The ship is sinking, will you stay on board?

You think being loyal to a game and company that does nothing for you personally is chivalrous or something?

This game could get shut down tomorrow and all Blizzard will do is write a ‘Thank You’ post on the forum.

And I’ve played this game since '04.


I will wait for a couple of months, maybe even till next summer max. If there still will be no clear picture about WoW future then I’m off.

P.S. I will defiantly not going to play this stupid Anime game - Final Fantasy… No matter what…


He could of worded it better and should have. It really felt like he was passing blame to the players, which is uncalled for. At the same time, I have no issue if the team needs some time to catch their breaths and get their bearings again. That’s called being compassionate.

Call me back in a month (or two). If it’s still on hiatus at that time I may feel differently.

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One good advice from my side: Never follow them blindly. You’re too emotional attached to a parasocial situation. They do not care for you, you are a number. You are a customer, this is a service and not your “friend.” Just because it looks beautiful it doesn’t mean it is not rotten at the moment.

But it is bad. It is actually very bad compared to former expansions. The developers are not good, they can’t bring back the magic, they are not Nintendo. The change the game in their own interest and not what the community needs. This is the big problem here. You mean nothing to those people, you are just a person who supports them and as long as you pay them, they tolerate your presence on THEIR server where you own nothing.


Here’s the problem, Blizzard is facing incredibly grevious lawsuits that normally run any company to the ground.

Right now production is halted, this is confirmed, and any further developments have been placed in limbo.


blizzard Will survive this because Walmart survive theirs and Walmart had the same issues In Walmart still around

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I should preface this with the fact I don’t think WoW will sink. Purely for the simple fact that the game has so many whales and people who have lived on WoW for a decade+ and are so attached to their worthless achievements, mountains of mounts and other garbage they never use or look at that the idea of them leaving the game is so horrible that they don’t even entertain it.

What we can’t deny is that with WoW production being suspended, (and it’s already been a month) 9.1 looks like it could be the longest patch cycle the game has seen yet. Long patch cycles are extremely damaging to WoW, as seen with Warlords of Draenor and 9.0. People have already exhausted the new content that’s come out with 9.1 and now all that’s left is logging in to do the same dailies you’ve already been doing for the past year, plus a few more, and doing 15+ keys you already completed 6 months for another mount.

Losing influencers like Asmongold and Bellular, whether you watch them or not, is a huge blow to the WoW Community in terms of existing players and new players. That’s a lot less traffic directed WoW’s way.

I’ll also say, as someone who has run a lot of new players through the game (people I introduced) in the past year or so, the new levelling experience is absolutely terrible if you are a new player. You will essentially be stuck playing an MMO with a huge world and no one to interact with from 1-48. I don’t know about you, but if I’m picking up an MMO and not interacting with a community within an hour of booting the game up, I’m not going to keep playing it.

That coupled with the fact the game has a free-to-pay model shop in a pay-to-play game where you’re not only biting the cost of expansions and then paying an ever increasing monthly sub, WoW is not a very attractive choice. Like think: you have to buy 2 months of WoW time at once now, and 8 months later 9.1 is all they gave us. That’s a lot of money sinking into a game that is giving essentially nothing back. And Cosmetics from the store cost nearly as much as a full game. So yes, it is looking rather dark, not like it will end, but I’m shocked how many people are putting their head down and just logging in to do the same 3-4 quests over and over every day.

The game will survive, though, but it’s in a dark place. You can’t deny that. The game will survive because even though the community recognizes that there is a tic-toc cycle with expansion quality, players are so invested in the game they will buy every new expansion and pay for months and months of gametime. “Maybe the next expansion will be good” is the glue holding the community together and there’s something inextricably sad about a community where the majority of people actually hate the content but are repeating that mantra over and over. Every 2 years you’re waiting for a new expansion that isn’t bad to come out.

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Been here since 2005 & I’ll be here until servers are permanently closed.

I doubt many people are gonna unsub unless they give us no content in 4-5 months, but wow dev team been pretty bad so :cow:

Another “the end is nigh” thread. :unamused:

Here’s what’s gonna happen. This revolution is going to go on, and its challenges are going to be addressed, probably over the next year, leading through the discovery phase of the lawsuit, and then it’ll resurface once the trial and verdict comes out. In the mean time, (I hope) Blizzard will make changes to their policies to address the immediate and future challenges and do some apparently long overdue course corrections based on employee, customer, and legal feedback.

I think we may see some slow downs or disruptions, but zoom out of the situation a little bit and I think you’ll see that it’s not going to crash and burn. There are a lot of issues going on right now but there are still good people that care about gaming and about the WoW community and that isn’t going to evaporate over night.

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I will play forever. Even if it takes 12 months for 9.2 to come out

They’re halting development. That means the ship stopped moving, not began sinking.

Since I have paid for my subscription for a few months yet, I will be playing for at least that long.

When my subscription comes to an end, I will rethink whether to continue playing or whether I should find a new game to jump in to.

That’s deep… good response. 10/10

Ship is sinking, said increasingly nervous man for the 15th year in a row

yeah I was hoping that the team that did legion would be the team that did shadowlands but I guess that was not the case. I am an achievement junkie and went out to dig some holes in legion today (yes I was that bored), and even the arch was way better! There were elite demons coming out of the ground and I got to kill them and loot a bunch of stuff…everything was better back then! If that was the panic button then we need another one asap. I am an optimist I always hope even when it seems hopeless.