Nonsense! I did level 8 at 180! Or less! Granted I’m a Druid, so I have it a wee bit easier…but go get it done!! I have faith in you!
RNG sucks I feel ya. Doesn’t mean it’s not something you can get.
You might need to be a the new cap for this week to get 203, I got one yesterday.
I also feel this. I hate TG but powered through and I don’t have to go back till the next patch! In this case though, your flat choosing not to get an easy upgrade, so you can’t really complain about it IMO.
This place is full of characters for sure. I hope you decide to get out there and try some of the things though!
Wonder if they broke max level BGs/skirmishes into ilvl brackets if that would help people out?
That way you’re always within 10 ilvl from least geared to max geared. And have it go off of ilvl in bags and not equipped
That would also leave bracket play alone too since that would be based on rating and not gear.
Gear up and progress up while staying semi-competitive?
I just recently got a 194 weapon from the mission table. Is that not casual enough for you?
And please spare us all the victim complex. No one cares that you are casual and no one is trying to “disenfranchise” you over a video game. Give me a break.
Perfect! Implement 197-210 too!
Then all the Elite geared players can play against the other Elite geared players in the 210+ bracket!
194 from a Mission Table? I find that hard to believe.
It’s not a victim complex, it’s a just a disappointed customer complex. Of that I’m sure we can all relate to at one point or another in our lives.
They will now attack you over and over until you stop replying, a tactic used to censor your views because they disagree!
May I ask what normal casual play is? Because I raised this argument earlier against the OP
I’m a casual. No guild, no in game friends to speak of, only play on down time, don’t raid. And yet I was able to push to 20+ Key and just shy of max ilvl at the end of BfA after taking a 10 month break off.
That was just me , playing in the time frame i had available, with a class I liked (Ferals were shunned all of BfA), and doing content I enjoyed. As a casual
I literally just got it from the table a couple days ago. I’m wearing the staff right now. All you have to do is play your mission tables along with your covenants. It doesn’t get any easier than that.
And sure you can be disappointed with the game, but that doesn’t excuse the accusations you were just throwing around. Being disenfranchised is a serious thing and should never be applied to something like a video game.
Not so. I asked the general public their opinion on the matter.
It’s worded to be an open ended discussion as opposed to: I don’t like it so it should be like this**
No offense, but the way a thought or idea is presented carries with it how it will be received. Even if they disagree or berate me, it’s worded well enough and in a manner that’ll open discussion as opposed to simply “I agree” or “that’s stupid”
My answer, and I’m humbled you’d ask me (what do I know). But I’d say anyone that did not do normal raids or higher or any mythics higher than say a 5 (I’m throwing out a number). And also did not do rated pvp. That’s casual in my opinion only.
My main is a druid and I just did a solo layer 8 forge on her. Druids have a distinct advantage with great anima powers and Torghast-friendly specs though. My first run on the mage to do the quest was pretty discouraging in comparison, lots of kiting and weird anima powers that were kind of hard to use. I’m not ruling it out but it’s not like running solo on a druid.
You shouldn’t have to do rated or mythic to not get stomped in unrated bgs. That’s a design flaw.
I hit 32 on Tuesday and that is the current cap .
M+ was my comfort zone. I pushed to a 20 key (didnt time one but hey! Made it!). But I didn’t raid either. I helped when I first came back at the beginning of BfA and got AoTC but quit after that because it was too time consuming for my scheduled.
As mentioned, I only played a couple days a week, a couple hours a day (definitely casual level by all means), but took my content of play and pushed past.
This is why I ask people when use “I’m just a casual/solo player” as their argument. Not targeting you with this, just speaking freely about how I address things
I’ve soloed all of it - all the regular halls, all of TC (twice) - as a feral. In fact, the only thing I enjoy doing as of late is running TC after work and helping groups cheese through it.
Did you get a piece of gear from the purple calling yesterday after capping renown? I know they only have a chance to give gear.
Either way, it’s definitely possible to get 203 gear from them now, so hopefully your luck improves.
I don’t think casual necessarily means anything about “time in” per se. I wouldn’t call someone that almost timed a +20 key casual. I think it’s more to do with the level of difficulty a person commits to. Some people will log in for a few hours once a week to raid - heroic or mythic - that’s certainly not casual in my mind.
To be honest the only purple I ever see are WB and they have been grear for giving me gold for the most part and anima towards my renown.
To be honest a lot of it is frustration because with so many things shut down ,WoW is the one form of entertainment a lot of us can count on and right now it feels like it is letting us down . I think if more places were open like movie theaters and such the issues wouldn’t be as bad because we would have other avenues of entertainment besides WoW or other games.
2020 is the first time in years that I was not able to find time to go see movies in the theater and I tend to do 1 or 2 a month .
As per definition of casual(ly), it is
I get what you’re saying though. But the truth of the matter is that it comes down to the individual alone to dictate what it means to them.
Running M+ and even pushing limits was done in a relaxing way to me. It was done casually and without commitment (yay pug life).
People who get Mythic raids on farm and log in once a week to clear it, that could be casual for them too seeing as there’s not a lot of effort put in (at that point, prior there was definitely effort put in!).
Tomato tomato?