~ The Solo Player ~ dying out in SL

That precisely is the beuty of the solo player. Is no longer requuered to have a guild to do wat you want.

That is the point, is beutiful as it is.


Its too low, unless Blizz instills a Ilvl Cap in Randos.

I don’t have 9 buddies, not even 3!

Exactly, I can fly to old Expacs and fish, or just fly around helping lower leveled players, I can explore, farm mats, do old content, and que for BGs / raids when I feel like it.


i thought it was fun. no gear “drought” when you had 3 sets to farm.

I am 55 and have been a casual solo player since LK and I totally agree with the OP. I miss the days of flying over Northrend and questing and exploring. As for the “younger” WoW Community, for the most part, they are toxic. Guilds are either filled with “elitists” players or “elitists” Millennials who are hung up on Political Correctness. And yes, Discord is both immature and reeks of Millennial Privilege. For the older casual solo player, WoW is now nothing more than an app. Do your Covenant story and do your Callings and that is about it. The epic feel of WoW is long gone and it was ruined by Millennial developers and Millennial players.


Sure sounds like you do.

We all have a ceiling. I don’t know why it’s so hard for people to accept theirs.
I know I have accepted mine.

i think people misunderstand what being a “solo” player entails. You aren’t literally solo’ing everything - i guess it’s more like your character acts as a mercenary if/when they need to at times.

you pug most of your content, you farm your own stuff, you do a lot more than just any one aspect of the game (which a guild obviously will let you get away with).

not everyone playing “solo” is unhappy or “struggling”. some of their guilds are on hiatus (there was a mass transfer during bfa to horde side especially in season 1 due to lack of alliance mythic guilds).

I think people are not accounting for the massive amounts of players that explore, craft, pug (because they prefer Random Team style play), collect, RP, etc.

there’s no one way to play - so when i read something like “oh i hope solo players die off” it’s really not cool. the game was never meant to be played any one way - if you like your pvp or m+ or raiding - good for you. but others deserve to thrive too.

that being said, the one thing that has helped me survive while my guild was on hiatus as a “solo player” was gold and time. you need more time to do stuff obviously since you’re doing most of it yourself, and gold allows you to cut corners sometimes (especially AH goodies).

anyway…yeah…be nice to solo’ers. i know what it’s like since that’s how i was playing the last few years. and no i’m not “crying” about anything - i consider myself successful in solo play - as are many many others.


All I read in this post are complaints, and self pity, just saying.

I would like that blizz puts a ilvel cap to random bgs. And made 2 queues one with cap and other free for all.


too low for what tho?

there are few mobs i cannot handle given some time and planning. i can handle rare mobs up to level 61. i can facetank the elites in the arena and burn them down now solo.

that’s pretty solid for a casual. :slight_smile:

I’m 55, I’ve earned the right to judge.


To low for pvp. My main is ilevel 199. A one point to be 200. Is still a good number.

But for pvp you are likely to get roflstompend very easly


64 year old here. Sitting with my headset on for any length of time annoys the heck out of me. I’ve thought of just getting a free standing mic and letting the sound come through my regular speakers, but I don’t want to disturb the rest of the house.


What is this nonsense - as a solo player, this expansion has been great for me. I’ve already got a ton of mounts, pets and toys - great looking armor and weapons - my sanctum is well on it’s way to getting fully upgraded - gobs of anima coming in daily. My only complaint right now is the lack of more story content. And also I don’t care for any of the other Covenants lol.

no the real problem with solo play is that all the solo content is heavily, heavily timegated.


I don’t mind doing some group stuff with my guildies but one guild is so far ahead of where I am and most are raid logging at this point and the other is in limbo .

I could try pugging M 0 or normal and heroic raids but to be honest after seeing the attitudes of some of the people in these current valor threads ,I have to honestly say I would just rather deal with the normal/heroic dungeon runners /LfR heroes because in all honesty they are a hell of a lot less toxic


I do alright in BGs.

My arena skills are my own issue not really a gear issue. :smiley:

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Sorry to hear your struggle but in my opinion, this game is supposed to be played in groups, “massive multiplayer” you know? And as such it’s been years since I have had so much fun with the game encouraging you to go and find someone to play with.

Good for you. I am glad you enjoyed i enjoyed my rated arenas ans bgs too.

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So tired of people using the MM part of MMORPG as ammo that our arguments aren’t valid or we just don’t get it. MM doesnt mean you must group and interact with people to play the game. If that was the case there would be ZERO solo content… ARGH…I hate that comment. Such a stupid argument.


i agree, i would argue that the most popular “content” in wow right now is solo farming transmog