I don’t think you know what “Pay to Win” means.
I think casual means level of difficulty. If you’re doing Mythic +15 ~ 20 and feeling chill all I can say is you must be a very skilled player and your attitude is casual but you’re not casual. I’d be panicking and making a campfire instead of skullbash. That’s a casual player (in my mind, being funny of course, no intention of demeaning my fellow casuals)
Can someone refresh my memory, wasn’t there an expansion where blizzard heavily catered to casuals and subscriptions bombed HARD. Was it cata?
This is an MMORPG tho…that means multiplayer and socializing. Why do solo players expect this game to be Skyrim?
This has always been the case. Take MoP for example, if you did not have full 550 prideful or raid gear, there’s no way you could compete against players fully geared out when you were just in blue honor gear or last season’s pvp gear…
Same in cataclysm, if you only had partial or onyl justice point gear, there was no way you’d compete against someone in full valor or full conquest gear.
So not sure why you expect shadowlands to be any different… if you are unable to invest the time into gearing up, then that is not the fault of the game or the systems, instead it’s the fault of the player themselves. Just like it was the fault of the player back during wotlk, cataclysm, mop, legion, etc.
The only outliers to this system that’s always been was WoD and BFA, when Blizzard attempted to add pvp scaling, where in WoD pve gear scaled down in item level and stats, or in BFA where under leveled/geared players were buffed or high level players debuffed, and then you had low levels or undergeared players who could stand toe-to-toe with fully geared max level players and survive what should of been a one-shot (i.e. a level 80 surviving a cooldown hit from a level 120 player), or level 100 players killing level 120 players.
I did though, we cought up much later and it evened out, and the Blue gear wasn’t that far off from the Epic gear too.
Sure the Epic gear was indeed better but it was by a small margin. Unlike today 20,23,26 ilvls is monstrous!
it was a huge margin, especially when you factor in that epics had gem slots galore, tier sets or bonuses were still a thing, etc… people in solely honor gear did not stand a chance against a fully decked out player in epics during expansions such as MoP. you got s**tted on if you dared to step outside casual bgs and into rated content in honor gear.
That’s true and false. A lot of the leveling content is designed for that solo adventurer out in the wild, killing dragons. In classic, you couldn’t even do that without a buddy and so, there was a need for and organic fostering of grouping up and socializing.
While I agree raids and dungeons require grouping - if you’re not in a guild - it’s pugging and that’s now the cross realm LFG tool. There is actually, little “social” in the “socialization”. So it’s a multiplayer ok, sure. So what. Doesn’t mean it cannot provide some robust content for the solo / duo adventurer.
I have a ton of fun when I want to be a soloer just by spamming Epic Battlegrounds. Protect a healer, guard an AV tower, be the guy suicide-running the glaives, lighting up the enemy with a demolisher. Any weaknesses you have don’t get exposed in the mass destruction, you can guide the team strategy (when possible, don’t bother right after school gets out), etc. etc.
WoD Pvp gear was the best iteration ever!
I am an emergency responder and dont have time to rot in the LFR que forever wait hours for a raid, dungeon etc (even in LFR). The dailies are now nothing but chores.
Torghast is nothing but a mongralized version of Quake or Doom where you just go from floor to floor. (this is just development laziness)
so is RPG.
your point?
i think you’re misunderstanding what people mean when they say “solo” in world of warcraft…it’s not literally solo everything.
okay and what exactly was that?
you either raided, dungeoned, crafted (though without the before mentioned two you didnt get far) so how is SL any different?
All jobs are essential, or do only certain people need to eat, pay rent, afford healthcare etc…
he literally said “early in wow’s life”
MOP isn’t early
Thats pre mop read it before you comment
I assure you I have been speaking English for 50 years. I am quite aware what it means.
either way, wasnt the way things were “early in wow’s life” like hes claiming
if you want ilvl normalization in pvp you need to give better rewards elsewhere or if you want pvp gear again you need to have the ilvl separate from pve ilvl or else people skip pve to pvp, like we saw in WoD.