The state of tanking. (Thanks to everyone who responded!)

I’m honestly incredibly confused about what content OP was even doing, since they say they weren’t doing “timewalkers,” but I also am not going to scroll through the hundred messages I haven’t read to find out.

This is also false I’m going on. My 144th 70 and 130th from scratch this expax alone. On the road to 480 70 and I seldom see rushers in lvling dungeons maybe one or 2 runs inan entire 10-70 slog so it’s not common the be so dramatic it wardens la eling everyone as rushing

That’s fine and it is a group activity so if the group all agree to kick OP for wasting time to go herb they can have the freedom to do that as well.

Remember dungeons requires 5 people and if 4 other people don’t like it then well OP can stop geathering herb or be kick or join a group that allow him to herb.

Also OP said this is a leveling dungeon meaning is useless to level any profession unless is DF profession so OP is not only wasting his time but 4 others time for something is uesless.

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A. He said he was a tank learning
B. There’s no reason he should have to watch a youtube video on how to tank the dungeon on timewalking WOTLK instead of just going through it and learning it like EVERY other video game
C. Whyre you defending people who’re trigger happy to kick people because they’re levelling there 10,000th alt?

People like you are the reason people hate to level in dungeons these days, why there is a lack of tanks and healers. They hate running with people like you and being unable to learn the class fully because every dps wants to kick them because they aren’t familiar with every dungeon in the game.
Fuggin cringe man.


Seeing the posts on here is the reason why people consider WoW the most toxic MMO and why I tell people who are interested in playing MMOs to stay the hell away from WoW, cause it doesn’t get any better at end game.

And then people wonder why new players don’t stick around…


If you weren’t supposed to gather during a dungeon, they wouldn’t be putting gatherable mob corpses into the dungeons. The amount of people in this thread unironically blaming OP for utilizing a literal feature of the game and content that is legitimately relevant to his profession, potential goldmaking, etc. is ludicrous

You literally have M+ made specifically towards your style if you are the ones mad about gathering or not speedrunning a fricken casual difficulty dungeon (timewalking doesn’t make any difference that it’s just Heroic with a different dungeon rotation), what makes you think you have the right to force your preferred M+ style gameplay into content that isn’t M+? M+ players act just as salty when someone does the opposite and argues for certain M+ elements to be watered down, timers removed, each boss should still drop loot, etc. etc. are you just not self-aware about how hypocritical this is?


I think I should make this part of the OP bold lol

Yes, but what normal dungeon?

Normal dungeons are whatever dungeons they have under the chromie time they chose.

I don’t actually know the name of it :frowning: It was the one with books that turn you into flying books to get from point A to point B. Honesltly, there were only a couple of gatherable mobs so it’s not like it was a persistent thing. Altogether, it maybe took 30 seconds to gather from them.

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That’s Azure Vault.

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Ah okay, you did Azure Vaults. I didn’t know there even was herbalism there. I understand the situation more now.

The plants at the start, they can be herbed for scraps.

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people hardly are rushing so can’t paint everyone as same brush over what might be a fake story posted on forums. Why is it someone that only ran something one time or lvlEd one toon are ones claiming tanks healers are never inque or everyone rushes? Why is it people like me that non stop level almost never see these things but once in awhile? Must be some sorta word for this idk like between common and rare some word in middle of those 2

Yeah it’s the tree mobs you run into leading up to the 1st boss, they’re all gatherable for herbalism

Because fact is, the overwhelming majority of players who are running normal/heroic dungeons at this point in the expac are all alts of people that have run them 10000 times, like probably 90+% of them. Just because you aren’t seeing them doesn’t mean they do not exist though, and in the end N/H is chill learning/levelling content and if someone especially the person who happens to be the tank is taking their time for whatever reason they shouldn’t be punished for it, it’s not like this person got into a +15 key after the timer already started and went “ok so what are the mechanics here?”

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I never gather in dungeons.

Pugs are too impatient for that

Unless it’s a BC dungeon with a big fat khorium node :moneybag:

Thank you! I will look up a map of this one so I know where to go in the future.

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Azure Vault is linear, just go forward.

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Got it lol it is cool turning into a book tho!

Yeah it is. I like the aesthetics of all the dungeons this expansion, except Uldaman cause it’s a remake. My favorite is Halls of Infusion.

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