The state of tanking. (Thanks to everyone who responded!)

People that want to speed run anything other than mythic plus is just sad. Like the elitism of wanting to run dungeons like they are doing world first raiding is about as annoying as anyone thinking picking herbs is.

Now the OP isn’t talking about this happening in TW but I stopped doing TW after I got the Inifinite Timereaver because of how awful people were when I asked to do the extra bosses for a chance at the mount. Especially when my brother would tank and do the extra bosses. The complaining was pathetic.

Get over your egos of I’m the most important person/people that needs to get the guiness book of world records for fastest TW Normal or Heroic.

Case in point its easier to be toxic than nice.

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I hate to be part of the crowd ganging up on the OP but Tank is one of those roles that is expected to be more of the leader.

When your running off to grab herbs, asking what to to, and asking about mechanics people are going to get annoyed. Especially at this point in the xpac and season where we have been doing these dungeons almost every 2 years or so.

That doesn’t justify kicking someone from a normal dungeon for it, it’s friggin normal. Most decently geared DPS can tank it at this point.

But yeah, I wouldn’t queue tank until you know the routes and mechanics better. Honestly that’s why I stopped tanking. I can’t keep up with all this nonsense xD


You almost got me…thought you were being serious for a second.

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Wow, it’s amazing how many dou…er people are ganging up on the OP for not knowing a dungeon, like no one ever had a 1st time, you guys need to stop being so hypocritical and show a bit a sympathy for a noob!

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No, they’re going to tell you it’s because the herbing slows it down. And I suppose I’m not really going to justify that either, it’s pretty rude. And this justifies a vote kick. But personally I do have room for a few millisecond herb picking forays just to avoid vote kicking someone and chasing down a new tank, apparently the rest of this illustrious gallery is more strapped for time than I am playing WoW.

A decade ago when it was common to need to eat or drink after every pull yes
And it would take upwards of an hour to do a normal dungeon

WotLK is where this changed when LFD was introduced and folks got used to going faster and faster and with more well geared tanks, healers, and dps, and so on

Sorry but one cannot use ancient design to try to justify a mentality that isn’t applicable or remotely compatible with modern thinking, logic, and reasoning

Yah’, and others have been doing WotLK dungeons for over a DECADE
It ain’t “We gotta speed run everything” but its “I have seen this place thousands of time already, let’s get a move on to other things”

Like it or not, but that’s the mentality most people have - whether it is gaming related or not, if you have been doing something for over a decade … folks aren’t going to want to be slow and the like

No one does that anymore because its pointless to do in dungeons, and if you are the tank as others have pointed out … this slows it down even more

Generally speaking folks are helpful as long as you are respectful towards them and to a lot of people, whether one think it is a good reasoning or not, would probably think you were disrespectful towards their time

Do I agree with it? Irrelevant even if I’m going to go with a no (as I don’t think you were neccessarily disrespectful) … but with the stuff I have seen in-game as to what folks do in low-level dungeons … I 100% think they probably thought you were there to ruin their fun by not allowing them to do as many dungeons as quickly as they wanted

They are posting on a level 70 character
If one wants to go out and learn how to tank, they know that they can just go out into the world and pull a bunch of stuff to figure out what their abilities do because they have been doing that for 70 levels already, on a character that can tank, heal, and dps both in melee and ranged

I will always defend everyone’s ability to learn the game … but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you should be learning stuff at all times at any location, as many times that will just be provocative towards others and make their experience of the game significantly worse as well

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Working as intended. This is what blizzard wants.

u were wasting peoples time by herbing. in fact you are wasting your own time by herbing in leveling content.

U also made the mistake of saying you are new on top of wasting groups time. Multiple negative impression, what did u expect

This mentality is the problem.

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Stopping for herbs, especially if you are the tank, is really annoying because you’re holding up the group. It’s just as annoying as a tank skinning every last thing for mats.

Not being there before or asking about mechanics is fine. Wouldn’t kick a tank for that unless they somehow wipe the group several times.

I guess it was my bad that I was communicating with the team I was put with so they are aware of the situation in case anything went wrong. :+1:

Now I know that the mentality is “don’t stop, run, run, grind, grind, grind, end, yay”

I am grateful to know there are people who still want to enjoy the game.

Don’t feel bad, I skin during dungeons and have never been kicked for it.

There are still GOOD people out there…

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Hello? You were the tank and stopped to gather herbs. If you did this just once or so, it’s not an issue but if you keep stopping to herb, people are going to kick you

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That folks who queue for a dungeon want to actually do the dungeon?
From what everything have been saying here, “that” is what you think is a problematic mentality?

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well people cant really enjoy the game if the tank make frequent stops to pick useless herbs.

Btw I assume you are not aware cuz you are a classic player. Professions in previous exp dont carry over anymore. There is literally zero reason to do and level old gathering professions.

I still get lost in some of the older dungeons.

It’s the tik-tok generation my friend. You can see it in the comments too.

How dare you take the 5-10 secs to pick an herb, or ask for best strategies.


The dungeon was still completed in a short timeframe. Taking 10 seconds to gather from mobs that were killed does not waste time.

Edit: I did tell them it wouldn’t be a speed run and that they were free to leave if they weren’t okay with that.

Please go back to the OP and read the first couple lines again. This was in a normal dungeon of the current content.

I guess I am supposed to come pre-programmed to normals lol God forbid I learn from actually playing the content, eh?

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Get them outa here

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