That’s in no way representative of all guild groups and discords. Stuff like this is why they say Ok Boomer.
There’s plenty of guilds full of grown-ups having normal conversation
That’s in no way representative of all guild groups and discords. Stuff like this is why they say Ok Boomer.
There’s plenty of guilds full of grown-ups having normal conversation
No, it’s 100% relevant. He’s crying because he can’t be arsed to find a compatible group and just blames everyone else.
I’ve rarely seen you contribute anything positive. Ever. You’re always bitter, antagonizing and demeaning. You basically have zero credibility at this point.
It’s negative to say that there’s plenty of groups that offer what he wants if he just looks for them, instead of blasting every one else?
Completely irrelevant. The point being, there are scores of us who are either waning, or have left the game entirely, due to its devolution into requiring 3rd party sites for communication. We either don’t care for it, or got sick of it a long time ago.
The comments about farts and sipping Mountain Dew are just anecdotal.
End of discussion.
I was wondering how the dude got off my forum ignore. Gotta fix that.
There’s in game chat. You can use it. There’s the bnet one too.
You hit the nail on the head for many loyal wow players.
This toon is in a great guild and they let me run a few M+ keys on my other toon. they would also let me take this toon as well if I asked or signed up.
I used to log on and run some ransoms for fun, but last few expansions, this really isn’t possible any more without making wow your main hobby and life focus. Casual players are leaving when they see that their competition can play 40 hours per week. I don’t commit to raid nights, since I’m on call.
I wish they would let us toggle in Battle Ground templates. Skill based PVP would be awesome.
I was already rich enough and semi-retired, and kids going away to college when I began playing wow at the end of 2004, recovering from a back injury.
I worked for years in the Mental Health Medical system and had my own businesses and professional degrees, long before I started playing wow.
It was agonizing to me, to see so many young people avoiding reality by hiding too much in the game–letting education, family and career fall by the wayside. I started feeling responsible for them.
Times have changed, for sure, the masses of people don’t even buy real computers anymore–just cell phones and consoles. Maybe they think the government owes them a new high end computer and basement furnishings.
So boomers have a monopoly on over generalizations?
Also, you respond to someone’s overgeneralization of a younger age group by overgeneralizing an older age group? Seems a bit hypocritical.
No, I’m saying that the constant complaining about millennials is what brought about the response of OK Boomer. The point is neither side should be generalizing because it just leads to more issues.
No one is on the forum, “complaining” about younger people. It’s just the opposite.
Fair point. I misunderstood.
I think that both terms as a pejorative is silly and shows a lack of intelligence by the user.
Hm Either you unlucky or you not trying. lol. I don’t think I’ve been in a guild where farts and mountain dew were the main thing or even past around as jokes. Maybe a meme here and there. This is either a troll post or you again not trying. Now this is my WoW guild.
My ff14 guild however use #pog… a bit to much.
I don’t use voice chat a lot. I hate me voice. I also don’t really raid or pvp that much. My guild doesn’t mind that.
I don’t care about loot. I like it but don’t need it…
Loot there so you can push higher stuff. Need that normal loot to push into hereic into M+. As someone who doesn’t push, you or I don’t really need it.
This age excuse is bull…the youngest person in my guild is 27. A large portion of my guild is retired or close to retirement. You are just anti-social which is cool, but dont blame it on age.
pretty sure a large portion of people have actually geared through pvp.
Pretty sure the post that started it all was someone complaining that he didn’t like guilds because he didn’t want to listen to the kids farting and goofing off in discord.
And that is a very real reality…the farting and dictators.
On the other hand, older, long time wow players, have fond memories of their first few years of being very active in their guilds…real life catches up with them—all that precious time spent, set many of them back in Real Life.
I had a very similar thing happen to me on a TLP (think Classic) server in EQ. I went back so I could hit max level in each expansion (since I never did originally but played each).
I found a guild 1 month before server launch. Within a few days started a leveling group another person on the guilds website. Our group was the first to hit 50. We would bring in others if we missed someone, but tried to stick with our main group.
Within 2 weeks, I lost my spot in the group. You know why? I had a job. I Was the only one who did. I couldn’t start before 1 pm server (and group) time. It was just too late for the other members.
When you have to not work in order to keep up with a game, something is wrong with the game…
Over 50 here, and OP hit it right on the money. Sad when holiday quests come around I’m searching the web for a way to solo an achieve that just requires another human to sit and click on something and wait 3 seconds.
EverQuest was such a different social world, I got married (in game) and me and her would run around rezzing and buffing people for hours and most others were very nice and helpful.
Now in a random BG nobody even says HI “Did that guy say hi?” “I know what a retard, and look at his gear! my warrior could out-heal him!” (sigh)
Discord is just as good as Vent or ones before that, and will be replaced as soon as one with a cooler name comes along- PwnedChat or something. WoW should just call theirs BloodStain or GutStench.