The ranking system in vanilla and WoW classic is a measure of quantity. It looks at the player for each faction that earned the most honor that week and rewards that player the most ranking points. This is the heart of the system and it is what drives the honor arms race each week.
All the meta around bracket stacking, bracket breaking, premades giving up verse premades throwing games to get into the next game to boost their honor per hour, these are all the result of players trying to solve this equation in a way that works for them.
Short of a complete system overhaul this will always be the case. Attempting band-aid this system doesn’t work because the system by design always rewards the person with the most honor in a given week with the most rank points therefore there will always be an arms race for the top spot. It moves the player toward their goal the quickest if they earn the most honor.
The system always rewards the person with the most honor adjustments or tweaks to this system are just different ways of making things easier. If the system is easier more people will do it therefore it will become less prestigious.
Let’s take the popular suggestion eliminating decay as an example. If we eliminate decay and increase the amount of RP required for each rank to make it so it would take someone around 12 weeks to go from 0 to rank 14 if they get the top bracket as seen in the tables below.
Rank | RP | Alliance Title | Horde Title |
1 | 15 HK | Private | Scout |
2 | 2000 | Corporal | Grunt |
3 | 5000 | Sergeant | Sergeant |
4 | 12000 | Master Sergeant | Senior Sergeant |
5 | 15000 | Sergeant Major | First Sergeant |
6 | 20000 | Knight | Stone Guard |
7 | 27000 | Knight-Lieutenant | Blood Guard |
8 | 35000 | Knight-Captain | Legionnaire |
9 | 43000 | Knight-Champion | Centurion |
10 | 53000 | Lieutenant Commander | Champion |
11 | 65000 | Commander | Lieutenant General |
12 | 78000 | Marshal | General |
13 | 104000 | Field Marshal | Warlord |
14 | 156000 | Grand Marshal | High Warlord |
Bracket | Weekly RP gains |
1 | 12000 - 13000 RP |
2 | 11000 - 12000 RP |
3 | 10000 - 11000 RP |
4 | 9000 - 10000 RP |
5 | 8000 - 9000 RP |
6 | 7000 - 8000 RP |
7 | 6000 - 7000 RP |
8 | 5000 - 6000 RP |
Well without decay now someone who is getting in the 8th bracket would get max rank 31 weeks into Season of Mastery. Now you could play with this and increase the total RP required and RP bonus for higher brackets but you’ll end up with the same problems that the decay system has. Players are incentivized to get the top spot, the arms race to get the most honor and the behavior which few people like or enjoy will continue because of it.
The only solution I can see is a complete overhaul to a system that measure quality rather than quantity, which I am sure would come with its own set of problems… otherwise it is just a question of how much easier do we make the grind.