Pretty sure this expac is Titanic- Post iceberg.
Most of my PUG experiences are good. Then again, I don’t try to punch above my weight. If my highest M+ is a 7, I might look for an 8 or 9, I’m not going to mess with something I might not know how to handle.
Epic BGs are great fun, gear doesn’t matter there if you stay with a zerg.
I do stay away from raiding, though. I completely feel what you’re saying about discord. Voice chat is needed, but there are always one or two people who have to create drama or monopolize the chat. The rest of discord is a mystery to me - it seems geared toward the kind of person who uses the word “hashtag” more than any other word, and that creeps me out.
What beat my head against a brick wall and for NOTHING NO THANKS.
Discord…Ventrillo…Teamspeak…(insert some other voip), you guys talk like this has never been there before.
It’s been there for years.
Socializing is beating your head against a wall?
it’s funny you guys keep saying you’re a solo player. But then you join bg, lfr and dungeons. I got news for you all. That’s not solo play. That’s playing with other people
It’s a non argument, nobody is asking to be geared like raiders, nobody can argue killing bots is the same as Human vs Human. Thanks for the No True Scotsman fallacy though.
I don’t understand your point? I never said they didn’t exist… Hell I used to use Roger Wilco back in the mid 90s. I use discord for other games, but most WoW guilds the ones I have been in the last 15 yrs are full of kids acting like well kids!
When I was in my 30s- 40s I just let it go, but back then people had the decency to use a push to talk! Now every feels they are so important that everyone needs to hear them eat chips, and slurp drinks mouth breath and or wheeze through their nose its gross and super annoying.
Why do we have to hear your conversations with family, ot you walk to take a wizz? No thanks!
Exactly our point! We do play without a guild and or friends in our interpretation thats Solo. But we also engage in the world in the MMO. But we are not able to progress. You made our point exactly…
You don’t understand. I don’t want to “socialize” …I want to find an enjoyable escape but explaining basic mechanics to clods in lfr over and over and over is not “fulfilling.” It would be nice to befriend a few reliable players but the current system is too creepy to allow that.
I think I said that socialize comment to someone else (unless that was you on a different toon)
Regardless, what’s creepy about the current system? The in game guild and community finder isn’t asking for your picture and address.
I liked it when we could add friends without having to know their real id and you could turn on and off whether they were online or not.
Ah, I only have a couple people on bnet myself. But there are less personal ways to find regular teammates via guild and communities.
Stick to the basics mate, you’ll hurt yourself. You don’t have the IQ to spend 30 minutes a week getting some gear and are asking for random BG’s to be item level capped in an MMO.
Taking out of context quotes and then quoting fallacies that are beyond you and have been misinterpreted by only reading a section of the evidence I provided, will not work here.
How are your latest random BG’s going? Still being stomped by the hordes of 220+ people that do random BG’s because…well, who knows why they’re there. “But they’re there dammit, and they’re ruining my game!”
Let’s recap:
- Wants gear to be limited in an MMO so plebs aren’t disadvantaged.
- Doesn’t enjoy playing with others.
- Doesn’t want to join a guild or community due to issues with voice chat.
- Doesn’t want to do any meaningful or challenging content, also seemingly due to voice chat, etc.
I think you’ve got the wrong game. What are you doing here exactly?
You want to play random battlegrounds, by yourself, in an MMO, and you want gear to not matter at all. So those other people (who you don’t like playing with) can’t touch you in bad places, or get any satisfaction from their own characters progression. Does that about sum it up?
All I can ask is, what next?
Stick to the basics mate, you’ll hurt yourself. You don’t have the IQ
Nothing you wrote has anything to do with what I said, furthermore instead of submitting a counter argument you instead use another fallacy, Ad Hominem!
Exactly our point! We do play without a guild and or friends in our interpretation thats Solo. But we also engage in the world in the MMO. But we are not able to progress. You made our point exactly…
you dont progress because you choose not to not because you can’t. You say you’re not a solo player but you play w/ other people. That’s not a solo player. A solo player would probably wq, pet battle do old content on their own. If you want to progress further then do exactly what you’re doing at a higher level.
Instead of random bg do rated bg.
Instead on LFG do mythic or m+.
Instead of LFR do normal/heroic/mythic raid.
I played solo all of BFA and got KSM by pugging every run. My plan was to do the same in SL, but it’s not working out so well. I’ve gotten basically 0 loot drops from keys. Gear is all boe, great vault, or PVP. And keys fall apart so much more than they did in BFA. I tried running a PF 10 three times over the weekend and someone bailed every time. The last one was even advertised as a chill completion. So much more of my play time seems wasted in this expansion which is why I’ve been leaning more towards PVP. At least there I get something for an hour of playing.
There has NEVER been a way to solo progress all the way to raid level gear. Never.
i don’t think that’s true. i’m pretty sure the BOA gear from Timeless Isle was raid level.
The guild issue confuses me. There are guilds out there for adults, and for older adults. Old Timers Guild for example is a huge multi-game guild, and I’ve belonged to others. There are tons of older players out there that group together who don’t want to deal with the childish behavior - well after putting their kids to sleep.
I actually usually solo though, and I read something a long time ago that said that quite a lot of players solo a good deal of the time. So I expect Blizzard to try to balance this out.
No I dont have a main…
I agree with the OP …I like coupling with strangers for a quick bg or dungeon run…maybe someday I’ll do a LFR…but as a female, I dont want to make “friends” or talk to male strangers on a mic…I would be too uncomfortable.So for whatever reason someone doesnt want to make hardcore friends to do the hardcore stuff…there should be a path and there should be equally engaging content.
I wasn’t responding to you.
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