The state of tanking. (Thanks to everyone who responded!)

No, WoW is not a single player game. You are welcome to read over the other responses if you would like to see what solutions have been presented. Have a good one!

No the solution to your problem is to play a single player game because you expect random strangers to bend over backwards to accommodate you.

OP, not your problem or fault. If people have become so impatient that they can’t wait sub 30 seconds for someone to herb a corpse then it’s a them issue and not a you issue.

ITT people losing their minds because they can’t fathom being considerate players.


We’re going to need either a 3 part apology or a pound of flesh. Both probably.

HOnestly, I wouldn’t consider waiting 10 seconds to be “bending over backwards”. I have learned from this interaction and will apply recently acquired knowledge to my runs in the future.

There really is no need for you to be so unkind. Whatever is making you cranky, I hope it resolves quickly so you can find a happier place in life.

I appreciate your response, thank you. It does sadden me to see that so many people would prefer to rush through and not enjoy the game while they can. I understand wanting to dungeon spam, as it’s something I’ve done in the past. Though, this approach has no soul, it does make for an efficient grind. Sadly, because we rushed through that particular instance, I don’t actually even know the name of it or hwo to go through properly as we took “shortcuts”. I hope the next run in that dungeon goes a bit better.

I hope you have a lovely day!

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It’s not unkind to tell you that thinking you are entitled to 4 peoples time is in fact entitled.

I hope you learn to treat others with kindness in future interactions.

I hope you learn that you aren’t more important than the rest of the group because you feel entitled to 12 year old useless herbs.

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I do understand the speed run mentality, and wont fault people for playing as they wish. However it saddens me to see that the game has reached a point where someone taking 5 seconds to herb a corpse is considered “entitlement” and “wasting others time”.

Hope your future runs are smoother and friendlier!


Those are almost always not worth the time. Better off just farming outside dungeons.

Most of us are way past the exploration stage of the expansion.

For real. I am quite boggled by this statement.

It is time I discontinue replying here, though. Thank you for your time and best wishes.


There is no such feature for leveling called timewalkers. There is chromie time and then endgame timewalking. And the game is not copy and paste of your one dungeon. No changes need made as none would work anyways since this is the case of " all people are different and you found someone that didn’t like you, and you didn’t like them"

Your main problem is you stopping to garb herb. You are the tank if you stop then everyone have to wait for you. Simple at that. Don’t gather herb, skin leather or mine ores during a dungeon run. Is the most annoying thing to do. Is not as bad if you are a dps but as a tank you are wasting everyone time.

Herb in the open world when you are alone.

there are strange toxic animals that kick you just for fun. i see it often in europe. there are messages like “lulz” or “isdsdk”.

i donno if its better on us. but i never saw so many disgusting scum in one game.

Unfortunately that’s what it has become, a speed run to level 70. I created a new tank character the other night and there’s no time to even look at the map to make sure I’m going the right way… There’s too many dungeons to memorize since it’s always random and people expect you to know all of them.

We don’t know if that’s why they were kicked.they have changed their story twice now so something is a lie who knows what else.

You can’t get mad at someone for playing the game just because it’s not the way you play. It’s not like he was trolling them. Some dungeons are really good for leveling professions.


Nota single dungeon in old expanse current are good for leveling prof unless legacy and u lvl cap 1 tap farm for mine nodes in tbc ones

And throwing yourself into the thick of it is the only way one learns how to tank.



Most people have been playing wow for the better part of their life now, that is why when they are doing something like leveling a character they just want the grind done asap and aren’t there to teach tanks/care about the dungeon at all.

Everyone else is there to level alts, they are concerned about exp/hr, not picking herbs and soaking in the experience.