The state of tanking. (Thanks to everyone who responded!)

I suppose this is the nature of the internet.

Anyway, what’s your favorite food?

That’s… actually a hard one. I’m not very critical of anything so long as it’s edible.
So uh… potatoes. I like potatoes.

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Learn words. I never said I can’t handle being called brother. I asked you to stop. Something wierd when you are a mother and a man barely older than your son is arguing the right to call you brother

Potatoes are life :pray:

Boil em. Mash em. Stick em in a stew.

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Ultimate entitlement

“how dare you do the dungeon quest and make me spend an extra few frikinʻ seconds in this dungeon!”

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Team asparagus for life here

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asparagus is flavorless to me

and for someone who actually enjoys bland foods, that’s saying a lot

That’s strange it’s a very dense flavour food hmmm maybe all imported where you live? Cuz I had imported ones before. Hot garbage

we VtK a tank in a normal group because he skipped 2 bosses and screwed up the quests.

if you can’t do quests in normal that’s a problem.

I went bear and we 4 manned it with fewer problems.

everyone needs to chill…

I was just there for tendies anyway…

yeah, none of that stuff grows here

I will write a letter to the chief asparagus plant and demand they naturalize to your area. So you may enjoy it’s full sweet nutty flavour


what right? OP is in a group content and if the group don’t like him wasting their time they can vote him. Is that simple. If OP want to farm herb while going in a leveling dungeon he can do so with his guild or his friends. In a pug? Sorry got to listen to the majorty and if they are not ok OP can either leave or dont’ herb or herb after the dungeon is over. Is that simple.

You are right that you are a bumhole wasting 4 other players time so you can herb that’s being selfish.


bro it’s like 3.5 seconds in legacy dungeons to pick up some ancient lichen or something
let it go


Sorry but this falls under “Unacceptable Entitlement” and cannot be condoned. /s

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I understand that it’s common to refer to everyone on the internet as a he. Just wanted to point out I am a she! We, in fact, do exist! Praise the gods of Azeroth!

Same. Yet we are half the population of all gaming communities. It happens

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You tell them them they should come back later when they overlevel it because its very easy to solo.

Forcing other people to stick to your ego speed runs is also selfish. Some people want to enjoy the game, not race to 70 so you can spend RL money on achievements you could never get for real by playing…

Also, calling people names is against the TOS.


Technically you can because of the social contract, the players that kicked the player for nothing violated that - and since they’re found to be guilty of violating it should be faced with the consequences of that.