~ The Solo Player ~ dying out in SL

Anyone remember in wrath where you need a certain arena rating to even purchase gear and weapon

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I don’t know of any guilds like this even since when I first started at launch. Sounds like you aren’t putting much effort into finding a guild and expecting them to come to you.

You need to put in some effort. Go post in the guild recruitment forums with exactly what you are looking for. Go read posts for Guilds looking for people. Go have a conversation with them and if they seem like a fit ask if you can sit on their discord for a raid to see how they are. You may need to server transfer but would be worth it if you find the right guild.

If you can’t put in the time to do things you want like raiding beyond LFR then you don’t really need the gear then so not sure how you hit a wall when you aren’t doing harder content anyways.

Actually, no. No, he doesn’t have to put in any effort to find a guild. He pays to play this game. He’s the customer here in this little mix, not the worker.

If he enjoys solo play (for whatever reason he does, doesn’t matter, he doesn’t have to explain himself) then there should be engaging content for him to do if, BIG IF HERE, if the company continues to want him as a customer.

If the company neither wants nor needs his money, they won’t offer him engaging content for his play style and others like him. That’s where we are at.


Even in arenas the ilvl difference is breaking the ladder. You got all these streamers and boosters obliterating people in 2s at 1400-1700 mmr with their 223ilvl characters. SL is one big sh!tshow


I’m sorry you had that kind of experience. I’ve never had that happen to me. I’m just here to say that most of the people I’ve met on Discord have been courteous.

Paying offers everyone exactly the same: access to the available content.

But couldn’t he choose to be a customer of a game that actually offers the content he’s interested in, instead of being upset that this one doesn’t? I know what I was really unhappy with WoW (WoD) I stopped playing and went console instead till 8.3. there’s nothing wrong with picking a better product for yourself.

It’d be like going to Burger King and expecting them to make you a Big Mac because that’s what you actually want.

They should just make all gs the same for bg. Those below boost up. This is just for randoms only. Then they really need to add hit back for PVP only. That should solve most problems. One thing in reading this is to get your covinate abilities up. Makes a huge difference. Requires some time that we can do that most raiders can not do, time is our friend.

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This game used to appeal to a broader player base. This expansion appears to be failing to do that. I know that’s how I feel. I didn’t sign up for this. I had certain expectations when I paid for the box, and subscription. I expected … well not this… Not bored out of my mind 2 months in.

I have little doubt many people are leaving.


What specifically would you say you’re missing that was available recently? (Aka not 10 year ago valor system)

No you don’t.


I haven’t found this to be true at all. There are plenty of player that just use Guild or wispers to chat.

I think you are (purposely?) making a mountain out of a mole hill here just so you can be curmudgeonly about the new thing on the block. There’s no need for that.

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Actually it’s more like you became a McDonalds customer because they made the Big Mac and for 16 years you have been eating Big Macs despite the fact Big Macs have been changing into and are now fully Whoppers.

I came to WoW BECAUSE it was Hello Kitty MMORPG compared to EQ and you could solo for almost everything in comparison. WoW wants to be what EQ used to be.

I don’t go console because I ONLY play MMORPGs. No other kind of game holds appeal to me. When WoW sucks as bad as it does now, I will do Classic, EQ TLPs, FFXIV or other MMORPGs.

EQ with it’s slow pace lent itself to learning other players. Add in real server communities and the ability to help other players and people just found like minded people. Going from camp to camp meant you usually fought with the same people on your server across most of the leveling camps.

Buffing newbs made their life tremendously easier (think world buffs). It made people remember you and let you have a lot of fun.

WoW today basically says find a stranger in a city, respond to an ad and try that guild. Or go to a forum message board and try to find a guild. Since people don’t really do anything together except gogogogogo in dungeons and raids, no connections are made.


God I’d kill for a new MMO with slow gameplay like EQ. Long grinds and slow combat. Where is that game?

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Pantheon? if it ever comes out :slight_smile:

We can only hope. Maybe I’ll still be around.

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Im 46, I dont like discord. But i log in for Wow Classic raids. rarely talk but listen of course. it gets on my nerves when the raid lead will say something… then 5 minutes later 25% of the raid wasn’t paying attention and asks wtf is happening. ugh.

I do play every expansion and play around with everything. However, I don’t have the time and effort to mythic raid.

I use shadowlands for that solo game play, achievement itch that is not there in classic

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I constantly hear people hitting their pipes, and sucking on e-cigs


So much this. That so little was tied to this kind of gameplay seems really sad to me. It could have been a solo-progression area for the game (where sure, if you joined up with other people you get it faster,) but might have eventually rewarded time and effort that was similar to Mythic raiding but took longer to do.

As a for example:

You complete level 1 of a floor, you get awarded X points. Those points allow you to go to a vendor and buy better gear to get to another level (eventually.) It didn’t have to be hard. It’s all ready time consuming, and it gets challenging pretty quickly as it is. But as your gear goes up, so does your ability to do more go up, too.

That, to me, would have been fun. So if you didn’t feel like doing dungeons or PvP one week, you could just doodle around in a dungeon-like environment solo or with friends and still be progressing your characters. It might be slower, but if you enjoyed doing it, then why not allow for that?

To be fair, the system they have now is working toward that end, and I expect by the end of the expansion, the disparity in levels won’t be that much (assuming as a casual player who only does things they want to do, has spent way more time in the game than most anyone else.)

Just would have been nice if they’d allowed Torghast to be more than it is–a legendary grind-fest that isn’t necessary after you get your first legendary to 235 (unless you got the “wrong” one.) I have been enjoying doing TC and Torghast with my fiance far more than other aspects of the game, and it would have been nice if it had been …I don’t know, another way to gear up? Get new things?

Anyway, tldr: I agree with you, Hexagram. <3


Why? …

Some chats are like going to Chucky Cheese on stoner night.

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much older…

Thank you for this as I now know I am not alone (solo). My only regret is I didn’t quit a couple of expansions ago…