The state of tanking. (Thanks to everyone who responded!)

And if you want to pick herbs without risking getting kick roll a dps.

From what I gather from the replies in this thread, it doesn’t matter what role you play: if you stop to gather, there is a chance you will be kicked.

I have been telling people that I herb and that runs with me might not be a speed run. So far, this has been effective and no one has taken issue. This has been an isolated event. When this happened, it was actually my first normal dungeon since doing Timewalkers to level up to 70. It appears that most people don’t care if I am still learning or stopping briefly to gather herbs.

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I can’t believe you still continue to be so selfish - why the heck do you need to pick herbs in dungeons? If you are poor just do a 2 minute flying quest and pick up 10 times the amount you would get for any herbs.

This is such a bad take. Normal dungeons are what learning stuff is for.

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the one getting bent out of shape distressed that a player wants to actually play the game by doing the quest assigned to the dungeon. thats the entitled one

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I bet you anything that the folks who would kick the tank for gathering herbs are the same people who tailgate someone in the passing lane who is passing someone in the right lane at ten miles over the limit.


I had a similar thought to this.

I would not be surprised if this is accurate.

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Case and point

In normals, I am a glorified DPS for sure :sweat_smile:

It is a timewalking dungeon I mean really do we even need a tank or a healer? The answer is no, I just leave those people be. Hell when I qie as tank or healer for timewalking I always just switch to dps before I start, never had an issue. Let’s be honest here one player can solo speed run these things.

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If you re-read the OP, you will see that it was not a timewalking dungeon. In fact, it was the first dungeon I did after I leveled to 70 via timewalking dungeons.

I’m with OP on this one, the person who initiated the kick was being unreasonable. And I’m shocked to see so much virility in the comments.

In normal dungeons, stopping to pick herbs, skin, mine, or loot mobs adds a couple seconds of time at most. It’s negligible. If you’re angry about a 10 minute dungeon run taking 10 seconds longer because the tank was picking herbs in the dungeon, you’re pathetic and would have never survived in OG WoW. It was a huge culture shock for me coming back after a 10 year break to find that ALL queued content had become a mindless speedrun rush to finish as quickly as possible. In my experience, that impatience has resulted in many near wipes because players do stupid stuff like ignore mechanics (looking at you, Vault of the Wardens). If you’re angry about a player taking 10 seconds throughout the duration of the dungeon to collect in a NORMAL dungeon (or even heroic for that matter) you are most certainly the problem. If you’re that pressed for time, queue tank and run it yourself.


Dungeons aren’t the place to pick up herbs. Do that on your own time. You’re mad someone booted you for wasting their time ? They are mad you would stop every time to harvest weeds lol.

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picking herbs in a dungeon is pathetic

wow isn’t a spectator sport - people want to play not watch others do quests.

You can blame M+ for that mentality.

No Roadblocks either means that the Tank will try and pull everything until they get to the boss.

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Then why did Blizzard make that a thing?


People just suck. But best bet, watch a video on any dungeon you haven’t seen before, especially as a tank. That way you can do all you’re supposed to and gather without fear of being removed

Thank you! I was not prepared for the level of angst, either.Everything from your post is something I agree with and I am sad to see that so many people have that unreasonable mentality you’ve mentioned.

In practice, though, it seems like most people don’t care. I’ve been telling the people that I am new to the dungeons and am learning them. Most people (even in that first group) have been happy to help me out and point me in which direction to go, which has been amazing.

I appreciate you taking the time to post!

because they originally made a different type of game 18 years ago and it is just a carryover