So just for my clarification, the villains in this pre-expansion are the same ones that we’ve seen for 16 years since the game launch in 2004 and 2008 WoLK expansion?
how do i get my money back for my pre order???
I am so exceed
What armor set is the undead wearing in the pic? Shadowlands set?
Dude, what? Did you not watch the trailer for shadowlands? She broke a hole in the universe on the Lich Kings front door step. Where else would you expect the prologue to start? The Lich King ain’t a king without his crown so there’s no control over the scourge anymore. What did you think the scourge was gonna do? Go on vacation?
The pre-patch is just the little nudge of content needed to connect the events that happened in the trailer to actually setting foot in shadowlands. It’s a prologue. That’s it.
100% agree
They have allowed people to play beta ptr for some time now.
Complaining never gets a person any where are they gonna do the work because its a lot of work the whole game starts on platform in grafting they should realize hard work done with patience. They need to go learn to love their self its a hard job to put this all together. I have beta tested its cool beans but I never asked or begged for beta key they best kind things are unexpected. Things will all fall in to place. But also people really need to do some self care and self love get some fresh air mental health comes first then they come back to play wow.
where is this delay prepatch thread? i recently came back and hadn’t really played since classic came out. I wanted to getr the faceless one achievement but didn’t realize it takes a minimum of 3 weeks to do. i have all 5 masks and finished my 5 mask in Orgrimmar this week but i need at least one more day of next week for Stormwind to be up to finish my 5 mask there since half the masks had to be retrieved from Org and the other half from SW.
Remember when people did that for the expansion release?
Imagine enabling Mythic Raiding BFA mounts 100% drop chance for 2 people in a 20m raid, yet still have Invincible’s Reigns still at a 1% drop for 10 years with players who’ve been farming since them still haven’t had it drop for them. Weird…I know.
“Sacrificing the present’s enjoyment” Friend, a large majority of people find the game overall unenjoyable at the moment and think corruption gear is garbage. You are literally the 10% that think corruption gear is cool. You’ve had plenty of time to enjoy the trash state of the game, quit whining like a child.
And good thing we don’t make decisions with democracy. The majority is too easily swayed with pathos and leads themselves to mob mentality. And look what we have now. People only clamoring for shadowlands because of cosmetics. No substance in the game.
Pay attention for once.
I pay attention all the time, I am not a person who follows the mob mentality, I am a very self aware person who thinks for themself.
Corruption gear is bad, most people hate the current state of the game, and you’re not going to get the delay you want =D
Enjoy being petty.
Most people struggled to even get a cloak. Their opinions on corruption mean nothing besides the discrepancy people who actually invested themselves into the system and saw the disparity. Said disparities that would not have occurred had they had diminishing returns on secondaries (coming with shadowlands) or proper scaling of stats before even corruption was to be implemented (aka an upstream solution).
Yea, Pre-Patch is kinda important in a stroy baased game. dont need another failure like BFA where the story was told everywhere but the game
yaaay. Maybe 2 weeks of something to do then back to humdrum. I’m not excited about this anymore.
One of the tier sets for death knights from legion I believe.
It is so true and those losers drive RAM trucks to point out what idiots they are.
I’m looking forward to not having to level any toons through BfA for a long time and WoD forever.