The state of tanking. (Thanks to everyone who responded!)

Blizzard easily could have removed that ability if they wanted to. Like they did with neutering my Hunter pets.

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Yes. It’s a sad state. The more the “speed run everything” mentality takes over…the less I play. I used to love dungeons. The ONLY way to combat this is to run with people you know…for new players who join WoW…good luck. XD

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The game is 20 years old mate. If you wanna RP flower pick a dungeon then you shouldn’t queue into it. Find people who want to do the same thing and go with them. Everyone in queue is doing it that way because it’s faster. That’s the whole point.

Here’s an idea. Communicate. When you zone into a dungeon, say “I’ve never done this before and also I might do a bit of exploring and herbing” and take a vote to see if they want to play with you.

The universe doesn’t revolve around you. You’re not the MC.

You had to be completely stalling. Normal dungeons are braindead. Had you just pressed W, I’m positive there wouldn’t have been an issue. You can gather herbs on your own time outside of dungeons.

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yes and they should have but they did not because they don’t think

Seen vote kicks initiated for a character name before. Some folks just like to be jerks, and will vote kick just for shizz, and giggles. 5-person content is nothing but speed bum rushing nowadays op. You can either make your own group, or just avoid that content altogether.

I did. I told them it was my first dungeon since leveling via timewalkers. There was a mage in the dungeon who helped me learn the route because I did tell them that it was my first time there. While the priest was complaining, the mage was quote helpful and let me know anything I needed to know. They were wonderful to work with and I appreciate that they helped me through.

This encounter was my first experience in a current content dungeon and seems to be an isolated incident. In every dungeon I have ran, I have told them that I am still learning. Mostly, I have been using the map to guide me. People have been understanding and I appreciate that the whole of the community I have beem running with are understanding of me learning my way around the content.

There have been some people saying that I was wasting the time of the others because they waited in queue for a long time. This is contradictory to others saying that tanks are not needed. Granted, I am a glorified dps normals. That doesn’t mean dps can queue up and run with 5 dps or 4 dps and a healer. The recipe for groups being gathered had remaines the same.

At the end of the day, taking 30 seconds total to gather is a petty reason to want to remove someone. As a druid, i have the stampeding roar and cat forms I can use to catch up quickly, which I did use. As a worgen, I have dark flight. Dark flight can be used in cat form while in dungeons to increase speed. I can catch up quickly and even help speed the run up via my abilities.

I hope this helps shed a little more light on the situation. I communicate very well in dungeons and will continue to do so. Have a lovely day.

Edited to fix typos.

Literally acting like you picking up some damned flowers is more important than the other 4 people you’re bogging down.

But they are the toxic ones lol

I am glad you agree! :blush:

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No, you can blame insanely easy content. There’s no reason to slowly go through dungeons that an average player can steamroll through.

M+ is the reason I left Retail and went to classic. The go go go mentality from M+ has taken the true fun away, and any TRUE wow player has no problem with a tank stopping to mine skin or herb. Current retail has a very Gen Z impatience to it and its rediculous. I do not care if I get backlash here from yall, I am not the only person that believes it. It goes the same for yall saying Blizzard ruined the game… nah yall did it yourselves.


Exactly!! In Legion, Battle for Azeroth, and Shadowlands, I was tanking keys so often and started to hate it towards the end of Shadowlands. Too many people leaving. Too many people are unforgiving. Keys kind of ruined the dungeon experience for me.


Should try palia. I hear it caters for … Your kind of people.

I looked into it but it seems more like Disney Dreamlight Valley and I wasn’t terribly interested in that game. Baldur’s Gate 3 looks pretty damn fun, though! Gonna give that a go when I get my gaming computer fixed. Rn, I’m on a potato Lenovo Yoga that has an i5 and little storage. :sweat_smile:

I tried it for an hour and it’s supposed to have dungeons and cons to but they start you with the crafting and housing and I swear it’s Gona make ppl bored immediately

Perhaps, yet M.D.I. exists.
Wow is multiplayer.
Multiple players working together (hopefully)

I tank for the Bonus bags on Reg and H when up, i pull all trash to each boss, on pretty much all dungeons and got told to slow down by one player so they can attack. Moral is, you can’t please everyone.

That is a very good point.

You have masterfully summarized why I lost interest in retail. Ive found the comradie you are looking for playing Wow Classic Lich King with you. The attitude is so different from what I find in retail.
No one has any patience or manners. They just want to get their stuff done and you are merely a means to an end. You might as well be an NPC these days.
The only joy I find in playing, is playing with you and I support you 100%.


I tell you what, mate, if I was doing a TBC dungeon with a group on a miner and came upon a Thorium node, I’d be stopping and mining it. Dungeons offer all kinds of rewards and that would certainly be one. :sunglasses: