The State of the Blood Elf Zones

So, with the Nightborne becoming an allied race for the Horde, and presumably now living with the Blood Elves and integrating their people into the Blood Elven community. I believe it’s high time that all the Blood Elf zones, including Silvermoon City, get a graphics and cultural update so that the theme fits both races.

These Blood Elf zones have been relatively untouched aside from a few quest changes and additions since The Burning Crusade released around 14 or so years ago. This is a topic that I touched on within this community before, and it got a good amount of support in the past. I simply believe that it’s sad and sorry that blizzard has left this place untouched for 14 or so years, to where we still can’t even fly in the place, and it requires a mage portal or an instance portal to go through to even get there.

While flying is one of the more important reasons for an update, the main reason is that the place is severely outdated, both graphically and gameplay wise. With the Pre-Patch event, I’ve seen a lot of players under the ghoul infection kill other players, and that results in a long graveyard run all the way back into the city and where their corpses are. Graphically speaking however, there needs some serious changes to the entire cities structure, design, and organization. Having seen what Suramar City looks like, I believe Silvermoon City can look just as good, if not better than that if Blizzard’s development and art team were allowed to work on it for a while.

While Shadowlands is on the verge of being released, I hardly expect the team to jump right onto this (assuming they even see this topic) immediately. However, I do believe that they should at the very least look at and discuss the possibility of updating this poorly handled zone.

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From a lore standpoint, you would think that certain zones that were once destroyed have at current times gotten repaired and made usable by their people, such as the scar cutting directly through the city having had stone flooring put overtop of it. Or the Ruins of Silvermoon directly next to it been turned into a proper addition to the city. There are some fires in Eversong that are still blazing in the middle of the road just south of Fairbreeze Village, Sunsail Anchorage still has destroyed ships. Surely the teams creative side can come up with new issues for the Blood Elf people to deal with in replacement to the older quests, or could even move some of the older quests to another part of the zone without needing to replace them at all.

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So it’s came to my attention that the Nightborne arent directly living with the Blood Elves as per the lore due to nothing having been said about them doing that. However they still do need to utilize the Sunwell, but to prevent this from becoming a lore-heavy focused argument, I’ll simply say to ignore anything regarding the Nightborne and focus on the Blood Elves and the zones.


this is my guess but i think they are going to rebuild it entirely on the eastern kingdoms map
doing this takes more time and probably an outland to draenor style overhaul


Nah, blight it and send the survivors to the superior city, Suramar.


I think something big will have to happen in Silvermoon gameplay wise before they will even think of “wasting” time on it. I’d love to see both Draenei and Blood Elf areas get updated and added to Azeroth’s server rather than Outland’s.


That’s quite a presumption, which hasn’t been shown in-game at all beyond maybe some RPer headcanon.


That’s just not accurate. The Nightborne still own and live in Suramar, and Lor’themar actually visits Thalyssra there in their short story. They have zero reason to migrate to Silvermoon City and integrate into Sin’dorei society.

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Just Tourists, no real sign of them moving in permanently

Maybe that’s why they’re bringing kael back-- eventual old content makeover.


Making Eversong and Ghostlands flyable shouldn’t be too difficult. As for Silvermoon, keep it non-flyable and put an arcane dome over it like ancient Dalaran.

I can think of few more beautiful zones to fly around than Eversong.

Correct. Just like how every racial city has allied races walking around in them once they’re unlocked.

I would love to see old zones getting an overhaul. We can hope.


Regardless if the Nightborne are with the Blood Elves or not, it doesn’t change the fact that there needs to be some form of change to these untouched areas.

In terms of the headcannon, some people believe this to be true due to the Nightwell being a fel-touched mess and the Shal’dorei needing a way to sate their addiction to magic. Therefore they visit the Sunwell. However, portals exist, so it could go either way.

If they didn’t abandon warfronts as a concept I would have loved to see a battle for Quel’thalas warfront.


Belf zones are fine

They are far from fine. They have been relatively ignored for 14 years compared to the rest of the games zones and it’s very disappointing and sorry. Even if it’s a benefit to only the RPers of the game, it’s still better than just leaving it to continue to become a bug filled, outdated mess for the newly created characters.

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There’s no reason for them to live with the Blood Elves. Suramar is still standing and, lorewise, cleared of demons and issues.

I’m fine with this, but the Nightborne have nothing to do with it. The real problem is that they’re not going to update the BElf zones and not update the Draenei zone, but there’s little reason to update the Draenei zones because the Lightforged are perfectly happy living on their ship.

Unless there is an expansion reason for them to do so, it wont happen. Resources are limited and that amount of effort needs to have a larger payoff than the occasional fresh character being there for 10 levels.

I have sentimental attachment to old zones. I would be sad to see them updated.

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that and exodar/azuremyst needs to quit being a crash site.

Heck, a lot of the old world needs some love, most of it hasn’t been touched since Cata when deathwing touched it.


I’ve always hoped that we’d get a revamped Silvermoon/Azuremyst/Gilneas/Kezan