The State of You

So, update. Doing better now. Felt an urge to pop open one of my other writing projects I started just because of how bonkers the general concept is.

Basically, British Colonialism in a world where it was Eastern Rome who fell instead of Western Rome and the land mass in question has no human natives (logic for this is that there simply was no bearing straight land bridge type thing in this world to the land mass) but there are in fact dinosaurs on it.

Also, apologies to the Anglosphere people of the internet. The British type nation in this world uses blue coats over red coats.


My lungs are finally mostly healed after a “mystery illness” back in March.
My friends have noted I’m pretty much not coughing anymore, and I can speak for longer periods of time. Finally able to properly host premades with voice again, and I’m dabbling in arenas finally because I can make calls. (…although LFG pugs refuse to get into voice, so… eh.)

Got some cult RP going on my RP main alongside some personal character progression with his family over Discord.

Covid utterly destroyed my prospect of photography lessons and shadowing this year, so I’m just sort of working part time and getting through the day as best I can playing games until there’s a vaccine or something. Cases are spiking here again, but I’m holding out hope what made me so ill was the rona’ so I won’t get sick again.

Hours were cut, but I’m healthier now with the cut so it’s not a huge deal.

Also, collecting WoW TCG cards again and it’s a mild obsession. Sorting them’s become an anti-anxiety/stimming thing for me. It’s nice to have hobbies away from the computer again.


That’s it, now you’ve ruined my suspension of disbelief.


I’m starting to feel… not to put too fine a point on it, but brittle.

I’m a big tough gal. I’ve been a volunteer firefighter/EMT for most of my adult life. I’m just starting to get tired. There’s a lot I wish I could talk about. There’s a lot of people who I wish yelling at would do any good. I’m tired of wearing my N95 for every call. I dread the day when I have to pull on full PPE before starting CPR. We’re down to about half strength at my department between life and the plague, so I’m also tired of being on high alert. I hate being afraid of where the next trouble spot will be, and praying it won’t be the assisted living home. I’m damn tired, which isn’t my usual style.

I work as a brewer for a small health food store for my day job (but it’s small enough so that I do everything else too), and I’m tired of people being boneheads and coming with huge families from out of town and not wearing masks and clogging the doorway and scaring the regulars and my boss is all MAH FREEDOMS so I can’t even give those nitwits a piece of my mind and…


So to deal with all that, I’m trying to give myself a break a bit. Making sure I get my excercise in, clean the house, and do something to better my mind every day. Letting myself get away with a second beer now and again. And just plain goofing off in WoW. I stopped grinding Anyaka’s cloak up. The gear treadmill was not bringing me joy.

Instead I’m leveling a truly stupid amount of alts. If I ever do get to a point in WoW where I feel like competitive play again (or RP), I’ll have OPTIONS.


Yeah that’s me too. I’m afraid I’ll have my account maxed on alts before I get to try the new Shadowlands leveling system.

It’s a mess out there but I believe in you.


I’m in Western Australia myself. We’ve done decently well in the pandemic, but I’m a bit introverted anyway. I’ve been trying to help out others, support overseas friends, giving them stuff like DnD to look forward to.


My wife and I got tested for COVID and the results came back negative. Which is a relief, because of my diabetes I was at high risk.

For the first time in a while I walked outside and just marveled at how beautiful it is… How glad I was that I was still alive.

I’m come off of paid leave for work Monday.


I suppose there’s a certain irony in this as a plague doctor, as I’ve come to discover that one of my co-workers has fallen ill and was ordered to be tested for Covid-19. The next few days should see some sort of test result, though with the wearing of masks on the job I suspect the chances of transmission are minimal if it should turn out positive. I’m not going to worry until such time as I need to be worried.

One reality that must be faced is that in America, Covid-19 has been vastly underestimated, and by my assessment, year’s end will see over a quarter-million dead tallied. It’s like nothing I ever thought I’d see in a half-century.


Back to work for me, but we’ve had to force a hundred or so staff to isolate for another week without pay because of the insanity at the site.

And because of the madness on the eastern coast of Australia, and how people are starting to hoard again because of panic-buying due to irresponsible idiots on the radio and syndicated channels going for the panic button to make people listen to them, we’re going back to the 14-hour shift model again to meet demand.

I’d very much like to just grab the hoarders, the scalpers, the corvid-deniers, the anti-maskers and every politician and bean-counter who decided to open up early, just shove them all onto a desert island and see how long they last without the rest of society to serve as a buffer for their stupidity.


No, no no. That is wrong…

Swimming competitions in Northern Australia in the lakes, rivers and swamps while wearing blood soaked clothes.

We don’t have enough sharks and salties to make that work.

Just borrow some from Indonesia, India and Thailand. Don’t think they’ll mind you taking freaking dinosaurs off their hands.

I have been gone recently in terms of playing different games than WoW.

Age of Empires 2 has a Strong Hold on me. Used to be Minecraft but now Age of Empires 2, and etc.

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I know most people don’t care about PvP, but I just got 2k again for the first time in over a year after being terrified of using LFG to find partners.

And we did it without voice.

100% the confidence boost I needed with everything that’s been going on.


Yay! Most of my toons are at least tangentially related to you.

…Except for the healers who are underleveled because it turns out healers aren’t spam DPS and anyway I have no idea what I’m doing.

The other thing I’ve been disengaging from this past few months that I feel about is pride. For the record, I’m flamingly asexual and my relationship with my husband is a complicated relationship with a demisexual that requires a lot of negotiation and communication to be healthy (like it is). We both work at businesses flying flags, but I’m giving myself a step back from explaining it this year. Which I probably shouldn’t, but … Y’all know.


I’m okay. Been playing on this server for a while since Argent Dawn EU has slowed down a little. I feel a little awful, tbh. Life’s just gone real slow for me and I hate it. i feel like I haven’t achieved anything.


You didn’t let anyone down. There is no reason to feel guilty. Taking care of yourself is the most important thing.


I turned 35 a few days ago and I’m just…depressed about everything. The whole getting older thing has sucked for a while now, and this is the first time in 9 years that I haven’t had SDCC to at least distract and cheer me up a bit.

I’m trying really hard to cope with the quarantine blues but it’s struggle. My living situation is hell on earth and I can’t do anything about it. I pay only $600 a month for a room in a super expensive area; renting from anyone else would cost an arm and a leg, and my paycheck got slashed by a third last month.

I just want to go to a cabin in the middle of nowhere until a vaccine comes out. :confused:


So, I ran by the previously mentioned scenario to a beta reader of mine who is a Londoner.

I asked them “Would it make much sense for this world’s British type nation to be strongly opposed to the world’s Still Standing Western Rome type nation?”

He typed this back

“We will shake our fists at them on the land and sea. We shall shake our fist at them in the fields, and in the streets, and in the hills. Never shall we not shake our fists at a large land power that dominates the continent only a channel crossing of cold water from us!”

He said bonus points if the relationship between the two has a China-Taiwan aspect to it using the basis of, like irl, the Western Rome of this world previously owned the island nation in question.

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In the moment, right now?

I’m immensely frustrated.

I’m trying to make some costume props with LEDs- something I’ve never done before, and I spent the better part of 5 hours today trying to get the code to give me a basic rainbow cycle in red. I’ve followed like… every tutorial I can find, including KamuiCosplay, yet nothing is behaving how I want or need it to. I finally threw in the towel for tonight because I’m just done battling Arduino and all this junk.

I’m also talking with my manager tomorrow at work because I want a promotion I’ve been waiting to make forward progress on, and we’re discussing my IDP tomorrow and I’m honestly not super optimistic that I’ll get good news or even specific answers for improvement. So I may end up looking for another job if that’s the case.

Frustration all around! \o/