The shallowness of Human Lore in Warcraft--Why?

I really like those descriptions of Thoras and Stromgarde from those books/comics. I’ve always loved the idea of the Stromic humans being more of the “Barbarian” type of kingdom among the rest of humanity. With lots of shades of their Vrykul Ancestry.

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Thoras Trollbane. Another Orc killer who must be put to the sword for justice to come.

The way I see Stromgarde is bit of Celtic/Nordic/Imperial/Roman Theme to it but more Celtic and Nordic Viking to Stromgarde. If only if Blizzard made them that way fully. Then I say Stromgarde would be even more a awesome place.


I have my own Headcanon regarding human Kingdoms and tend to imagine them with a certain cultural coding.

Strom was more Celtic/Scot, Dalaran as this Abbasid Caliphate thing going on, Lordaeron is massive with many overlapping cultures, primarily Germanic and moving more Slavic and Rus in parts. Alterac is kind of the same, Mountain Kingdom sandwiched between other larger Kingdoms has big Swiss vibes. I like to imagine Stormwind as Venice Italy, because of the Canals.

Gilneas and Kul Trias is obvious, but pre-BFA, I imagined Kul Tiras as more Colonial-era Spain/portugal.

I do wish Blizz did more to highlight what separated these nations, culturally, historically, economically. You know there was probably a history of cut throat Game of Thrones stuff going on, I mean, already the Lore we have between Strom and Alterac is pretty brutal.

You think human’s have it bad? Gnomes have it worse :rofl:

At least humans HAVE lore :sob:


The gnomes suffer the same problem that humans do. Both races lore is all ancient history, and really has nothing to do with the modern day version of both races


You’d think they’d finally rebuild Gnomeragan.

Every race has a capital city except for the Gnomes and the Goblins.

(And technically the Trolls and furries, I guess.)

The bits I quoted some posts above yours, included a King reunion that had them debating what to do with Alterac, how their relations strained against their political ambitions, and how each king wanted to push their own agenda above that of the rest.

Very GoT indeed.

Gnomes have two cities. Mag’har and Vulpera have nothing.

Gnomes have 2 DUNGEONS.

A Dungeon is not a city.

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Don’t forget about the Regular Dwarves too. They feel kind of left out as well.

Generally speaking it really is just a shame how many races lore is left so vague or just not updated in a meaningful way in over a decade or 2. This goes for Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes and some others.

Kul Tiras was some nice development for humans but knowing how this story is written, i feel they’re always going to take the backseat to Stormwind. Which itself there’s a refusal to give any development to that does not involve a Wrynn or the Defias.

For Dwarves, i hate to say it but the Council of Three Hammers i think did more to harm their narrative than it did to benefit it. Like it feels to me they just put the council in place so the Dwarves could be too busy to do anything for the next decade.

By this point though, we really should know more about these different kingdoms/clans/etc. There’s been so many missed opportunities.


I agree. Many races have huge gaps in their lore. Such as Gnomes, Dwarves, Draenei, Tauren to name a few.

Draenei are fine, infact they have done exceptionally well and been developed incredibly well with the exposure they got in WOD and legion. Not to mention to introduction of lightforged ties back to them and their faith.

With the army of light likely to come into play they are guaranteed to get more content.

I remember when a certain player used to complain and complain about how Dranei lore wasn’t done enough and as soon as Legion passed, they fell off the forums. Any attempt to try point out the issues with the Human lore would be ridiculed by them and Night elf players.

Now Draenei are pretty well off but im sure Night elf players hate the “focus” they have gotten.

I’d say out of all the alliance races, Draenei are definitely in a superior position when it comes to lore. They got their ancient history like everyone else, and we learned what life was like on Draenor from WoD, plus the legion lore that added a ton of new lore for them.

Just need their heritage armor quest and I think the draenei will be in the top 3 with regards to having superior lore compared to everyone else.

After all the draenei are one of the few races people rarely seem to complain about from a lore standpoint


The Draenei are an example of a Retcon done right. It is a good example of why I am not opposed to Retcons in and of themselves- sometimes they can make the story better. Instead of just being some erstwhile rabble in Outland like they were in WC 3, Blizzard retconned their whole civilization- and the lore is better for it.


Now if they’d only update Exodar and the rest of the Dreanei isles. A crashed ship is no way for them to live at this point, especially since its been fixed and apparently scrapped to make another ship. Give me Azeroth Shattrath!



For Dwarves, i hate to say it but the Council of Three Hammers i think did more to harm their narrative than it did to benefit it. Like it feels to me they just put the council in place so the Dwarves could be too busy to do anything for the next decade.

You’d think Moira’s brat would be old enough to walk yet.


Now if they’d only update Exodar and the rest of the Dreanei isles. A crashed ship is no way for them to live at this point, especially since its been fixed and apparently scrapped to make another ship. Give me Azeroth Shattrath!

Maybe instead of working on an entire continent we won’t go back to after the expansion ends, they should update the main two continents. Update Drenai and Gnome cities, update Forsaken and Troll/Goblin areas.

I know there’s some drama at Blizz right now, so it seems like a lot of time could be saved by choosing to update what they have over creating something new.


I’d say out of all the alliance races, Draenei are definitely in a superior position when it comes to lore. They got their ancient history like everyone else, and we learned what life was like on Draenor from WoD, plus the legion lore that added a ton of new lore for them.

lol, Night Elves aren’t that far behind either considering they destroyed the world and are responsible for a quarter of the villains.

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Personally, it’s because a lot of things that would make humans interesting again with what already exists in universe, isn’t bombastic enough for what new writers do. It’s not something you can turn into ‘big lol moments with one emotional scene every 6 months.’

One of the worst things humans have done in Warcraft is internment camps, which were -actually- meant to be humane until they found a way to stop them from being demonic levels of violent. The reason this failed? Politics and taxes.

Beyond that, a lot of their lore has either been turned race neutral, like the magical aspects with the human kingdom of Dalaran, or is tied to religion. And honestly, more recent ‘light lore’ strikes me as though the people involved had a chip on their shoulder against religious institutions or general organized religions from IRL baggage, and are venting that into organizations that honestly really don’t fit the comparison.

And the ancient lore is far, far more interesting than the current lore.

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