~ The Solo Player ~ dying out in SL

In PVE if you only do M+ 5s then you get the gear from them and that’s your ceiling.

The point OP is trying to make is that in random BGs there IS no ceiling. You cap at 200 but can easily face a 5-person premade inside a 10-man bg that’s full duelist, all of who have 10k more health than you.

I feel that. It sucks.

As the season goes on those people’s gear will increase as the conquest cap increases (if they’re not full already from winning the vault lotto), but the random BG player will still be ~200.

Their ceiling keeps getting taller.

There are two easy solutions to this:

1.) WOD-style PVP gear. It’s easy to obtain, decent iLVL in PVE, then increases to a cap in PVP.

You would have honor gear and conquest gear and…that’s it.

For example, it would work like current 197 honor gear scales up to 213 in PVP, while conquest gear would increase to 209 in PVE (instead of 200) and would scale up to 223 in PVP.

The cost and rate of acquisition of conquest gear would need to be adjusted slightly.

This means we get rid of M+/PVE people using PVP to gear up (most don’t want to be there anyway), and it means that PVP goes back to being about skill and not buying carries in RBGs.

If you get 1800 in rated pvp you would get 213 ilvl PVE gear, scaling to 227. This is in addition to the cosmetic gear upgrades.

PVP ilvl is capped at 227 for all players, regardless of situation.

This means a person only doing randoms can ALWAYS compete against ALL other players. People who do rated will just have a slight advantage through capping easier and getting vault rewards.

There is no reason to not level the playing field in PVP, where it should be about skill.

There is no reason a fresh player getting into arena should be fighting against duelist and combatant players at 1300 in 2s and 3s who have 5-10k more health than them.

If the other players are more skilled, or have a better comp, they’ll win. Plain and simple.

2.) The second option is solo queue for rated PVP. If Blizz allows it in Overwatch, they should see the reason it should exist in WoW.

Let players like OP queue up for a rated BG or arena, let them have their own MMR that matches them with and against similar players, and let them increase their own rank slowly but surely.

– Both options are viable and would work to appease a great many people.

I am 1800 in RBGs on a few characters, simply because I like random BGs, but can’t stand getting out-geared by people and losing to damage I just can’t live when there is a potential 20-25 ilvl difference between me and them.

The climb to 1800 (three times) was painful. Soooo many sweaty people screaming on discord.

The only thing that made it tolerable was doing it with a small group of RL friends, but I can’t imagine doing it solo.


I don’t ever have 9 buddies at the same time either! It’s called pugging dude… the only people who don’t put are super casual guild groups and the insanely both 3000cr players

The ilvl gap for this first patch is huge …same for other expansions too where it’s massive from start to end, possibly because of the multiple difficulties that may not really be needed. I know I don’t enjoy mythic + I feel as though the game is trying to become something else and forgetting how many people like reasonably difficult content that didn’t force them to jump around 5 different aoes on trash packs (unless you’re a dirty caster that is). I DO find the addition of valor points interesting and would like to see what they decide on with them but I’m not sure it’s enough. Personally I’m thinking about just playing old content for fun now instead of SL…just need more twinks…

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Too low for Random Bgs, next week Mythic and Rated players will be in the 225 ilvl range whilst we Bgers are still 197-200, 25 ilvl is far to superior!

It’s not though, Massive Multiplayer just means we are all engaged in the same persistent world together at the same time. Has nothing at all to do with Grouping and being in a Guild together!

Blizzard for whatever reason has catered to the Twitch / Youtube elitist Min/ Maxers and it has Sucked the FUN out of WoW! The forcing players to do specific content just to engage in the game in other areas is crazy to me…

Why on Earth would you make the game less fun, and force players to play the game as if we were all playing Sonic the Hedge hog 1992 Sega 32 bit expansion slot waiting to go to the next screen!



Holy crap just bring back resilience…

It’s the easiest solution. Fixes like three problems at once.


You are exactly right. For a game that is as old as WoW, Blizzard is catering to Millennial Elitists and the platforms that they use. It’s like when my Dad tried to get into Lady Gaga because she recorded an album with Tony Bennet.


Mind you, even though I play daily, I have a career and am Essential Worker… I can’t wake up at 10am and play 14 hours like these kids sitting at home waiting for Covid Stimulus checks.


Exactly. And thank you for all that you are doing.


Problem with resilience is that they’d need to completely rework it so that by the end of the expansion you don’t have 20 minute arena games.

That happens naturally with vers and HP increases already.

Resilience would need to be designed, IMO, so that it is seasonal instead of just a flat stat.

It would need to work like Titan Residue did in-between seasons in BFA.

So, each season your HP, Crit, Haste, Vers stays the same, but at the start of a new season your previous resilience stat loses the majority of its potency.

Example: You have a weapon with 100 resilience in season 1. It provides 1% of stat.

When season 2 starts that 1% changes to 0.1%, forcing you to start over (which I’d argue is a good thing in this game for each new PVP season).

1% resilience now requires 1000 resilience in season 2, and so on.

This would prevent end of expansion bloat, while the remainder of non-PVP stats remain viable for PVE soloing, WQs, Torghast, etc.

– As for the stat itself, we already have Vers that reduces incoming damage and increases outgoing damage, so we don’t need a repeat of that.

It also would be lame if it went back to reducing incoming crit chance or anything like that.

I think the best solution for a “new” resilience stat is that it increases the Vers bonus from using 2 PVP trinkets.

So, right now 2 PVP trinkets increases the damage/healing part of your Vers stat by 40% (so if you have 25% vers in PVE, in PVP you have 35%, because 40% of 25 is 10).

The new resilience stat should increase that bonus accordingly. Say, full honor PVP gear gets you 25% more to that bonus; full conquest gives 50%.

In this way, once you’ve gained full conquest - and as long as you’re using 2 PVP trinkets - you’ll do 22% more damage and healing in PVP situations. In full honor gear you’ll do 15% more damage and healing.

This solution does work, but (in my opinion) only with these caveats.

Reasons being:

1.) By tying it to the PVP trinket bonus you continue to keep PVE trinkets out of PVP. Because PVE trinkets have been some of the greatest cheese offenders in PVP history, this is absolutely needed.

2.) By making it increase the damage/healing portion of vers it means that it’s not a “new” stat, but rather an enhancement. This is needed because it means there is still an easy knob for Blizz to dial up or back, AND it doesn’t double-up and duplicate Vers.

3.) By having it depreciate each season it means your PVP “stat” won’t be completely out of control by the end of the expansion, leading to unkillable healers and even more one-shotting (lol, more).

This definitely would work, and I’d be happy with it.

All this said, I am extremely in the boat that there needs to exist only 3 tiers of gear in PVP. Something akin to:

-Honor (base, ~200)
-Conquest (large increase, ~220)
-Elite Conquest (small increase, includes exclusive cosmetic changes ~225)

There needs to be a gear chase and a carrot on a stick, but SIX tiers of PVP gear is out of control, and is leading to even more win-carries and “coaching” spam.

There’s currently:

Honor - 197
Base Conquest - 200
1400 rating - 207
1600 rating - 213
1800 rating - 220
2100 rating - 226
Bonus: 2400 for 233 weapon

A 13 ilvl difference between honor and conquest would at least be workable, and you could earn that yourself through dalies, quests, etc if you didn’t want to do rated.

A 26 ilvl difference is insurmountable for people gearing alts or just getting into PVP for the season.

Now, granted, you won’t be facing many of those players due to the high rating involved, but assuming most people are capable of 1800 in RBGs (which is where most of the carries are happening right now), that’s still a difference between have 31k health and 40k health.

That is at least 2-3 globals of healing or damage that random BG players cannot commonly compete against (all other things like skill/comp factoring in).

Conquest gear should be conquest gear. Elite gear for 1800 and above gives cosmetic rewards and a small ilvl increase (5 ilvl or less difference).

Increase the cost of major set pieces by 25% to keep the gearing more equal to PVE as well, so that it would take 3 resets to buy a helm/chest/leg piece (3 resets each) instead of 2.

The vault still awards gear as-is.

Rated PVP players get the vault, random-only PVP players do not.

Again, in this way, random-only BG players can eventually fully gear out in conquest gear, but it will take them many weeks more than rated players.

Random-only BG players can more easily compete, due to there only being one (1) major tier difference between honor and conquest (where most rated players will be), and skill still matters.

PVE players can come and gear up through conquest/rated if they want, but the increase in cost of gear makes it less lucrative, so they’re more likely to play through getting vault and then leaving again.


I would like to. But sc is boring and skyrim aswell.

It not my fault that my favorite ip dosent haven single player anymore.

So make me a favor and stop telling people who they should play their favorite game. If you want to be an elitist jerk, there is classic and soon tbc.


Says the person posting on a classic toon

Yes. And you will notice that this toon isnt 60. And its a meme spec. Pally retri

There’s tons of guilds for mature players and there always have been. I’ve never even been in a guild that not almost all working adults.

So…your $15 is more important than their $15?

Let’s bar other people from content or enjoying the game and/or enjoying the benefits of their work/effort put in because there’s a clear difference between your effort and their effort?

Mythic raiders who put in the time and effort to max their gear should be capped at 197 outside of raids because…you don’t like that they have better gear and are rewarded for their activity ?

ok ill just go play the single player tab target aprgs

This… is not a problem with DISCORD, it’s a problem with the people you’re choosing to acquaint with.

I have been using discord for years now and have not experienced what you seem to associate with the platform in general.


The solution to this is in my post: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/let-us-equip-unlimited-legendaries/864958/5

My guild bans all of that and force Push to Talk for raiding.

Find a decent guild. Use the guild finder.


you young whipper snapper over 60 here.