The Spelladin - new Retribution meta for Classic

You mean besides the fact the database data shows that and the patch notes you linked explain a change in tool tip? Nothing really.

Also insults, wrong information, and admitting to intoxication on a public gaming forum? No wonder people think you are off your rocker, well besides the obvious.

you literally have no idea what mechanics did in Vanilla - you are mixing up BoMight and Giants Elixir lol

one adds +Melee Attack Power
one adds +STR

yet you say they should not stack lawl

Might want to check the edit there, I fixed my misspoken comment. Besides you haven’t actually given any credible information to state otherwise, mostly because I checked that gamepedia site and numerous things from multiple expansions are mixed together.

Also are you ready for warcraftlogs-classic? Are you ready?

^^^courtesy of Ironsides^^^

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Congratulations? A video of yet another player using one flask, one weapon enhancement, one elixir, and one potion?

you and the others said that they didn’t stack friend

No, we said multiple flasks and elixirs do not stack.

He is using ONE flask, ONE elixir, ONE potion, and ONE weapon enhancement.

I don’t know what is more amusing the fact you literally admit you are wrong in your own “evidence” or the fact you attempt weak insults when you feel like your pretend authority is threatened.

So did you ever learn what a raid log was?


try again - you guys literally said that nothing stacked with a Flask lol

never mind the fact that you also originally stated that you could only have ONE BATTLE and ONE GUARDIAN Elixir in Vanilla lol

you also said that Sunder Armour and FF didn’t stack either top kek 1337


Uh huh, so when are you going to give evidence to support your claims that isn’t a youtube video, private server data, or factually wrong websites?

At least Ironsides contributes to an actual conversation.

it’s the 0.9 patch notes bro - git gud

Then link the notes instead of simply claiming. Also did you ever learn what a raid log was?

i did nub - scroll up

Sunder and FF do stack in Vanilla along with Armour Shatter (Annihilator axe proc)

[Faerie Fire] will now stack with other armor-reducing debuffs.
[Sunder Armor] no longer stacks with Expose Armor, but will now stack with Faerie Fire.

but here’s another link for you

  • Faerie Fire will now stack with other armor-reducing debuffs.
  • Sunder Armor no longer stacks with Expose Armor, but will now stack with Faerie Fire.
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Pre- 2.x there was no difference and they could be stacked.


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There was actually and we have a database tool showing that, just like how numerous other things that existed in the game were unknown to the public just like item level, which had been in the game since classic as a fixed numerical value. I already linked the new database for classic wow from data straight from blizzard. In fact our dear paladin here has linked numerous videos from actual classic wow and not his private servers confirming this.

One flask, one elixir, one potion, and one weapon enhancement. (Actually its as many potions as you want but the whole similar number theme is more fun to type out)

Also even if this wasn’t the case his “testing” since its barely even that still showed severely subpar damage output compared to other pure spec’s and even feral can do more single target. Ironsides has corrected me on some faulty information and I have fixed them. Unless an archive or tangible source from Blizzard’s data is given the information will stay as it is. He can post his private server “proof” all he wants, in the end nothing we say matters as blizzard gets final say.

Sunder and FF could exist together in 0.9 and was changed later but that doesn’t fit his agenda now does it? He talks himself in a circle non-stop.

lawl troll moar - when was it changed to no longer stack? what patch? what proof do you have to back up any of your claims?


Take-home points:

  • Very interesting development
  • Naturally untested in vanilla/Classic
  • Respectable DPS that is heavily gear dependent (bit “gimmicky”?)

My personal conclusion is that even assuming this pans out in Classic, competitive guilds will still not bring more than one Retribution paladin if there are alternatives available. While this is a marked improvement over bringing none, the vast majority of players who want to raid as Retribution will be disappointed, and those who live the dream will be spending a lot of time farming Gnomer. :frowning:

Anyway, it’s interesting; power to everyone who makes it happen.


You mean besides all the information I have given you in this post and past posts? You mean the information that can and is actually proven as standard by Blizzard sources? It would of taken you like ten seconds to find it on that wiki. Also no insult this time? Must of matured in that few hours, however very unlikely.

It is pointless to even talk to you, you live in this little bubble of grandeur. However, when classic wow get warcraftlogs, then we can see how much value any of your “knowledge” even has. I have a wow token’s worth of gold on green.

dude you brought retail mechanics to a Vanilla gun fight

git gud

PS this was also pure gold…

Druid auras being raid wide in Vanilla lolz


I’ll be interested if a good number of pallies can pull this off successfully. You’d think if they could have you’d have felt their presence in vanilla, but I know I didn’t. lol

it’s because we all thought Seal of Command with a big fat slow 2hander was the way to go - but as Kevin Jordan pointed out in our Q&A a few weeks ago, SoR with fast weapon won out every single time…

  • Calling Countdown #2 – Kevin Jordan On Paladins (With Theloras) – 1:13:45