It’ll likely take new content to be in Silvermoon for it to be redone.
The demons and fel may have been cleansed from the city, however it took the heart of a Naaru to fix the Sunwell of all it’s problems regarding the Fel. The Nightwell is thoroughly a mess last I checked, unless they find some similar way to cleanse the Nightwells waters they’ll need to occasionally head to the Sunwell to sate their addiction to magic. While this might not require them to physically ‘live’ in Quel’thalas, they still need to head there on occasion probably via portal. Still, the place needs change, even if the Nightborne are not involved.
As far as the Draenei zone goes, I agree that there should be some major changes regarding that.
I believe that the Nightwell is just flat out gone. The Nightborne were cured of their addiction by the fruit of the Arcan’dor. They don’t need the Sunwell or the Nightwell.
I can’t see a good reason why they would need to leave Suramar.
Yeah I wouldn’t mind some upgrades there, though. I wouldn’t mind upgrades for both placse, I’m only saying the Nightborne don’t need to live in Quel’thalas (not challenging the request for updates).
Yes … The Blood elves could move to Suramar and leave Silvermoon to the Void elves .
Nope, not happening. You’ll have to build your own city on the space rock.
Won’t happen because too much work.
The blood elf and draenei starting zones are going to be stuck in time until Blizzard gets off their butts.
A revamp would be great, but I do hope that the questing of Eversong and Ghostlands doesn’t get “modernized” too much in the process. Some cleanup is ok, but I really enjoy leveling new alts there because of how “zen” the experience is, with the lack of pop-up talking heads, vehicles, voiced lines, etc. The more bare bones questing really makes the zones themselves the star.
At the very least, integrating Quel’Thelas into Eastern Kingdoms will require them to move either Stratholme or Deatholme, because they occupy the same space. I have an older post here with more details, including pictures:
The only way I want a silvermoon revamp is if we’re blowing it up with mana bombs.
It should be revamped, show it destroyed by Void mages. We shall have Silvermoon , even if it’s by force!
It’ll likely be another 13 years before anything is done. So you’ll likely get nothing. Even then, Alliance. So you’ll win out of game or something, but then still get nothing.
A part of me likes having an untouched window into the past.
I’d love for them to touch it all up and bring it up to snuff, but i do enjoy the questing as it is.
I have no idea if Silvermoon City is going to be rebuilt. I believe that the Blood Elf starting areas are instanced like a dungeon is. There is no player flying and all the buildings do not have tops on them. There are areas where you can go to and there is no content…just empty space you can run around in. Its one of those places where if you get caught by a GM in there, you get a spanking for it.
I believe Ghostlands is also part of it because when you leave that area you pass thru a portal just like a dungeon has in Deadwinds Pass. You have to use a portal to go anywhere else after you finish leveling there. There are portals inside Silvermoon City,
Anyway I leveled a couple of Blood Elfs in those zones and everything seemed normal.
at this point, they might as well wait until they start going 8k unless they already have.
I’ve been seeing a lot of mixed feelings regarding this post. Saying that the old TBC starting zones hold sentimental value and is one of the last remaining things we’ll have of old WoW (Despite WoW classic being a thing, we’ll probably get TBC Classic eventually as well). But, an idea to remedy this, even if it’s lore breaking, is to just have one of the Bronze Time Masters somewhere in the updated Quel’thalas region that gives you the option to ‘go back in time’ and see it for what it was.