Same thing happened to me, I ended making a new account but it sucks to lose my founders account. I have read you can sit on the phone with a support to try to figure it out but I didn’t think it was worth. Currently leveling a imperial agent. Game seems pretty active, the dps que for stuff is faster than wows.
But I am sure the game starts to lose it shine at max level, it did when i played it years ago. But its a great leveling experience, especially for a someone who plays solo a lot.
I’m not sure how these soloers who are demanding raid level gear progression from WQs can love vanilla but hate shadowlands. There was no such thing as a solo progression to Raid level gear in Vanilla. There has ALWAYS been a big gap between raid level gear and non raid level gear for the entire history of World of Warcraft. These people either didn’t really play Vanilla or are have a very fuzzy memory of it.
I don’t disagree with anything you said really. Appreciate the viewpoint, i’m probably not as old as you since you mention people dying, but have played since Vanilla.
Couple of points i’d make:
I doubt there’s many 220+ players joining random BG’s. Sure, you might get a couple, but it’d be incredibly rare to run into groups of them. Premades get put against premades for the most part.
1600 in rating is all that’s required to upgrade all your pvp gear to 213ilvl. That should be attainable for almost everyone, it’s like 10 wins in RBG’s. Failing that, 1400 gives 207 or whatever. Either will get you within the 10-15ilvls you wanted.
I just legitamately can’t see how they can solve the problem for you, without you putting in some required effort. The only solution would be to not reward any of the levels of players that exist between yourself and the ones pushing content. That would create the 1 step difference you want. But right now there’s about 3 or 4 steps between you and the 220+ crowd, and in my view it should be that way.
If you want a game where gear doesn’t matter, play LoL or something. You’ll find that even more punishing though. Gear has always mattered in WoW, and likely always will.
TOR was VERY fun to level through, but the end game was horrible. I’ve hopped on to it over the years but never last too long. I rarely run into people in the world and after awhile it gets old playing by yourself. It’s really a single player game masquerading as an MMO at this point.
Complete nonsense. We did dungeons that were not mythic plus dance dance revolution extreme mode. See back then regular dungeons meant something and you did not need raiderio or even good gear to do them.
Normal and Heroic dungeons are basically pointless now.
You are the one that is selective with your memory. Game was way more casual in vanilla. A rag tag group of people could do a dungeon on max level difficulty no problem.
Raiding was not enough for you tryhards, now you have taken over dungeons too.
True, but that’s why it might be a good game for OP and other solo players. It’s solo content is really good for a mmo and it has dungeons and stuff if you feel like grouping. The low level stuff doesn’t even have to have a tank or healer so the dps que is fast too.
To be honest I feel that the death of the solo/casual player has more to do with the loss of community and server identity. I just don’t feel the same attachment to the game or the relationships I form in it as opposed to what it was.
I don’t think there’s much that’s “tryhard” about enjoying 5man content, and wanting the difficulty to scale.
Dungeons have always been the most popular form of content, and they last for entire expansions rather than just a tier. Completing it once or twice or having it be irrelevant content for the majority of an expansion wasn’t good for the players or the developers.
In vanilla, we got around this problem by constantly rerolling and doing dungeons at progressively lower levels, or with weird comps or group makeups. Whenever my friends and I wanted to game for a weekend at someone’s place, we’d have to make new toons to dungeon crawl, as everything was irrelevant on our capped characters.
The current solution (m+) sure beats the snot out of that.
And normal, heroic and mythic dungeon levels are there for those who either can’t improve, or don’t want to.
I am right there with you brother. Unsubbed, but waiting for some improvement for us solo players. I have a feeling they will listen, our money is good money.
All they would need to do is Ilvl Cap Random Bgs to the max level Honor gear is! Easy peasy! let rated players and their Elite gear shine in rated and in the world and Raids etc.!
But Pugs in Randoms should not have to play against 220+ players, and it happens every night! Deathwing server East coast between 8pm-10pm Sargeras premades all night.
I’m 60 and find I won’t use discord either, I won’t join a guild cause I won’t be able to raid or do Mythics as I know I will let the sides down. Plus to be honest the younger generation don’t have respect for us I get called constantly a ““Boomer””" and you ruined this world for us.
im a 100% solo player, i did pug my way to 1800 as resto shaman, did all my 15’s, cleared 9/10 castle nathria and have some exp on denathrius H (15’ish% best attempt) im sitting at 219ilvl. i play this game like 2-4 hours a day. the system is OK, the difference between you and i, is that i put actually effort to earn my stuff, yesterday i got my KSM with pugs and it felt great
Nothing you said disproved my point. There has NEVER been a way to solo progress all the way to raid level gear. Never. That is what many are asking for and that is what I’m against. I’m glad you like grouping with others to do content. That’s the entire point of playing an MMO.
And by the way, I HATE timers on dungeons and would LOVE a dungeon alternative to mythic plus so…you were saying?
I called their customer service line and they were able to disable my security key after I answered a few questions. You should give it a try. Since I had a key on it the whole time, I came back to 6000 cartel coins!