~ The Solo Player ~ dying out in SL

I already said it, you are just too stupid to hear it. Read last post.

And solo play does not mean playing the entire game literally solo. Take your strawman trash elsewhere.

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Who’s asking for that? Certainly not me, and I wrote this discussion, stop with your False Equivocation!

I MMO’d myself for 15 years now, from 1 -120 back to 50 up to 60 again all solo in this MMO! What are you on about?

MMO just means a bunch of players all playing inside the same persistent world at the same time! It does NOT mean Must GROUP and PARTY with people!

Massive Multiplayer Online! Not MMOGT Massive Multiplayer Online Grouping Together

Yeah this game sucks now but since the internet has taken over all free speech and privacy what else can you do.

Iam exactly the same type of player as you . Only way we can change things is by unsubbing . Don’t worry they’ll change it back next expac or late in this one . Catering to the 5-10% is not a wise business strategy . They are already feeling it . It’s only going to get worse . The new changes didn’t address any of the problems a solo player is having . Only
Helps the raiders . Mythic plus drops were not increased . Only thing is upgrading , so you’ll still have the same crappy time of not getting any loot in your runs and have to deal with vault . Then you can take one of your duplicate vault chest or hands and up it a few levels after doing world quests and mythic all week. All they did was create more time investment . Last expac was easy to get gear comparable to raiders through mythic plus . This expac I can’t even up my item level much through the vault . And the fact one piece might drop every 10 mythic runs which is 2 weeks for me . Sad state of affairs for the solo player .

You don’t have to raid or do mythics, there’s plenty of casual guilds where people are mostly socializing. There’s a lot with only older players too.

You could do something else with your money instead of paying to play a game that you think sucks :man_shrugging:

Well gosh, let me dig into my spreadsheet of people’s feelings about various WoW topics. I hope you don’t want a print-out because it eats up like 743, 000 ink cartridges.

OF COURSE I DON’T HAVE A SURVEY. Like 99% of what is on the forums, my post is a subjective observation.

You and those like you need to learn read nuance and context. WTF with the demand for factual sources? This isn’t journalism. This isn’t a thesis. This is a game forum where people talk about what they think.

When someone says “Lots of people like white cars” do you demand a factual source? Or do you look around, see a lot of white cars, and just get what he is saying?

These demands for factual sources and numbers and surveys when someone posts a personal observation (with a caveat, even) are such lazy, ridiculous retorts. They are right up there with “That’s what you are but what am I?”


When people are asking for changes based on people’s opinions, it certainly matters to know what people’s opinions actually are.

Do as many people prefer white cars as we see on the road, or do we see more white cars because manufacturers ship more neutral colors that are easier to lease and then resell, so there’s overwhelmingly silver, white, and black on car lots these days? People will often take what’s on the lot rather than order a specific color for speed and because dealers will bargain more with what they’ve got on hand.

we have no ability to compete against Mythic Geared / Arena Geared players

Plenty of posters have posted to the contrary. And of course you can solo to level 60. But you can’t solo to the best gear in the game. Never have, never will. If you want the best, group up. Period.

Annnnd you miss the point in 3, 2, 1…

This is a forum where people post personal opinions and observations. This is glaringly obvious to anyone paying attention at all.

We do not have permissions to post surveys or opinion polls, nor do we have access to Blizzard analytics.

All we have are our own observations.

And as for white cars, dude, you can speculate as to why all the white cars. Speculation is fun. But attacking your friend for not having a factual report to back up his observation isn’t cool. It’s lame.


Should they do the same in normal and heroic dungeons? Should they do the same in raids, limit the ilvl to the current content level? Same in m+?

All to achieve what? So people don’t have to compete against people who’ve put in more effort than them?

Presumably, the people with 197ilvl would still be allowed to stomp new characters at 150 ilvl. How is that any different?

The game has never worked that way, it shouldn’t start now.

The closest it got was pvp templates and scaling in Legion. And people freaking hated it as there was very little gain in progressing your character. Why play WoW if you’re just basically picking a templated character like in a MOBA?

This is an MMO. Gear matters. It always will. So if you don’t want to ever be outgeared, complete challenging content. Otherwise you’re always going to have the double-whammy of encountering players that are better than you, and who have more gear.

Pretty much this. Solo is fine, i’ve 100% solo played all of BFA and SL. 220 character ilvl. Difference is effort.

Are you really that clueless, comparing PvE ilvl to PvP ilvl, which requires FAIRNESS for fun to be had?

Gear can matter without making the game unplayable if you don’t have it.

It also wouldn’t matter if there was an eventual, reasonable pacing for everyone to get to the same ilvl, with the rated tryhards getting to the top much faster, like it used to happen before SL.

This design of gear > skill is simply stupid in a PvP environment, which is why the same gear ilvl is given to everyone for their e-sports BS.

Ever since MoP, WoW has been in dire need of a attainable stopping point in a patch. Getting BiS (or at least top ilvl) should be viable for everyone, regardless of the content they do, differing ONLY in speed.

I’ve said it before and I will say it again: Harder difficulty should award MORE PRESTIGIOUS gear. More POWERFUL gear should be given to EVERYONE.

Making the Prestige = Power equivalence is partly what entices people into toxicity, elitism and the like.


It’s the exact same. If you’re bad and can’t keep up in the content you are doing, you’re going to get slammed whether it be PvP or PvE. Nobody is going to want to raid or m+ with you in PvE. In fact, you’ll probably have less of a fun time in PvE if anything, compared to random BG’s.

In PvE it will prevent you even finding groups. No one can stop you helping them lose random BG’s.

There is paced gear, if you do meaningful content. You know…how everything in life works. If you earn it.

They even introduced the vault for a possible choice of 9 items each week. And it’s very easy to get like 3-5 choices all between 220 and 226 ilvl.

And PvP has it best of all, with easy to obtain 213’s and 220’s compared to the effort required to get the same in PvE.

Lastly, gear is not > skill. If you were as good as them, you’d have the same gear as whoever the last person was that smashed you. If you’re really good, go get full 226’s and 233 weapons. The players that are doing that, would stomp you no matter their gear, so it’s an irrelevant point. You’re not losing to 220ilvl people because of gear alone. In fact, that’s probably the least of your issues, but you’ll focus on it regardless.

MMO’s have gear. If you don’t like it, play one of the hundreds of other PvP games where you just pick your character and go.

K you ARE that clueless.
To ignore you go.


Good counter argument. Enjoy doing no relevant content and complaining about those who do. That’ll get you places.

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They should make TC bigger and it drops loot for solos or a badge to increase loot. Give me something to do. Oh and a new heavy metal skin for my cat. You heard me Ion!? You weirdly hot guy that I love to hate!

In random Bgs, we are @ 197 ilvl, what are you not understanding?

A common caveat, the answer is No! Dungeons and Raids are players against AI DRAGONS! The Dragons don’t care if players have higher or lower ilvl.

Players fighting other players do…

Its not the same at all one would have to be seriously practicing in Sincere ignorance or conscientious stupidity to not understand!

Players vs Players is supposed to based on skill! Raids and Dungeons are players killing powerful NOT REAL coded bots!


Right, and that means none of us can really say what most players like. I’m not sure why that’s such a problem. It’s not a negative thing. The point is, in a conversation that’s about what should be changed because most people gets certain way about it, it’s useful to actually know what most people feel instead of declaring that our individual opinion is what most people think.

I never attacked anyone, unless asking for a source is now considered an attack.

No, the AI dragons don’t, but the players do - same team or not.

In all forms of PvE, you are effectively competing against others for your spot. As well as all the normal competitiveness on the meters. You may not be fighting them directly, but you are still competing. Think of a horse race rather than a boxing match if that helps your one dimensional thinking - still a competition. That’s why it’s the same, and the fact you don’t realize this says all that needs to be said really.

Mate. We are playing an MMO.

As previously stated, if you want gear to not matter at all, there are hundreds of other games ------> that way. And you will do even more poorly, i’m telling you now :slightly_smiling_face:.

The simple fact of the matter is that there’s only one thing holding you back: You.

So either fix it or accept it.

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