food vouchers, and signed an agreement that I’m willing to work 14 hour shifts until the end of next month to assist Victoria due to their mandatory cuts to deal with this second wave of Corvid-19.

All because 12 hour shifts are the legal maximum, but God help us find a third person for Night Shift who is sober/not drugged out of their gourd/will show up on time/stay the full shift/willing to actually work/understands basic hygiene and work and safety practices.

Taking it up with the lawyer tomorrow before work, but it’s just madness down here, and now WA is at risk because a damn Karen decided to bribe a trucker to smuggle her from Victoria to Western Australia, and every truck depo, warehouse, service station and and store they stopped at is being shut down and anyone who was at them over the past three days has to self isolate for the next 21 days, because both the Karen and the Truckie have tested positive to the virus.

Two hours later get a text that I’m also working on Sunday, which is a clear violation of the agreement we just signed because the remaining two engineers failed their second test, not Corvid-19 but something respiratory, and with the person I work with still insisting he’s too busy looking after his kid on Saturday and Sunday night I’m the last trained engineer on the site. sums up my feelings about this year fairly well…


Even as something of a zombie junkie I always felt the whole “oh no, the infinite spread” was overblown until COVID-19 and the lengths we as a species will go to in order to not have to change our lives at all come hell or high water.

I work for a relatively prestigious organization that prides itself on following the science and staffed with all manner of highly educated doctorates and masters degrees and blah blah blah blah and I still dread every larger meeting because inevitably someone says “Oh my weekend was great I went to a campsite met a lot of new people, not a lot of masks and social distancing was hard so we didn’t really bother…”