The shallowness of Human Lore in Warcraft--Why?

My main fear is that any potential conflict or interest humanity might get is going to be undone by Anduin swooping back in to save the day. And Turalyon or anyone else will be villain batted to make Anduin look good.

If there were to be another Alliance effort on Lordaeron, i’d prefer it be somewhere else in the former kingdom than Undercity again because i have no desire to see a 3rd failed attempt at claiming the city only to see the Alliance have another humiliating defeat. I think two interesting options though could be Stratholme or Tyr’s Hand. Both being holy cities in their own right and cities that were part of Lordaeron. There’s also room there if you wanted to make one one of those cities where Turalyon’s family was from or had a lot of power in. We know he was a Noble of Lordaeron but we don’t know much of his land or house beyond that.


Og alliance was cool and soul. Cata revamp ruined it and became wrynn only with pet dog genn. Bring back metal asf knights fighting big sweaty orcs

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Cool. Kirin’Tor politics where one group wants to keep Horde out of the city?
Eh, it’s been done before, and the Horde were let back in later on anyway.

However long that lasts. It’s a foregone conclusion he’ll be back in as High King in the not-so-distant future.

And all nations of the Alliance can have their own personal motivations and ambitions even with Anduin in place. Blizzard just needs to not suck and let them have it.

Just how many Crusades were launched in the middle ages? :thinking:
I don’t see the Alliance ever giving up on Lordaeron. Sure, they might make efforts to try and reclaim Stratholme or wherever, but ultimately someone’s going to want that big seat back for Team Blue.

As I mentioned with the Purging of Dalaran above, Battle of UC has been done before so perhaps it really is best to try something different. I could see certain Alliance officials trying to use Calia’s connections with both Alliance and the Desolate Council to politic their way into Lordaeron. Get the Forsaken to switch sides and let them in, maybe?

It might prove an interesting story element with Calia trying to figure out where her loyalties lie.

Hmm No I’m saying there’s some Kirin Tor Members are isn’t Neutral and not Silver Covenant. Like the Ones in Stormwind for example are Kirin Tor Alliance.

Does it strictly change the possibility that they might want the entire Kirin Tor to be strictly Alliance if they’re hanging out in Dalaran or in Stormwind?

I think this is the first Black Stormwind noble we’ve seen. House Tremaind is new too.


Well one, every human kingdom on Azeroth save for Stormwind and Kul Turas as fallen. Two, Stormwind has become basically the melting pot for humans and they kind of homogenized into one culture. And three, Blizz has kind of exhausted all points of human lore because of the first two reason. The only way they can expand is to make a new zone.

Stormwind fell during the first war, but was rebuilt years later. I guess you could technically say most of the human kingdoms except kul tiras fell at one point or another

Orcs had a similar backstory and yet, we have far more knowledge regarding their culture, their race, their clans, their ruling system, and plenty other stuff.

Stormwind Human story has been on the piggyback ride of the Wrynns for most of WoWs history.

And the only reason we had a bit more information about humans in general, was because they made Kul Tiras and Gilneas their own playable factions.


We only know that due to WoD which expanded not only our exposure to Orc Culture but how they operate and even how some Orcs looked before their corruption.

So unless Blizz is gonna do another WoD but for Azeroth, the only thing we’ll see of human culture for other kingdoms is when they are at the end of their time, a little before or during their fall.

But even with Stormwind being the new central point for all humans (minus Kul Tirans) there’s absolutely no story about that. That has so much story potential yet nothing is done with it beyond Anduin or his cheerleaders being at the front of it all. There’s a lot they can do to represent the different human groups under the banner of Stormwind. One thing i had in mind was simply representing them through the different human subfactions.

The Silver Hand (Which is entirely ignored unless it was when they were neutral) should be the Lordaeron themed faction given Paladins were created in Lordaeron and many of the Order’s greatest heroes were Lordaeronians.

The Brotherhood of the Horse as well as the Clerics of Northshire should be revived and given spotlight to be the representatives of “Old” Stormwind culture. Perhaps the COnjuror’s order as well.

At this point Stromgarde is already retaken so just show them actually doing things. Show some of their units like Troll Hunters and go into more of their culture and backstory.


Don’t get me wrong. That’d be great. There’s tons of things they could do to at least show different groups in Stormwind and how they get along in their day. My statement was in a sense that we don’t see other kingdoms because all of them save for the mentioned two have fallen. And we won’t see them unless Blizz does another WoD kind of plot to allow us to see those kingdoms in their prime. Stromgarde has only recently been retaken after years of being gone so I don’t blame them for not being seen. They have to focus on securing themselves and rebuilding.

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This is why i consider the Human Heritage questline to be such an abysmal disappointment. The Armor is amazing but the story gave us nothing. None of the other nations got a mention. We didn’t even learn anything of Stormwind’s past beyond another Defias storyline which i’m honestly exhausted of seeing at this point.

That would have been the best opportunity to at least show us a window into the past of these other kingdoms and their traditions. Or to show us some of their cultural aspects amongst some characters within Stormwind itself.

I don’t see the problem here. Every human race that is seperate has gotten their own heritage armor so far. Meaning Stormwind, Kul Tiras and Worgen. There is no need to clump them all together.

Those are the humans that are currently playable, and therefor have the most development done with them. People are simply asking that be extended to the other kingdoms.

And even then, there’s still a strange tied togetherness about the human kingdoms, but that could also be given some explanations: While they historically came from many different tribes and clans, they united into a singular Empire at one point, and that still marks their more recent history.

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10 char baybee

Actually Kul Tiras fell as well in Warcraft 2. Although that is obviously non-canonical now.

Still, kinda ironic that WC2 depicted Daelin as someone who would leave the Alliance when he ended up one of its greatest supporters.

Given his hate towards orcs it makes a lot of sense that he would have pulled Kul’Tiras out of the Alliance after Terenas refused to have them all exterminated.
A lot of Alliance members did the same.

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I say it is interesting we are starting to get some more variety into the Human Story. If only if other Kingdoms like Stromgarde, Lordaeron, and Alterac wasn’t the same like Stormwind. Only Unique Kingdoms are Dalaran, Gilneas, and Kul’tiras.

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There are bits, here and there, that point at subtle distinctions regarding how some of said kingdoms looked.

For example, this one comes from Day of the Dragon:

The King looked to a stern figure standing near the window, a figure clad in leather and fur despite the relative warmth of the region. A fierce beard and jagged nose were all Terenas could make out of Thoras Trollbane’s gruff visage.

Or this one from Tides of Darkness:

Thoras Trollbane stalked across the mountains as easily as if he were one of the region’s sturdy rams, his heavy hob-nailed boots finding solid purchase on the rough gray granite. His men moved behind him, each one as well-versed in mountaineering as in combate. Stromgarde was a mountain kingdom, and its children grew up learning to climg rock faces and scale the peaks.

This could serve to introduce more distinct appearences for Stromgarde for example. By giving them a theme more in line with this one:

Both in appearence and culture (if one day Blizzard decides to revamp and rework their domains, or introduce more characters to develop their story).

It would slap, as Stromgarde being the more direct descendants of Strom (first actual human kingdom), they would’ve probably kept far more Vrykul imagery and themes.

EDIT: Another bit regarding Thoras:

He was glaring at Thoras Trollbane, king of neighboring Stromgarde, but the tall, gruff Trollbane was ignoring him, his leathers and furs apparently shielding him as well from Perenolde’s anger as they did from his mountain home’s fierce weather.

Definitely getting Stark vibes from him.