The State of You

Honestly? Homicidal.

Work may be cancelled for 21 days because our new Cleaning Team has … some spectacular idiots in it who, despite being Australians, are the most idiotic Pro-Trump people I’ve ever had to deal with.

Literally parroting everything the idiot says, especially his Corvid nonsense.

We don’t have to wear a mask.

It’s just a bad flu.

Cops did nothing wrong.

The works.

I make it a point to ensure they get the absolute worst jobs on site as a form of both punishment for them and to try and keep the spirits up of the rest of the crew, most of whom are tiiiiiiiny little korean and chinese ladies who are, understandably, quite upset that these redneck morons treating all of this with such cavalier recklessness and abusive behaviour to the ‘help’.

Things reached a peak this friday when, due to the rise of Corvid in Victoria due to some honestly pants-on-head level decision making, we’ve seen the biggest spike Australia has seen since this started, and now every state has re-entered lockdown along with some new regulations on the virus. If you even so much as have a blocked throat or a fever, you’re to go to a testing site, then isolate for the 3-4 days it takes for the results to come through before you’re even allowed to consider going back to work. You’re tested for fever and cold-like symptoms before coming onto the site, and you have to sign a waiver before entry that you are free of any sickness or injury before coming in.

Five of these in-bred oxygen thieves decided to sneak in through the back fire escape because having a temperature-measuring tool applied to their foreheads was a violation of their rights, and all five of them were coughing and spluttering like old engines, refused to wear their face-masks and, because they needed to show us that there was nothing to worry about, were spitting into the milk cartons at work to prove it was ‘just a flu virus’.

I only learned the last part from the site overseer who has been texting everyone who came to the site last night that if we’ve had anything involving milk from the work fridge, we need to not only get tested for corvid, but potentially STDs since one of the scumbags also has cold-sores.

I’ve never been so glad I left my coffee cup at home to be washed.

So the site might be closed down for 21 days, putting over 300 people out of work, unpaid, and the five idiots? Only the two who were spitting into the milk cartons are being fired, the Misc Workers Union decided that this was their hill to die on and has apparently jumped in to defend them, although we’ll see if they’re still willing to defend these clods after they get the full story and not just jumping on the chance to fight ‘the man’, as our local Union heads are exactly the kind of dingleberries who’d teabag a vat of sulphuric acid if a non-union member told them not to.

Can 2020 just either stop, or stop wasting time and just end the Human race already. Please. Just pick one option and stick with it.


You always have the simultaneously best and worst stories. The rest of the internet may think Australia is scary because of its wildlife, but you have me convinced the real reason is the local breed of redneck.

I mean, damn, I grew up around rednecks and I can’t imagine any of the morons I went to high school with behaving like this. And these are not people for whom I have any respect.


I’m out in CO, so I got a lil’ redneck in me, and let me tell ya’. Those ain’t rednecks, those are idijits.

I also work security, and it is our policy to test temperature of every visitor to the site, I can’t force them to stand in front of the scanner (not even a contact thermoneter, simply stand about a foot from a scanner and it says normal or high.

If you refuse, I kick you out of the building.


I also live in the squints at the forum bad word list magical rock crystal capital of the country that’s been stuck in a welfare black hole for the better part of two decades.

I’m dealing with 4th generation welfare bludgers who are honestly mad that the government found them jobs where they’re earning in excess of $27 an hour for a manual-labour night-shift job. These are the same people who have explained to me in gratuitous detail how many children to have to get the maximum benefit from the single-parent pension.

And yet people who are screaming for work and will do anything to put bread on the table can’t get a job for love nor money.

As much as I appreciate our welfare and free health care system down here, we really need to start shooting some of these bogans into the heart of the sun sooner rather than later. You’re supposed to be able to live on welfare, not live off welfare.


Yeah I live in Queensland which is kinda considered the peak redneck state of Australia and I’ve not had to deal with this kind of redneck that much LOL. It’s more ideological from what I’ve seen, the old farmers who say awful things about gay people and the like, though they’re becoming a dying breed. Most people I know are actually taking covid seriously though. Even the old homophobic farmers xD

That said I’m also a teacher in a sorta middle class private school so I’m largely dodging the generational welfare types, who definitely do exist in my area. :man_shrugging:


I recently broke and used my 110 from BFA on a human Hunter, i finally lvled him up only to realize i wanted a rogue, my guild did a giveaway and i got The epic edition for SL for free, so i also got a free lvl 120, which a made a human rogue.

all in all, i got my two classes i really wanted to 120, in less then a week, and now feel empty inside, because i wanted some good Transmogs for my rogue, but nothing looks amazing honestly. and im enjoying going through the story with my Hunter, but lvling argussian reach for void elves, and lvling operation shield wall for the new modeled Griffion is taking way to much out of my time before work.


I know I know, MG player, but these types of posts are nice and I never see them on the MG forums ;_;

Overall my 2020 experience is going…well, I guess. Can’t complain too much, despite everything going on. From the start of this year until this month I made very slow progress on things I needed done…right up until the middle of July when everything happened at once.

After foundering for six years I’ve finally completed college, I worked up the courage to come out to my parents…to mixed but not unexpected results…finally got an appointment set up for gender affirming care after months of waitlists to get on waitlists (who coulda thought Alabama isn’t the best place for LGBT healthcare ;_;), and now I am getting ready to move out of my parents’ place and start my first desk job in the next two weeks (though the firm I’ll be working at seems awfully lax in terms of Covid…)

This time last year I was low key borderline…well not to mince words but I had my fair share of suicidal thoughts. I’ve now come through it and am in a very good headspace and have been for some time now. I took an extended break from WoW due to insane drama last year and spent that time getting better and improving myself mentally and physically…and I’ve honestly haven’t felt more content I guess in almost a decade. No wild swings, no dreading the future (beyond normal anxiety of starting a new job and moving), just all around a solid mental state.

Not that it’s been all sunshine and rainbows, over the course of the pandemic so many people I grew up respecting - both family and friends - have shown their true colors. The sheer amount of raw hatred I’ve seen coming from my extended family directed at people they claim to love solely because they dared saying that the virus is real is disgusting. While I haven’t lost anyone literally to the virus, outside of my immediate family, Covid has cost me so many family members that it almost drives me to tears. They have said - and still say - such horrible and evil things that there is no way in hell I can ever associate with them again.

Also Covid murdered my fitness goals. But that is a temporary setback, nothing more.

Double also some bastard ran a stop sign and wrecked my car last bloody November, and I still haven’t gotten it back yet because Covid shut down the shop it was getting fixed at. Little miffed about that.

Damn, this was much longer than it should have been, though it felt nice to get it all off my chest XD


I’m just really tired.

The exhaustion of working in this heat in a warehouse leaves me a drained and dehydrated walnut.
Plus the sheer frustration of not wanting to yell at people for not wearing their masks properly (we work in a place with about 100+ people every shift) kind of grates on me.

Weather’s taken a turn for the better with a huge cold front meaning the warehouse will suck a lot less.
And I RP as a bartender at a love hotel on Monday nights in FFXIV, so that’s nice.


Just playin’, you post whenever you want! :slight_smile:


Mentally? Not good.
Physically? Not good.
World of Warcraft-ly? Pretty good.


I’ve been toy hunting in pandaria and have been managing at least two toy drops a day, I also recently got the updated wyvern mount models from decimating Kassarang Wilds’ ecosystem, so I’m very content right now.


It’s hard to express just how frustrating things are right now. Work-life is awful and miserable, surrounded constantly by abusive trash, and home-life is… only marginally better, asides from my rent going up to match the new job, meaning I don’t actually make more money anymore than I previously did despite getting treated like trash all day by people who would probably only act sad briefly if I got sick and died because of their disinterest in the welfare of others.

So, y’know. I guess if I just disappear one day, they finally killed me.



Honestly, now in a pretty foul mood.

Owner of the restraunt I work at recently had to close down the lobby because some animalistic idiot decided throwing a violent trantrum at one of our waitress’s was a great idea when he was told to wear a mask. Now, officially, our restraunt has no bouncers, but the cooks in this scenario, as stated by the manager “Are permitted to use force to ‘escort’ problem customers out if they are being an issue.”

So, as the cook who got to work that day, I had all the joy of having to chicken wing some dumb redneck and explain a maga hat and misplaced zeal doesn’t mean you can fight well.

After that the mongrel decided to try crying at the cops like I had assaulted them without cause. The only silver lining for this is that the cop who came to handle the situation is a personal friend of mine and was taking about as much of their crap as everyone in the store, and took the person into custody after reviewing the footage.

So, that was my Yesterday that has put me in a relatively grumpy mood. “Very Fine People” indeed.


I’ve been drinking a lot of switchel to counteract the hot weather. It has that refreshing sweet-and-sour quality that lemonade has, only all of the ingredients are shelf-stable and easy to find in bulk (cider vinegar, honey, ground ginger). Makes a good Arnold Palmer, too.


Switchel? I have never heard of this but it sounds splendid. That’s a recipe to google!

better news i started working on my original fiction again this morning

trying to get myself out of my rut that ive been


I used this one (which also lists a few variations):


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I live in Japan and the 2nd wave of Covid-19 just started. Japanese government aren’t handling it well which is not that surprising.
I used to hangout with my mates every Saturday night but not anymore until this pandemic is over I guess.:roll_eyes:
And been getting a lot of friends who wants to talk about their relationship and other stuff to me. Some of them want some advice, some wants just someone to talk to and etc.
I love all of my friends most of them are like family to me but sometimes these trouble that my friends has can be really tiring. Especially when I have to actually get in the middle of a argument and such.

But at least I’ve got a date this comming Tuesday with a girl who’s kind of a co-worker.
I’ve only met her twice but she’s a really intersting person. She’s Japanese but her perspective are not like Japanese (Don’t take it as a wrong way hehe).

Anyways wish me luck.


