The secrets of premade revealed

Templates would be fine if there were multiple loadouts you could choose from like GW2. Blizzard just doesn’t want to spend the extra time on balancing that just for pvp.


Yeah, i was just curious as to how he would have answered since he is saying gear is what wins regular BGs. Which ~seems~ to match my experience playing regular BGs where, typically, one side easily dominates. I used to think it might be a combination of skill and gear, but he’s actually saying it’s due to GEAR. Which piques my interest about whether he thinks that’s a problem or not. :smile:

I thought templates were fine too at max level. After Legion it’s felt like blizz has absolutely no clue how to balance PvP design let alone gear.

This xpac they still got gear wrong what with having these weird ‘jumps’ between the ilvls of honor gear and conquest/crafted gear. Casual PvPers lag too far behind with gearing IMO.

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exactly it just feels clunky

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EXACTLY. You’ve kind of described the main reason why i prefer playing epic BGs. Even if I were to play a ‘weak’ spec with ‘average’ gear I could still have fun and make a difference playing the objectives. Whereas, in regular BGs both of the above are more detrimental to the win and simply do not allow for much fun.

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Templates suck I love the current gearing we have now

I have so many of my toons just with complete meme stats.

Reminds of old school pvp where you could do crazy damage at your own expense. Should I stack haste/mastery on my destro lock? No. Is it really REALLY REALLY funny? Yes.


I’ll give you credit that you posted your locks win ratio which I presume is all solo queue ? lol

Either way, welcome back to the forums… don’t go too personal on me now Degen! :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t forget the people fishing in Wintergrasp :stuck_out_tongue: