~ The Solo Player ~ dying out in SL

Yep. And you are hard capped by rating as to the item level you can achieve

Remove the item level cap and just increase the rewards for higher level play. We all get to 230 but good players get their much faster.

Heck gear resets all the time anyways when questing green replace last tiers raid gear. This just gives a casual player a goal to strive towards at a slower pace.


It always happens that once you finally get the gear you are aiming for, then the max ilvl Jumps and you have to do it all again.

This may have been address but:
I think he’s saying that ONLY within RANDOM (not rated) battlegrounds should ilvl be capped.

You’re saying he wants it capped every where but raids and arenas. That’s not what I read, I think.

And Soul Ash doesn’t just come from Torghast and/or, radically raise the amount of Soul Ash from Torghast and the Mission Table.


I am not askin for gettin mythic gear killing trash. (Al tough it alrrady happens with BoE)

I am just asking for the gear gap between regular player an mythic player less pronounced.


I’d like random bgs to have an ilvl cap of whatever 1400 rated ilvl gear is. You don’t get boosted up to the ilvl cap but everything above gets brought down.
Still a gear disparity between casual and rated players, but minimal and still incites pure random bgers to attempt at least some rated pvp :woman_shrugging:

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Perfectly said… When I log off each night, I don’t feel like I accomplished anything “AT MY LEISURE” or that I chose to do it because it was fun for me… I feel like I am “forced” to do stuff or I wont keep up with the average player and that has got so old. Its like I keep logging on expecting a lightning bolt to hit me and I will start enjoying the game again.


That’s the funny thing about incentive.

Sure, you can say, nobody’s forcing you to do anything; but when you’re railroaded toward doing a specific thing (or set of things) in order to progress your character…?

Needless to say it’s ruined features I’d have otherwise enjoyed. I loved BFA’s Visions. At first.


I like how OP specifically mentioned ilvl caps as opposed to being handed gear but there are still so many posts going ‘yOu WaNt FrEe GeAr’.

Like I said in my prior post, goldfish memories when it benefits them. Before Legion you only had two versions of PVP gear, Honour and Conquest, and that was good enough. More skilled players who did more elite content got elite sets, enchantments, tabards, mounts, and titles, and geared up in Conquest gear that much faster.

If they just capped ilvl in instanced PVP only, hell, in random BGs only, to say, 213ilvl, that would still give the best geared players a marked advantage over someone in fully upgraded honour gear of 197ilvl, while allowing them to participate in all levels of PVE content without issue.


well so many people was against pvp scaling so here we sit. and why so many people are stuck on the whole free gear thing is quite humorous considering tiers come and go by so quickly in wow now does it really even matter.

What exactly do you need to maintain yourselves for? The content which casual players mostly take part in, is largely easy enough to do in questing greens.

If you are casual then you aren’t pushing rating in arena or rbg’s. And if you are, then you also have access to the same gear everyone else does at the same intervals we can upgrade.

Why do you care about the advantage when you don’t play with those characters as you mentioned. If you are doing casual content like low level rbgs or casual battlegrounds or low level arena even, you don’t need the advantage.

You’re entire post forgets to note the content you do, and the players that do it. You don’t need better gear for it. And if you want better gear, then you can suck it up and do the same thing everyone else does. You don’t need a guild, or a team to push rating in pvp. You don’t even need coms to hit 1800.

Yeah if you like PvP, you’re not in good spot unless you’re hitting 1.8k+ rating for 220+ gear.

I liked pvp scaling, it put everyone on more or less equal ground, but hey, people like one shotting less geared people I guess.


yep it is just boring as hell now.

You have access to the same gear anyone else does. It’s on you to use the upgrade systems in place. Plenty of people I’ve played rbg’s with in pug groups at 190ilvl. Created their own groups and said f it at 2.1k rating.

The same things get reverberated here and none if you just want to do the content. And frankly that’s on you entirely, not the community, not the players, and not blizzard.

You can access the same things anyone else can. Sure sometimes you run into some players that tanked rating to do carries or whatever but it’s not every game. Stop whining about it, and do something about it. Improve on your own game play, become a better player.

The tools are there, use them…or don’t. The choice is literally yours

My main’s on 221 ilvl and I enjoy it, in all 3 specs it’s pretty op in pvp, but then I go on my 190 alt whom I’m still gearing, and boy do you feel the difference facing 220+ people.

That’s quite literally the nature of creating an alt and trying to do pvp this late into this tier.

It’s not impossible, it’s tougher sure, but far from impossible. You can hit 200ilvl doing nothing but the main quest right now, which is more than enough to start arena or you can do bg’s until you get enough honor to upgrade.

Everyone wants everything handed to them on a silver platter these days. Grow a pair man up, and go work for it

Doesn’t negate the fact that when your team is 7/10 alts, and theirs full 220 group, you have 0 chance of winning.

You can have gladiators and best players on your team, you’ll still lose by default.

This is random bgs mind you, not rated pvp.


It’s not every game that happens, let’s not blow it out of proportion. Though it does happen.

I queue into them for Anima, or if I need a bit of honor sometimes and I don’t wanna risk losing rating on Tuesdays when I can buy a new conq upgrade. But let’s be real and not blow bg’s out of proportion.

The players you come across for the vast majority of the time, aren’t sadists that want to gank you. They just want the Anima or fast honor. Yeah of course sometimes people will queue in with malicious intent, but sometimes you’ll queue into games with those people too and it’s fun to go to pound town.

Like get real dude

I didn’t ask for free? The quote literally says give us a way…

Reading comprehension not your strength?


The gear gap has never been worse. I was in molten core pugs when it was current and the only raid out. That top gear was obtainable even if it was only the first few bosses at least. Now the rich are rich and the poor are poor, instead of a middle ground.