Oh, does your gear level make you something? It’s so cute when people think gear in a game makes them important.
No one cares about gear, we want MORE TO DO. If you think gear somehow makes you special, gear that ANYONE can get with a little effort, you are amazingly delusional. I stopped being in awe of gear in vanilla.
The problem us scrubs are having is NOT gear. It’s time-gated systems that force us to stop what we are doing and go do something else in game or stop playing altogether. Frankly I don’t care if YOU understand that, I just want to see how long it is before you start using gear again to start talking down to people.
“ooooh my gear is better than yours!!! I must be awesome!” Hahah. People like you make me giggle. In a sad way…
The target demographic is elite players who rarely if ever do solo content, players who will only do solo content if it has a big reward attached, like the mage tower. This type of player likes to finish up their elite content, complain they need more, and then unsub until the next raid tier comes out.
Solo players and especially casuals among them are left with little to do.
But wait! There are also a lot of raider types who like to do solo content in their spare time. And for them, between having little spare time and no meaningful solo content to do on any level, they are finding that the hamster wheel is not enough and unsubbing.
I think blizzard should accept the playerbase it has and create content for that playerbase rather than trying to force casuals to become hardcores and solo players to become people who can’t play without other people. But they’re not done doubling down on all the mistakes of the past that they keep telling each other would have succeeded if only they hadn’t caved in the face of falling sub numbers.
this is where i have to agree with op. i am 40 and in the same boat as well. i most of my friends committed suicide or left the game. even myself took a break from mid wod until end of bfa to return for shadowlands. and it dont have to be this way. before you could simple grind dungeons example wotlk times when dungeon finder was introduced and collect emblems to where you could buy an item for ever slot and each item was basically 10 item levels lower than raid gear.
blizzard did alot of things that hurt this game bad over the years. two of the things are as follows. introducing gearscore aka raider io now and removing 10man heroic and wiping out 50% of wow’s populational homes.
i feel you op as i just got back as well. and before i left i was in the #1 guild on my realm and not just that but during cata mop and early wod before i quit i played a hunter and i was one of the highest ranked hunters top 3 top5 and top10 through each of those xpacs raid tiers. and now coming back and not wanting to “buy or get carried” it is a rough world. its like having an infinite amount of money and not being allowed to spend it.
when i came back at the end of bfa i can promise you i was one of the 1st people to clear the visions of sw and org thats how mechanically skilled i am but unfortunately in todays wow its raider io > skill
its just to bad that content that can be solo’ed with serious difficulty would award gear. take torghast for example i solo’ed 1 shotted twisting corridors to floor 18 with ease and yet 99% of wows pop struggled and worst yet cannot do that. but there is no reward gear wise for it. so :S
damn i hate crackpots like this. hijack a thread with the point passing right through them.
op dont want free gear he like thousands of others wants an alternative way to attain it. he is willing to put in the work and from the looks of his account is seems decently skilled. all blizzard needs to do it input an alternative scenario where a solo player can climb the gear tree and or create higher costs for higher difficulty gear so that the player that dont fit in and wants to solo play can still get the gear if they are skilled enough and or grindy enough.
i been saying it since bc and wrath and that is if all the so called “elite” players say they only care about skill and so on and they dont care about gear then when it comes to pvp it shouldnt reward gear. it should reward titles, achievements, cosmetics and mounts for skill. upon entering a pvp zone arena or bg everyone in the zone will have set stats no matter the gear they are wearing almost like how timewalking works now. then and only then will pvp be fair and thats when skill will prevail.
I too, am a solo player, and feel the same way as you! You are not alone!!!
OMG you poor victim. Do you need me to send help?
As a solo player, I am currently WoW-bipolar:
- still having some fun
- but looking for a reason to quit
Shout out to my fellow old folks and og’s
i got so tired of guild drama that after the last guild I was in fell apart, I finally just made my own guild for my own toons. Subsequently I dont really raid anymore (since MOP really), and havent done the M+ grind lately (since legion), and have always hated pvp. Wish there was a better way to progress but i dont have the time to gain raider io score with family and work and real life… no raider io, no chance.
Made significant progress with pet collecting though 
You’re definitely one of the problem discord people he’s avoiding.
lol, almost thought I had wrote that!
I’m pretty proud of my pet collection 
Yes the so called casual as I’m one kept this game alive for years and years and this is our thank you. Well when this game becomes World of Empty Warcraft they will be begging for us back. But might be to late.
The thing is that I don’t feel like we even have this anymore. Dungeons are a railroad to M+. Professions are almost as pointless as glyphs. What is there to explore in Shadowlands?
I just wanna hang out and have fun, man.
I just want to log in and do things I enjoy! I don’t want an itinerary of chores every day forced content.
Just give us a bunch of things to do and let us play the game inside the WoW world! Thats the best iteration!
I hear what you’re saying! I too am an older player … I’m not as quick anymore for dungeons and raiding, etc but I have found a way to enjoy all this game has to offer without having the best or elite gear! I’ve been there and done all that so I guess you could say I’m enjoying retirement in and out of this game. I have no demands of the powers that be and accept that my play style is what it is! I follow my own path, craft, farm and enjoy exploring! Just as in real life , being in this game is what you make of it. 
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Nice, grats on retirement. I like pvping and playing Bgs its always been my favorite past time. But playing against Rated / Mythic geared players is no longer plausible.
It’s plausible, it just requires more patience. On average it takes me about 3 normal BGs and 2 Epic BGs to get a decent match-up and a win on non-rated alts. Then there are some days where you win the first BG and others where it takes 5.
No, it really isnt.
Remember in the movie Idiocracy? The movie theater scene? “The top rated movie was ‘A$$’, and thats all it was, for 90 minutes”…showcasing the level of stupidity that mankind would eventually become.
So i thank you for turning a comedy gold movie like Idiocracy into a cautionary tale documentary.
An interesting anecdote: I bought “The WoW diary” By John Staats who was a part of the original wow team. I want to quote him from THE FIRST CHAPTER BEFORE THE FIRST LINE OF CODE WAS PENNED,
" MMOs are role-playing games in which players measure progress by the equipment they aquire. Since some items are more powerful than others, a complicated balancing act ensues to prevent the better equipment from bestowing unfair advantages. If gear ALWAYS lets some players steamroll others, the audience will fracture into the haves and have-nots, creating an enviroment that deters casual players from continued play"
Absolutely whats happening today!
Bro raiders and organized players have been dunking newb casuals since vanilla 1.0. We’re still here 15 years later. lol