The State of You

Suddenly every Zombie Game where the rednecks loaded with guns and supplies dying and rising as the mindless horde while Gene Everydude somehow survives makes so much more sense after 2020 …


gonna probably end up quitting wow again

commit to my passion of becoming an author one day

becoming a well-know or well-liked rper isn’t worth sacrificing that for


Becoming an author kinda killed my desire to RP. I’m not 100% sure why but I suspect I just have a limited capacity for storytelling and funneling it all into one pursuit doesn’t leave a lot left for RP.

Your mileage my vary, of course. I can say that if you’re planning to make it as a writer, setting aside RP is probably a good move. You can do it!


To be honest, I’ve noticed this a lot with my own writing. When I get into major writing binges, I don’t often feel up for RP. Perhaps it’s like social energy, where I only have enough tolerance for other people each day before I just want to be alone for the rest of it.


So, some positive news. The owner of the German Shepard who attacked my dog paid for Bruno’s vet bills without much argument.

Outside of this, total happy ending is pending since the German Shepard is now undergoing a lengthy behavioral training course.


Despite how much we have clashed in the past over the faction story, I am… surprisingly sad to read this.

As far as I know you’ve always been one of the most proud, energetic Horde fans in this neck of the woods, and no matter how much I’ve fervently and even spitefully argued about how awful and evil they wrote the Horde in BFA… it’s easy to forget it directly hurts Horde players too. I hate it. I’m sorry it’s been so hard for you.


This is less of a big problem or anything like that, but it’s 90+ degrees outside and the power just cut out in my county. They estimate it’ll be back up in 2.5 hours but my hopes ain’t exactly high and good god it is hot


I appreciate it.

Thanks a lot.


Power outages in the summer are the worst. We used to have brownouts so much I bought a hand fan. I found standing in the tub with cold water really helped though.

Soon! ™


The good news is that the estimated repair time actually got shorter so perhaps my relentless cynicism will be proven wrong! Mostly I am just frustrated with the company involved since they seem to turn things off instead of trying to fix their infrastructure after they finally admitted some fault in the bad wildfires a whole back. There was a bad windstorm last year and I think we were without power for 4-5 days but I don’t 100% recall.

All that said, I don’t have AC anyway so all I’m really missing is the fans running, kind of feel worse for the people who had AC going and now it’s gone. Mostly I’m just bored out of my mind


I’ve been with my family since things starting shutting down in the U.S. I was laid off at the start of it all (was working in the theater industry and that’s… vaporized, for the time being) and it’s really hard to even conceive of what my future will look like when the future as a concept right now is so impossible. My lease is up in November where I was previous to all this mess, so my current options now are either finding a new full-time something that will allow me to go back or toss all of my things in storage and continue hunkering with my family until things get more under control.

I feel like all the ambition I had in the past became dust overnight :disappointed_relieved: But I have a roof over my head and this is the longest time I’ve spent with my fam in years so I’m trying not to take it for granted. And I get to be with my senior German Shepherd! But time keeps passing and being in suspended animation? Feels bad, y’all.

On the positive side, it’s because the world imploded that I rejoined WoW, started RPing in-game, am slowly getting to know people (I hope to continue that! Friendship, please!), etc. Fleshing out character ideas makes me feel like I’m exercising some of my creative muscles.


Likewise. I hope Shadowlands rekindles your love of WoW, Saria :frowning:


My druid here is just faction neutral for the most part because of this :pensive: She’s disillusioned enough.


… so I installed WoW and the PTR today. I haven’t played BFA since before 8.1 came out so I have plenty to catch up on. I’m a little surprised at the things that are missing from the customization options but it is really nice to see characters closer to how they should look. The mystery of the disappearing eyebrows is solved!

I don’t think I’ll be able to get back to RP or pick up SLs right away just based on my schedule but it’s good to get distracted in someone else’s world for a while.

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State of Urg is sad

Urg know he smart, but nobody believe Urg.

Urg also lonely. Urg wish he had queen to simp for.


Haven’t gone out in months now and the stress is starting to pile up.
I just want to get back to my photography, but the kind I do requires me to be with another person so that’s out the window until there’s a vaccine.

Started putting more time into WoW, and while things were going good, I finally got the first chance in forever to try for Gladiator… and we crashed and burned and just can’t find a healer on Alliance. We try with somebody less experienced, and it just… goes really badly. Tanking from 2200 voiceless MMR down to 1900 was beyond painful.
It’s 100% possible to recover from that… except every single healer we know - every single one - is Horde.

I don’t want to go Horde.
I don’t want to leave my friends and guild for a push that’d fail like in S15.
I got so excited only for things to crash because of faction imbalance, and I’m just so tired of being excited for anything only for it to turn out like this. It’s not just WoW, but… everything.

I’m probably just going to take a break if I can or something, maybe only log in for raid, and go play something else. And if it’s this bad in Shadowlands, I think I’m done until they address this.


There’s a 10-inch snake just chilling out in my kitchen

so the state of Sairelle is pretty much apocalyptic at the moment


So, after reading a lot of stories involving demi-gods, i came to one conclusion for my super hero novel.

I’m going to make an attempt at having a redemption arc for a Demi-god of Ares, given most things Ares are shown in a very understandably negative light (and is in the novel too, since lore wise part of the reason I have it that neither Greek or Norse gods have dominion in the Americas is because Ares and Thor decided to 1v1 about it once during the Seven Years War)

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Do you know what kind of snake?

It is pretty dark with a white underside and no obvious pattern, so I think it is just a juvenile garter snake and not one of the venomous breeds in my area.

But I guess it just lives here now.