The shallowness of Human Lore in Warcraft--Why?

It is materially unnecessary and would be a net negative not only for the lore but for the playerbase from a community perspective.

All humans were always “diverse”, all kingdoms/tribes had phenotypic diversity.

That must be maintained under any and all circumstances.

“mixed heritage” can be found in more Mixed-Elf, mixed-dwarf, mixed-gnome, mixed-orc, mixed-draenei, etc heritage

I mean yeah, my headcanon about a more viking/Scandanvian/Vykrul Stromgarde in fairness is no less valid than theirs about a more Roman styled one. I haven’t really see anyone (could just be different circles) actually cite the founding of Rome as parallel to Strom and the 7 later kingdoms. Everything we’ve been told and see of Strom is super into learning about humanity’s origins, revering old Vykrul and titan artifacts, battling with Tyr of all beings.

Makes sense for the newer kingdoms to deviate from old Vykrul traditions, kinda separated and removed from their cultural center but I cant help but imagine that Strom, even with the destruction and fall they’ve seen, would still retain a bit of that flair.

IDK, either way just another reason why and how Blizz could actually give humanity some culture and history. We know they can do it, we’ve seen it Kul’Tiras, much less so but started in Gilneas. If ya dont have the workforce, I’ll happily take a contractor position to knock it out real quick.

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I mean I wouldn’t go so far as to say Strom = Rome, but rather just

Not a lot of peoples/cities have the specific history of “three tribes became 7 kingdoms after being led to a valley by a magic wolf” lol

Rather… particular

Just saw this.

Not sure who this ‘Lore’ fellow is. The only ‘Lore’ I know that had anything to do with WoW was one of the developers who went by that handle. I have one forum posting character, it’s this one. I don’t have the time or energy to attempt to sockpuppet and use multiple alts. If I’m going to say something on the WoW forums, I’ll say it on this character, and this character only.

Not you, the other guy lmao

Oh, right, it was added on to a reply to me, so I figured you might have been claiming I was sockpuppeting.

My bad.

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They also lied about not retconning named lore characters. You can quibble about how important a questless shopkeep is in the scheme of things, but they have names.

Natalie Seline being made black with arguably the best looking Type 3/4 Textured Hair Option for women was actually ethereally based.

Nothing about giving the Cult of the Forgotten Shadow to Stormwind was based.

It would help have a far better foundation to work with regarding distinct human skins, which make up a notable narrative aspect that otherwise would majorly lean on meta (player diversity) and headcanon (metal tints), instead of ingame canon story.

And I feel that handling it that way would be a harmless way that sidesteps major issues conflicting other story aspects such as the racial identity of other playable factions or the overarching messaging regarding human fantasy as portrayed in the setting

But still, I think that skin tone is the least of the problems here. Human lore has far more pressing issues in terms of neglect that need to be tackled first.

Although it’s kind of weird to have the impression that talking about the matter is some sort of taboo, despite the freedom I feel when addressing this for other fantasy races of the setting.
I remember chatting with some friends about how cool it was for blizzard to acknowledge other troll tribes with BfAs new customisations.

They should just give the Black options to the Forsaken and retcon her as undead swiftly


Forsaken being undead humans, they should’ve had black and Asian options from the start like the humans did. These days I think they actually do have the former.

None of that has to do with Natalie Seline, and Other Godawful Legion Ideas.


No Forsaken still don’t have Black options, only one “darker” skin tone, but it’s actually still within the range of how lighter skin rots

Really wish devs would go visit their local morgue


I probably give that more slack than it deserves just because this company hasn’t really had an interest in any remotely graphic depictions of gore or necrosis pretty much since Vanilla.


I think a lot of races should get black skin tones added.

Regular Orcs should get access to darker skin tones to represent Blackrock/Dragonmaw Orcs.
Forsaken should get access to darker skin tones because they’re human.

But honestly? What I really want to see are dark skin tones added to the Draenei and Lightforged Draenei!


A lot of that had to do with China originally I think. The Chinese government tends to censor any excessive bones showing on undead creatures in every game released there

Which shopkeeper’s names were changed?

Not name, the Slaughtered Lamb bartender is now Not White, among others

Spot on.

Blizzard had to change the Chinese client considerably for World of Warcraft to be able to be played there and one of the changes was to remove all depictions of bones, both in images and in models. If you play the Chinese version of the client and your character dies, instead of a skeleton appearing on the ground when you respawn, a grave appears complete with a mound of dirt and a tombstone. This actually created a really cool image when Oondasta was able to be fought.

It also is why the Wrath of the Lich King expansion launched so late in China compared to everyone else. Chinese players only started going into Borean Tundra and Howling Fjord at the same time the EU and US players were organizing raids to take down the Lich King in Icecrown Citadel.

However, the changes to the Chinese client only affected the Chinese client. No changes that China enforced on WoW crossed over to the US or EU realms.

Yes, I know they changed the ethnicity of npcs(as mentioned by my own link) however Ruthus said they also changed the name, which it said they were not doing.