The state of Cata is unacceptable

I could make a whole book on the issues Cataclysm is experiencing, but I will try to keep it light and to some bulleted points.

  1. Bugged boss encounters - In what world is this acceptable? Magmaw being the prominent one that rings out.
  2. Zone lag - Deepholm has been unplayable at time since Launch with lag spikes of 3-700MS
  3. Archaeology grind is unacceptable at this point.
  4. Gold services, and general spam/RMT is at an all time high.
  5. Valor cap not increasing is very punishing to returning players and alts.
  6. Punishing players for being kicked, by often toxic 3-4 stacks is disgusting. If you are the same armor type or main stat as the person they’re trying to gear your experience is going to be ruined.
  7. RDF armor type grouping is clearly bugged or miscoded. I could go 15 runs without seeing a leather user when I queue on my Hpal and get 3-4 plate wearers, but anytime I queue my rogue its double rogue and hunter or feral and everyone is miserable.

Before anyone wants to just shout out that I’m not even playing the game, I’m 360Ilvl and 10/13H prog. Did 100+ hours of Archaeology to get my trinket and I hated every minute of it.

This game is clearly neglected. Blizzard has no interest in putting forth a quality product. If Firelands releases in the same state as Tier 11 I will be ending my subs and walking away from this disgraced, formerly great company.


Have not had his head go backwards at any point past the first day and the loot bug from council was fixed last week.

This is actually because a bunch of people are farming every layer on mega servers so the troggs are hyper-spawning beyond what we have ever seen in any of blizz games, this only effects 1 or 2 servers in the entirety of cata.

At this point you don’t need to do archaeology the increases are pointless just farm gold now.

Not really going to ever change and existed far worse in classic era vanilla in 2019 so not something that is specific to cata.

This one sucks, for my pvp toons the cap just goes up each week to 4 - 8 - 12 - 16 valor should also probably do that.

Find a guild or group and do the same.

Not sure how you thought this was ever a thing, this doesn’t even exist in retail.


Leveling there currently, have had zero issues with ping or lag spikes.

Known horrid grind was identical to the original horrid grind. Known information way ahead of time.

Not Cata centric, and havent noticed it but obv YMMV.

This is better than the alternative. Also if you are continuously being kicked, possible you may need to self evaluate your own behavior. Honestly though, you could just have bad luck.

Random grouping is indeed random.

Not saying you cant be annoyed by all these things, clearly that is the point of the thread, but pretty much all of these aren’t anything blizz can stop from happening.

I am a slow roll dungeon hero this time around so I did not interact with your first point about raid bosses. I also agree with you on the valor cap being silly.


if thats true then its not the grind you hate but the proffession itself


Cata just isn’t for you. Sod and Era has a place for you.

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Nah perfect game 10/10. never do anything wrong.

Here’s a gold star for everybody :star:

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And here I am doing arch for fun in my off time between pvping having a blast!


Don’t forget basic UI things just not working.

Portraits aren’t showing health/mana numbers.
Mouse Wheel is still broken in the glyph menu.

And multiple phasing issues, I wasn’t able to complete Vashjir or Twilight Highlands quest lines because the next NPC either didn’t spawned or is spawned in the wrong phase.


The health/mana text is so annoying. I really hope they fix that one tomorrow, how hard could it be?


I agree with most of your points, but the Magmaw bug happened to us this past Thursday. Definitely not fixed yet unless it was in the last few days.

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It’ll be worse. This team is understaffed, unskilled, lazy and working on multiple projects at the same time. They don’t communicate, they don’t know what the players want and there’s so many bugs that I’ve found on DK alone that I don’t think will ever get fixed.


Fun fact, archeology is optional.

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Regarding point 7, I find that really interesting because when I was initially gearing my shaman, I would also get queued with 1 if not 2 other shaman. Now that I’m gearing my warlock, I’ve gotten paired with another warlock in literally every single dungeon. I’m pretty sure it’s just random, but it’s interesting to see someone else experience this.


In the same world where people keep paying Blizzard every month to play the game they claim is “unacceptable”.


Is that really a thing? I thought i was going crazy. Every time i use RDF on my Hunter theres almost always at least 1 other Hunter sometimes 2. Whenever i run RDF on my Rogue its the same thing for Rogues, suddently every dps is also a rogue.
I started leveling my Resto sham this weekend and, bam, at least 1 of the dps was always an Ele shaman.

Glad its not just me losing my mind lol.


Lol 10 char

Lazy but also working on multiple projects at the same time, cause that makes sense. It’s almost as if the developers themselves aren’t the problem. Could it perhaps be Microsoft and Activision?

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Always refreshing to see the responding posters defend the crap that’s currently wrong with Cataclysm Classic.

“Pugs are nasty” Defender: “Make your own group then” Or…just hear me out, people can become better human beings? I know, that’s too much to ask.

“Deepholm is laggy on mega servers” Defender: “Well, it’s not on MINE, so it’s okay”

“RMT/Gold Services is getting crazier and crazier in chat” Defender: “Maybe this game isn’t for you”.

Instead of offering solutions or empathizing with the OP, it’s like “Time to simp”.


Yes? When they put in limited effort and that limited effort is spread across multiple projects, it’s going to impact the state of all those projects.

Hello? Are you ok?

Foe levelers its little hits of around 2800 XP around level 40.

If there killing 10 things anyway its not too bad for side xp pickup. Every little bit helpss.