The solution to faction stacked pvp servers, make them free for all

The people playing on these servers clearly want wpvp or else they wouldn’t be on pvp servers. Unfortunately through no fault of their own the servers are so faction stacked they aren’t getting any wpvp.

So just make them free for all servers where you can attack anyone regardless of faction :slight_smile:


Might be best to keep such thoughts to yourself when you have a bad case of diarrhea of the mind, cuz that’s a pretty pooey idea.

There was a fun item in MoP that would let you flag on your own faction. Fun times!

I’ve been so saddened by playing on Benediction even after playing (and world PvP ranking) on servers where Alliance was severely outnumbered. I really wish they would do something about faction balance, but the only actual solution would be something like Warmode and that would cause a massive meltdown by people that wouldn’t interact with the system anyway.

I genuinely can’t tell if you’re trolling or not, because this will never happen, and it would be a horrible solution to the problem…

But I’m not going to lie, I would love to see that happen. Truly, I think the only way for the population distribution to be fixed is to cause discomfort for people playing on those realms (such as removing layers and adding queue times, or mega-buffing the minority faction in non-instanced PvP, etc.) Personally, I feel like a lot of the people who’ve flocked to “mega realms” are somewhat complicit in the current abysmal state of WoW population distribution. It’s not so much that the individual player “deserves” to feel discomfort, but it’s literally the only way for the population issues to self-correct over time.

So yeah. It’ll never happen. But I’d grab a seat with popcorn and a drink and watch the clown fiesta unfold with glee.

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Nah Blizzard in orginal wow thought of making the dishonorable title allowing you to do that if you gotten enough HKs,but removed it last minute since its bad. Allowing more systems in place for neckbeards to grief the common players is bad. Wpvp is dead unless your on grobb end.

Wait… you seriously think Alliance on Benediction want world PVP?

Maybe they’d want to dogpile another player with 20-1 odds, but that’s only a maybe.

People do not play Benediction Alliance because they want world PVP.

It’s not like we play here because we want to dogpile, we play here because it’s the only active Alliance server

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Oh right – I forgot that servers are only active if they have 50k people playing on it.

I think he’s being sarcastic. I think what he really means is “They’re on a PvP server, so let’s watch them PvP :smiling_imp:

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This is a bad idea, I would rather them just turn the fully stacked servers into pve servers because that’s what they are really.

I was on Rattlegore, which everyone transferred off of, so I had to pay for a transfer to Herod, which everyone transferred off of, so I picked the biggest server that has the lowest chance of dying so that I don’t have to pay Blizzard another $30 per character for a problem they refuse to fix.

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And I’m playing along with his sarcasm… please, keep up.

The real whoosh here is you not knowing I was playing to your sarcasm as well. This doesn’t surprise me though.

Nah, you not getting is just about the norm we’ve all come to expect from you.

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Well, now you’re projecting.

Oh well, I think it’s clear why the AV, Dual spec, and now LFD threads panned out the way that they did.

Careful you seem to be getting confused and enraged.

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“i WaS oNlY pReTeNdInG tO bE sTuPiD”

Yeah, alright dude. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Me rightfully pointing out your projection comes from neither a place of confusion nor enragement.

You think it’s “stupid” to compound onto the message of his post, which was that people play on Benediction, a PVP realm, specifically to get away from actual world PVP?

I mean, sorry that you weren’t able to read the room and notice my equally as sarcastic tone. I made it pretty obvious with this line here:

I can see why your threads also pan out the way that they do.

You shouldn’t have said something that’s actually true of the people who play on those realms if you wanted to be taken sarcastically. No need to seethe. :wink:

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It might be helpful for you to review what sarcasm is and look at a few examples of it and how others can play with it.

It would help you keep up better in these types of conversations.

Who’s seething? You bringing this up is pure projection.