The shallowness of Human Lore in Warcraft--Why?

From what I read (and a couple other people on Twitter backed it up), the previous word basically meant “stupid poor black person” and in Patois, was used in the same way as a combination R-word N-word.

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Wait a min there is Black and Asian Vrykul Models in Northrend? Wait hmm that explains the darker and mixed light skin tunes then. It’s been a while since Northrend.

This bit is the one I find more tiresome, honestly.

Not accusing Daiza or anyone in particular, but it gets really hard to have a conversation when the one opposite you keeps insisting on distorting the point you are making.

It’s like they follow a script and no matter the way the point is expressed, the answer is against a particular made-up interpretation.

And I get it, it’s an argument thrown quite often by people, that in many cases, hides underlying racism.

But maybe it’s time to stop and consider what’s actually being said, and talk with each other as rational human beings, instead of instantly assuming the worst.

One of the reasons I think that these conversations get unnecessarily hard to have, is that people take for granted the worst, and end up feeding an hyperbole that further polarises each side.

There is simply no middle ground left.

There is also the fact that certain people do this simply because it’s easier to create a counter argument for said distorted point, than to address the one so obviously being laid out. But that’s usual bad faith argumentation.

I must say that in Daizas case I understand the complaint and it seemed to be less about this strawman (even if I had to clarify it some times). Which I appreciate.


That said, and after getting this off topic rant out of my chest, I’m open to debate other ways to develop human lore :smiley:

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I think with the epic fail of human heritage quest we can’t retroacticely fix anything.

If there is going to be an opportunity to fix this its going to be in a world revamp.
There are plenty of refugees and survivors of other kingdoms in SW currently.
If they were to go back in a restored or semi restored EK i would say the best thing is to have the first phase of the questing about securing their old home back and the second phase about exploring the back ground of the town/city you are trying to revive.
Kind of like how the story of Darrowshire, that one was pretty good.

The further up north we go though the more we should see Forsaken, just like Andorhal they could be trying to sabotage the humans that the forsaken player could be helping. Lordaeron is for the dead and all that but sometimes they have to fail so we could share these zones.
Not like cataclysm

Twitter, renowned as a house of scholars.

Didn’t the writers change the name of that troll force to something that translates to “sorry”?

Cause that takes away from the grift, trolling, and latent fasc tendencies

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There are various types of mobs with varying levels of success. I am not on Twitter, I am not part of the Twitter mob, but I largely agree with their position as expressed in this thread.

The Twitter people did get them to change some Troll stuff that really should have been changed.

The fact that Blizzard used a term for a group of trolls that refers to both the “n” word and the “r” word combined is evidence of why people are leery of Blizzard’s attempts at drawing inspiration from the real world.

I googled it myself at the time and found the same conclusion so is there some other meaning you know of, or is there any point to you knocking the Twitter crowd on this?


But they are already drawing inspirations from the real world. Multiple races, questing zones, there are pop culture references and so on.
They are completely fine with expanding and developing the Horde races but when it comes to Alliance races? Well no sir we got red lines that are uncrossable.

Its BS.

And Blizzard is getting called out when they foul up, then Blizzard proceeds -rightly - to listen to this Twitter mob you speak of.

One of the issues is that currently, there are Humans of various shades of color and “ethnic” features. All Humans have common ancestors in the Vrykul as titanforged, and have a shared history. They do not need to be explained or delineated with Retcons and “paper bag”tests. They are here and their story is the Human story.


The twitter mob has the combined IQ of a stick, and if they are happy about inconsequential word changes then good for them. I don’t care.

What did I post here or what did Gerwin suggest here gives you the impression that somehow developing human lore is not the human story?
What I take issue with is the double standard that it is ok for Horde races to get developed and draw inspirations from real life cultures but Alliance races? Well they are generic fantasy so they don’t get to have any.

The way WoW has traditionally tied species to culture makes me feel it’d be inappropriate for other human kingdoms to deviate too hard from being varying flavors of fantasy British. Maybe you can play with the exact time period or sub-theme like Gilneas’s Victorian era and Kul’tiras’s mariner theme, but anything beyond that feels to me that it’d be more appropriate on a brand new race instead. Like, maybe Arathi could be a more pastoral England or militaristically-focused, etc. but still look compatible with the current human kingdom themes that exist now.

I think that in said regard, the plot hinted at with Danath Trollbane are steps in the right direction.

Rebuilding Stromgarde as a proper hub, even if it doesn’t reach the status of actual capitol from a gameplay perspective, could allow to create better/richer human lore if:

  1. They use it to introduce unique cultural aspects that differentiate them from Stormwind.
  2. Create a set of protagonist characters that drive their story forth without relying on the Stormwind cast. Either by using Danath himself, a long lost relative, or some new settler that grows to become a champion of said kingdom.
  3. Do all the above with a new set of visually distinct ingame assets: buildings, garbs/armours, tabard, etc. Not asking for a radically different aesthetic, but one that remains more unique.

I mentioned it some posts above, but I’d create subtle thematic differences between Stromgarde and Stormwind, such as the ones we’d find between Rohan and Gondor in Lord of the Rings, or the Empire and Bretonia in Warhammer.

EDIT: It may be the last time i address these bits, as I think all people involved have made up their mind in their respective camps, but:

Again, same could be said for Dwarves. And yet, their development outgrew their shared ancestry to the point that we even have physical differences between different clans.

I’ll repeat that I understand that some people equate WoW Humans with RL Humans and see all sorts of problems in their handling, for reasons such as writer incompetence or the fact that they often interact with racist players.

But in my opinion, judging these WoW humans simply by the standards and “rules” of the setting itself and considering them but another fantasy race that delves the setting, the natural conclusion would’ve been to have their differences be from the same adaptation that defined every single other race.

That said, I’m taking a step back on the matter. Even if I stand by my posture that ignoring this is a net waste of lore potential and leaving it as is borders on lazy tokenism, I’ll respect the views of those that think otherwise.

Everyone is entitled to have an opinion on the matter.

Damn, Google Translate.

Not Google translate. I searched for it and found its definition in an online dictionary. Also found an entry for it in referencing the peasant part, and Urban Dictionary backing up the stupid half.

So we can reliably assume it means peasant. I don’t know anything about Jamaican culture and I doubt any of you do either, but relying on Urban Dictionary as a substitute for living in that culture isn’t a path I’m following.

I was flying around with my druid the other day, getting Archeology digsites so I can level to 60 without having to go through shadowlands :nauseated_face:

I am so glad I completely skipped that expansion, I never even got past the intro bastion quest. Anyway I digress.

Flying over the world with the max distanced view I just realized even further how small the old vanilla world is, EK revamp should be a single expansion with all the zones merged and redone so it looks normal.

Once they do that we have place to really explore the different races native to EK.

I don’t really think so, they should all have the same general medieval human approach, Gilneas and Kultiras are out of this equation but for the rest of the kingdoms? Same kind of approach with Knights, castles, princes and princesses and etc.

Imagine more of GoT than anything else. Where towns and houses are fleshed out.
So far we got House Wrynn, Menethil, Trollbane and Greymane.
These are royal houses ruling great kingdoms but there is nothing wrong with adding more houses that ruled towns, duchies or even petty kingdoms.
And yeah this is where I would sprinkle in the “ethnic humans” no reason all the ruling high houses should be white.

When you complete the quests of that zone/area you unlock the tabard of this new human noble house. Plenty of world building and role play to be had for human players who don’t have the luxury of orc clans or tauren tribes and so on.

No, I don’t. That’s why I was also relying on other people who said they are familiar with the term. When I was curious, I looked it up myself and the dictionary definition seemed to fit. And the two other references back up each half of the dictionary term.

I’m not sure what you’re getting out of this just to go for a “lol WoW twitter” jab. Do you think the word’s change isn’t good?

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I think the replacement sucks, from all the meaning I can get out of it. Something like “Holy Sorry.” “Peasant” never really made sense, though, even if that was the worst of it.

I’ll always jab WoW twitter, they’re lunatics.