Again that’s you. I just level a priest to 66 and love to heal. Also I love it if the tank just go faster. Also is a LEVELING DUNGEON MOBS don’t hurt or kill you. Heck I spend more time dpsing than healing. I don’t care if you have done the dungeon or not. I do care if you spend an extra 10min mining, herb, skinning everything along the way. Again if OP wants to level his profession due when he isn’t in a group so it doesn’t waste everyone’s time.
Guess you never play BC or WoLK or Cata or any other expansion. Is always go in kill boss complete dungeons. If you want to waste an extra 10 to 15min gathering material then do it with your friends or guild waste all the time you want. People like myself who like to level through dungeon just want to get in and get out and most people feel the same as well. Want to level your pofession do when you aren’t in a group.
Heck even in classic server you are still going to get kick for wasting everyone’s time in a dungeon to use your gathering profession.
Also heads up if new to dungeon hit shift t + J that brings up instance guide. Click role tank and show super simple quick breakdown mechanics apply to you. And a map. No need for YouTube videos like some were demanding
Bah the bosses are a joke most of the time in normal. What is rough is the most optimal route to take, which, good thing most dungeons are linear, but not all of them. Brackenhide, I’m looking at you.
Just because most groups play that way, does not mean those groups dictate how the content is “supposed to be played”
These gathering nodes exist in the content for a reason, if Blizz doesn’t want people to use them they should stop adding gatherable nodes and mobs in the dungeons but they do and punishing someone for utilizing a feature of the game is stupid
Not always, that’s still some change especially for a casual player, I’m pretty sure you can get those profession point/knowledge items off of the adds as well if I’m not mistaken
Hmm, I’m not sure. You might be right on that one, there could be a knowledge point to gain from it. But actively clicking them all is 100% a waste of time. The casual player will get a lot more yields just flying around outside.
Correct. Zero nodes just mineable or herbable corpses that100% yield 50copper grey trash unless profession is already 65 points into specific talent together stuff off corpse of which case it’s 80% chance at lowrank
You realize this logic is easily applied to you as well right?
If you want to have a GOGOGO group, then get a guild to run it with you. If you expect every tank to run exactly how you want in a pug group, then you probably play way too much. Again, it’s not the tanks problem you’ve seen this dungeon for then 10,000th time, if you have a problem with how long the tank is taking, leave.
If you don’t want your time “wasted” because you queued with literal random people, then don’t pug.
Simple since dungeon is a group activity if the group vote kick you for gathering then they don’t want you remember vote doesn’t get pass with just one person kicking you. It needs more than more so majority wants you out. Simple as that. Want to herb mine skin in dungeon? You can complete the dungeon and go back and do all the IN YOUR OWN TIME! So you aren’t wasting anyone’s time.
So instead of admitting i’m right, you change the goal posts to the vote to kick button.
I don’t care if the majority of players these days have a GOGOGO mentality, because you guys THRIVE in it and push it onto every player you can.
The vote to kick button means nothing to me, but nice try moving the goal posts.
The majority don’t you just assume they are to play victim…how many toons have you leveled to claim it’s this common? Cuz it’s not. They said or did something else or it was a fluke thing
Nah man, most of the time I’ve seen a vote kick, people click without even checking who they’re voting out. My own friend clicked yes when asked to kick me -.-.