~ The Solo Player ~ dying out in SL

Imagine being mad that somebody who does harder content then you gets better rewards then you.

that’s literally a majority of their complaint

“we dont have time”

ya’ll running in circles with your arguments :man_shrugging:

True, but even back then you didn’t get raid level gear just by killing mobs out in the open world. If you wanted that gear you were raiding just like everyone else. In fact, the open world was far more dangerous than it is now. You were eating after a few pulls and usually grouping whenever you could because an accidental pull of more than two was almost certain death. If you want the game to go back to that count me in.

Yeah in a year and a half of sweating it and gearing up a guild to T1.
“a few hours to spare”

That’s funny.


There was a huge gap filled after. People already filled you in. Sheesh. The gap between casual casual and hardcore was wide but not this wide. They learnt and let there be a calmer progression, they threw that out in SL.


And after some time passed, it became obvious to the player base, that Real Life was not compatible with the game.

It was even in the newspapers. There were “wow widows,” etc. Playing in the game all day and night is not conducive to daily life. Changes had to be made. Soloists appeared. People who like wow but have lives to function in.


And if they wanted raid level gear then they had to raid. That hasn’t changed no matter what era of WOW you are talking about.

You do want free gear stop lying.

Explained this multiple times in other forums.

Solo that do something
Farm mats/gold = 4 to 5 slot ilvl 226 gear
Torghast = 1 slot 235
Regular BGs = 200
Overall gear score 213

Do almost nothing just quest?
197-205 ilvl.

One of the Ms in MMO stands for “multiplayer”. Go play a single player game.

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Well 2/3 of that was probably one full run of brd lol

Don’t forget we’ve had 2 dungeon weeklies that give 213 for just doing M0 and the WB drops 207.

Very few soloers want “free gear” they just want a path to the same gear, to do in their own time.
The “Farm mats/gold = 4 to 5 slot ilvl 226 gear” is a good idea.

Is the AH full of 226 gear?


People who do random bgs only have always been miles being mythic raiders and high end pvpers

Sorry forgot

Yea, plus two of the weeklies gave 213 ilvl.

We did this and yes it was fun no name calling no hissy fits and are planning to do more nothing high we might do a 3 but it is still up in air.

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Its an MMO. I dont understand. ITS AN MMO

and then…


I hear “hookah” rips on discord all the time


The casual posts always start with how they’re just friendly dudes who just want a chance to get some hard earned gear DEFINITELY NO FREE LOOT, and then eventually it drips out they just really want free gear.

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