I recently came back to the game, because I wanted to interact with some friends and I’ve been getting back into the PVP side of things. I’m not looking to play rated content much and to get sweaty, but this is brutal doing randoms as a Horde main. Every bg I get into is a curbstomp, people refusing to guard points or to read chat, people fighting on roads, and it’s not like I can just merc queue, because only Alliance seems to get that option… When I ask around about it, it just gets chalked up to ‘‘it’s just Horde being Horde, so get used to it’’. I know this is coming off as a vent post, which it is to a certain extent. However I’m paying for this subscription (for now), and I feel like I’m still entitled to voice my opinion and concerns. Despite trying my best, I can’t get any gear on my character other than honour gear, and it’s getting frustrating.
Is there anything in the works to even try to balance the faction imbalance? Like SWTOR had a similar issue on some servers, and now has it BG teams can be consisting of players from both factions; that completely fixed the issue of one faction completely overpowering the other. Perhaps something similar would help the Horde players get some form of success?
I suggest queueing 20 games and recording whether you win or lose.
I bet it will be very close to 50/50
I had this problem when I came back and moaned and groaned and complained and even put in tickets like a…child. Not proud of it but at least I own my crap.
It was me. I swapped from playing Tauren Boomkin to Horde-Pandaren Disc Priest and my win ratio went from 20% to a steady 55%.
Even in Epic BGs, one or two competent players can turn the entire tide. I didn’t believe this at first. I thought I was just another blip in the system - and I was wrong.
But also, yeah, you’ll have to study the ebb and flow of random Battlegrounds. Since Summer started, I’ve mostly been doing Epic BGs (I love Wintergrasp and Ashran, and now AV & IoC are starting to grow on me) and I win most of them. If I see the “Faction Enlistment Bonus” or whatever, I ignore that queue because it is most likely gonna suck (at that point the algorithm is just deperate to get a game started).
I am not saying you’re the problem: just a cautionary tail about blaming the game.
IDK, I’ve been playing both factions off and on since LK, and it seems your complaint is the same thing I’ve heard and experienced from both sides the entire time, it always seems like the other side is winning and our side is bumbling around. Either we have the worst luck in the world or we have a skewed perception because the losses stick with us more than the wins.
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I just came back myself and have honestly been running about 60% win at the moment horde side, I know it will drop down to around 50 soon enough
I run epics with a group mostly and it makes it a lot more fun imo. msg or mail me in game if you want to come along sometime.
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I feel like horde does better than alli when i merc lol idk
O look another repost about why its the faction or team or w.e else why people lose
no matter what alt I have leveled this xpac, dps or heals (no tanks) I end up with 50 % win ratio by lvl70, whether starting at lvl10 or lvl60. On my toons that I continue to BG on after lvl70, that ratio still comes out to around 50% wins.
Proof, this toon I am posting from, been maining this one in BGs since the first of May 2023, and reset the addon then as well:
props for being someone from the forums who actually qs bgs
Here is my rogue I just started leveling a few days ago from level 60. Already, just sitting at around 50% win ratio, so idk what to tell you mang.
that rogue better be alliance.
I don’t have any ally toons, lol.
Yup - sitting around 52-55% running solo, and, from my experience, Horde favors very well in Epic BGs.
And, honestly, the more I play them, win or lose, I feel like the amount of objectives in Epic BGs give the players more agency to make a difference MORE SO than regular Battlegrounds. And I expected the opposite to be true when I jumped back into PvP.
Are all of your alts that are at 50% Horde? I ask because from my experience playing Alliance this expansion, 50% would probably be a really good w/l for any Horde player that isn’t premading consistently. I wonder if 50% is actually the base Horde win rate + your contribution bringing it up. I’ll show you my reflex:
This is my priest that I’ve mained since DF launched. This reflex goes back to April when I last reset it:
Here is my lock which had a name change in May and so it reset then:
And my rogue which I just started playing this season:
These are all Alliance solo queues with barely any epics, mostly only randoms. I do feel like Alliance are less dominant than they were earlier in the expansion, but they still seem really strong, especially at certain times of day. It doesn’t seem like it’s 50/50 to me, but maybe if I played more games each day it would even out further? Dunno.
Those are the only toons I have really played since I reinstalled reflex. I played like 10 games on my mm hunter, and he’s at 4 wins 5 losses, so pretty close to 50%.
Do you queue solo? I only queue solo, so if you are queueing with friends, that might give you the stats you see above?
IDK, that is weird that your win ratio is so dramatically large, when all the toons I have played since May of this year are sitting at 50% wins.
::EDIT:: I see now you said solo queue
The only games I usually leave are epics since I was only there for the daily win and not because I enjoy them, but I haven’t really done epics this season so those shouldn’t be reflected in my reflex. Unless something comes up IRL I’m almost certainly gonna stay til the end in randoms since you can still have fun even if you are losing.
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I’ve found it’s a time of day thing. Day time and early evening I have better luck on alliance, but after a certain hour, horde just starts coordinating and dominating and it’s like all the competent alliance went to bed. I don’t know if it is a lifestyle demographic or time zone/location thing, but I’m playing the same classes for both sides and, consistently, it’s dependent on time. Horde seems to clock in around 1am eastern in my battlegroup.
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All the times in my screenshots are CST.