The Spy Addon Needs to Go

Yep I’m nearly full epics, epic mount, 1k gold plus a phat bank.

Bow down.

I’d wipe the floor with any of these betas defending Spy addon in here.

Is that so? Does that mean you get honor for killing lowbies as well?

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No they must be within a certain level range

You the only Hunter in guild or raid?

We have 3 hunter slots in our raid and have had lots of hunter loot drop since MC was on farm in week 2.

Well that’s lucky

I have taken down many over confident players in my day and they don’t take it well usually.

If this is actually something you are proud of (as false as it is), I legitimately feel sorry for you.


Feel sorry for me for having fun PvPing and making big gold? How dare I not have fun the same way as you. Stay poor and bad.

How many hours do you spend playing each day?

I feel sorry that you feel the need to be a condescending jerk to people to feel better about what you do in a video game.

It’s WAY beyond over the top, dude.


Snowflakes detected.

If you’re “dominating” on your server then why do you even care so much about Spy? Surely it doesn’t affect your godly ability to “dominate” players.

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My dominance doesn’t have anything to do with there being broken addons in the game. I was merely defending myself from the spy addon defending betas that were personally attacking me.

By attacking he means using logic to show how faulty his “logic” is.

You… made the thread attacking the addon and people using it, though.


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The type of player too coward to post on his main and rattled that someone is attacking his precious Spy addon which is the only factor that gives him some kind of edge in PvP as he is obviously terrible at the game.

You use it too though. What edge?

I love spy since I can quickly decipher from a name if I’ll be pvping soon.
Algonzor pops up I’m good.
Xxmerklordqt pops up its go time.

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I dont want it in the game.

If people think that removing the element of surprise in PvP is trivial and the negating of certain class mechanics (hunter/druid track humanoid) is justified then you are a moron.