It definitely was for my mage, who gets dismounted if you even look at him. Most of my toons I just roll tank if possible, for world content.
Your huge gripe is flying… yet you are overjoyed about a game without flying.
You gripe about getting dismounted and killed because you cant take a minute to kill 10 mobs. You have an option to NOT get dismounted by switching out mount gear from a largely useless choice (water walking) for Shadowlands. but you just dont want to.
You gripe about being led like a donkey by “systems” for what , 7 years now? …and then go on to state your sub is ending and you wont be back “for months probably”.
Dang, I wish I had more unsatisfied customers like you!
Really, so this daze 4/5 times is just a cloth armor problem? Whose great idea was that?
A while ago I was really getting irritated with being dazed and dismounted on an alt, I knew what I wanted to do and had limited time to do it and being dazed, dismounted, and killed was starting to drive me nuts. This was on my priest. So I did some research and realized there are a lot of hidden mechanics and such under the hood. This is from a wiki page but as far as I know it’s all accurate:
All mob creatures have a chance to daze on each melee hit, ranging from 0% to a maximum 40%. Chance to daze is a function of player level, creature weapon skill and player base defense skill. A creature’s weapon skill is its level times 5. For example, a level 70 creature has an attack skill of 350. A player’s base defense skill is capped at his level times 5, and can be increased through some class talents and gear or other enhancements that have defense rating.
Base chance to daze is 20% given that the mob weapon skill and player defense skill are equal. As the player’s defense skill increases relative to the mob’s weapon skill, chance to daze decreases to a minimum of zero. As defense skill decreases relative to weapon skill, chance to daze increases to a maximum of 40%. This effectively makes chance to daze a function of level difference - mobs that are below a player’s level have less chance to daze, while mobs above his level have a higher chance, with equal level mobs having the base 20% chance.
The base chance of 20% is decreased for players under level 30. As a given example, a level 10 player running from a level 10 mob will only have a 7% chance to be dazed.
The daze check uses a player’s total defense skill rather than base defense skill, meaning players with high defense rating from equipment, such as tanks, have a lower chance of being dazed. This means tanks will have an easier time repositioning mobs in instances without being repeatedly dazed.
A player can only be dazed from behind and within melee range of the attacking mob. This is most common when running away from it, but it can also happen while standing still if the mob approaches from behind, or when backing up if the mob overshoots you while following you. Due to server latency, it can sometimes appear that a mob has dazed from a long distance, or in front of the player.
I know it’s kind of a lot to read but it gives you a better understanding. Yes, clothies are affected more than any other character. And whoever implemented it, is just a big ol’ meanie.
Are you pretending not to be aware of this or just blatantly lieing about it? All you have to do is play the game, whether 1 person argues yes or no changes nothing, it is as it is, just go play it and enjoy .
This is telling, if you clearly have no knowledge about time gating getting worse over time it tells us that you obviously haven’t been there playing the game for the full duration and therefore your understanding of the evolution of the game is limited.
Nice try, You clearly understood what you were trying to do here and you thought you were gonna get away with it? Those other games never had flight in them to start with and then had it removed after years of it being there, never received a massive backlash from the community for it, and also while forcing people who want to play to have to pay the exact same price for a degrade to their gaming experience.
Everything I stated stands unchanged, my position won’t be changing. To all of those people who chose to behave aggressively and attack me and then lie and cover up to save face -
Thank you.