The state of Cata is unacceptable

I just finished the deepholm therazane grind and never experienced lag.

You forgot about all of the bugged achievements. They specifically put in one of the patch notes they fixed 1 dungeon achievement and there are still 6 more that do not work. And a bunch of achievements in the new zones also are still busted.

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We had bugs on Council (no fire proccing to clear water) this week repeatedly and still some players getting D/C on Nef.


CTA weekends are bugged also. This weekend just passed was supposed to be AV. Instead we had no BG weekend at all

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I feel like these comments might make sense if we was on the last patch of the expansion.

Bugged encounter is pretty rare, but fair enough.

Zone lag is a thing in retail to this day.

Gold services aren’t indicative of the expansion.

Valor cap, yeah fair enough

Votekick abuse has been present since the OG wrath, not sure why its not fixed, not sure there is a fix.

RDF armor type grouping isn’t a thing.

Yep. Rng is just pulling what is playing, I liked this Paladin so much I do the horde one now.

Paladin if liked by more, is more Paladins. I see 3 stacks a lot. As rogue or this and now leveling.

I’ll Joke with them as I see it on the rogue. I’ll tell ‘em I want some Nice drama on plate rolls. Don’t make me need roll to make that drama lol.

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Hello. I’m mostly okay but things could be better, I suppose.

Joking aside. Limited effort on a video game because you are not given enough time, resources, or money doesn’t necessarily equate to laziness in the front lines of development. Frankly it’s kind of rude to the developers, who also happen to be human beings, just like us. Just my perspective on the matter; one of many.

The game is so poorly optimized graphically, its nuking a 3080 card.

The arrows on the menu don’t really work either.

Yep, definitely still a thing, they just fixed the other Magmaw bug where he’d oneshot everyone.

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XD it happened last Cata too. The Magmaw bugs.

You are an entitled lil gremlin aren’t you

Grow up you adult child

Or even better yet grow a pair

1 barely even worth mentioning, but somehow everyone else is working with it
2 deepholm is lagging cuz of how many people are there boosting people
 only certain spots in deepholm where there’s a crap ton of hyper spawns
3 was never a legit way to get gear
 don’t know how that surprising to anyone
4 we all knew this coming in. When nothing was done in wrath
5 blue post try to read
6 thats a get gud moment
7 aww that’s so sad that nobody gives a rats butt

It was, though.

Developers that get paid six figures to run a private server
which they can’t seem to even do despite there being pservers that are ran by unpaid people with less bugs, more communication, less bots, and less RMT.

Remember when they said that they would “look” into archaeology after the launch? yeah
 what happened to that I wonder. By the time they look into them those items might be complete irrelevant except for the achivement or mount collectors :dracthyr_shrug:

As for the rest
 you wonder how they are managing over there. With SoD that killed wotlk at the last phase and now apparently “sod is dead” because cata classic is taking whatever many dev’s the classic team has to fix things

Happened to my guild on Saturday night on heroic also.

Here i am just upset that my mini-map tracking button doesn’t work.

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They are not making a six figure salary lmao

According to this site Blizzard game designers make 82k to 138k,13.htm
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what gave this away?

Cata was HORRIBLE the first time around, did that not give you some sort of clue?

Cata was re released for the cash shop whales bud