The state of tanking. (Thanks to everyone who responded!)

Im all for people learning on the job so i support your decision to do so.

But… if youre making the whole group go slow and explain mechanics to you… dont take liberties with their time.
You really should not be collecting herbs.
I dont blame them for kicking you tbh

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Sorry bro, yes, that is what the game has become. You see, it has only ever been a replacement for therapy. The morbidly obese, uneducated cartoon hair “people” of the world have found an echo chamber. Now, they can be the bully!!! Muah haha! Take that world! Take that waistline! The only exaltation they feel being the bully now makes Tom Cruise on a couch look tame. People are whack. If they do good at the game… someone else told them how to be good at…well then, they’re doing good in life.
Tell me I’m wrong. Blizzard wanted this. Or they are so incredibly stupid and inept that they couldn’t see this coming. No way it’s the latter. Your brain wouldn’t even be capable of breathing if that were the case.
I’ve seen some sweaty stuff in classic. Nothing like the aforementioned hell.


I’m a pretty patient person but if I had to deal with a tank slowing the group down to herb every few seconds, I wouldn’t hesitate to hit “yes” when the box showed up.


It would really frustrate me if my tank stopped to gather herbs in the middle of a dungeon. I’m not surprised that was met negatively.

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And people wonder why no one wants to tank or heal anymore…

Oh no, they took 3 seconds of your time to pick a plant. The world is ending.

Seriously, this isn’t that big of a deal. Do you also throw a fit when the skinner decides to skin things in a dungeon?

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mate, i got kicked from a tw just coz i asked folks to let me pull trash and i wasnt even going slow, i just wanted to tank lol

I said it would feel frustrating; I didn’t say it was the end of the world.

But no one’s queueing into RDF to stand around doing nothing while a tank levels their gathering.

They didn’t say they were throwing a fit, they said they would find it frustrating. People can be frustrated without showing any outward sign of it. I do it all the time.

And they said they were herbing all the mobs they were killing, which that hallway has a lot of herbable npcs and herbs on the ground.

To me it would be like parking your car down the street from the restaurant you’re trying to go to with your friends but one friend has to stop at every shop and look in the window. I’m hungry, the other three people are hungry, we’re freaking leaving. Have fun window shopping.

The three to four other people aren’t bad people, they’re just hungry/ready to get the dungeon over with.

I have never once been threatened to be booted because I was skinning every mob in a dungeon. And that takes about the same amount of time as gathering does.

Heck, this one was a healer at one point, and yeah, if I see something pickable, I’m gonna pick it. No one’s ever died because I took 3 seconds of my time to pick an herb.

When I’ve played tanks that could mine, I’d go mine something if it was there. No one ever complained.

This “Gogogogo” mentality sounds like it’s breaking things.

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It has always been like. Not sure what game you have been playing but RDF has been like that since it came out. And never run a dungeon without looking at the adventure guide since you know it has everything you need to know about dungeons in it…

Your story aside for a moment, yes, this is what this game has been for quite a while and gets worse every xpac.

I’m not the sort that’ll vocally say something; I actually don’t think most players are, especially in like normal queued dungeons.

That doesn’t mean people weren’t annoyed by it, though.

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I wouldn’t care if you weren’t there before or whatever, normals you basically run in a straight mine and ignore mechanics.

But if you were stopping to herb no thanks. Do that in your own time.

common sense

tanks are involved in all the fights because they are supposed to hold aggro - there isn’t down time for them unless the group wiped.

If tanks go and pick herbs the entire group has to stop.

However, no one can stop them from picking herbs but I would vote to kick a tank that did that too and made everyone else wait. Plus really just go do a flying quest if you need gold so badly - there is no herbs in those dungeons that is going to get you more gold than one world quest.

It’s good to follow along as DPS for awhile, until you learn a dungeon enough to tank it.

It’s okay to skin, herb, & mine - when you are with friends that you know IRL or Guild Mates that want to do the same, it’s not okay in a random dungeon with people you do not know, most wont even stop to get the loot off of trash mobs.

If you don’t want to follow with a DPS, turn off Chromie Time and solo all the old dungeons by yourself, this will get you familiar with the instances.

Learn the quick paths and the short cuts that go from boss to boss to the end fight.
Learn the path that’s going to draw the least attention from the trash mobs.

Be familiar with anything that you need to accomplish in the dungeon to get to the end, or if you can skip it. For example instead of healing the dragon in Ice Crown Citadel, you can run past it to the elevator. & while you can get the rope bridges up in Black Fathom, there are short cuts that skip a lot of the trash and get you to the main fights.

If you solo it all a bunch you’ll know the layouts and be able to lead people through more effectively.

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This is excellent advice and exactly what I do.


People haven’t been cool with gathering in dungeons for a long time. Even DPS will catch grief for it.

Gather on your own time or get kicked - not hard to understand.

Well idk what to tell ya then. I am not gonna be a jerk to some returning player who wants to pick up some herbs just cause i have to run a dungeon 100 times


Sorry that happened, but one group doesn’t mean “is this what the game has become” it’s just one group. Actually I don’t play classic and probably shouldn’t reply. But it seems like classic players might be more likely to assume you know it already since its old content.