The secrets of premade revealed

Alliance premade do this to win

Text-chat strats
Listen to and respect each other
Follow strats
Read chats
Never Give Up

And THAT"S ALL WE HAVE against enemies

I honestly don’t understand WHAT the Horde thinks we are DOING in there…

Our gear is EQUAL

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I think Inemia is drunk in his basement again lol


The reason Premades win more often is because they are generally more geared.

If you ran a full honor premade, you’d probably lose most games.

(This post is not about Epics. I don’t do those.)

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What? The reason they win is because they are typically much better, have use of comms and can pick their spec roster. A full duelist premade will win in honor gear every single time.

Alliance win more often because their racials drove high-tier players and streamers to swap which caused mid-tier to swap. Look at any ladder last season or this one - 3-4x as many ally at top of the ladder as horde.

Then consider that most of the mid-tier players have quit so the average player is either very casual or very good (2100+ historically) and you end up with a random bg that statistically will have very good alliance fighting very casual horde.

It’s why they need to just get rid of factions in randoms already.


don’t drink, don’t have a basement.

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player skill and build specialization are different between epics and randoms. for example my AoE choke breaker doesn’t even work unless there is enough targets. its the same concept behind why 2400 arena players get slapped around by casuals in epics, its our turf, not theirs. we’re practiced at it, they aren’t.

if you take the same players and give them time to learn the game mode, they rise up to their respective level of success rather quickly.


I’ll also add it’s a different mentality team vs solo. My setup is mainly for defensive and back capping …I don’t run with the frontlines except as an objective is needed…you will never see me at the top of the charts …but I am there doing what I do…totally different mentality than reg bg’s and solo


some of the most important and vital players in epics are the ones doing the :poop: jobs that don’t bring KBs or top the meters. the best teams are capable of both monster mongo damage and cleaver counter play for when damage alone won’t do.


Don’t forget those healers…omg you are going to visit the GY if you forget those healers…they are the foundation :slight_smile:


healers play meters too


Naw maybe last seasons honor gear. 13 ilvl difference. If your not killing them in full honor gear full conq wont help you.

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I might have 5 pieces of conq gear on my best toon…and I play nightly in one community or another rotating through my pvp toons which is about 6

This is overpowered and needs a nerf.


True for nonepic, I think, but not for epics IMO. Epic BGs are just all about having people on the same page and not running off doing their own thing.

So, for example, they can have teams set up to take hangar, kill glaives, hold refinery, hold quarry, etc. PUGs are just going to be all over the place.

edit: A geared premade still beats a geared PUG, assuming competent players.

It’s probably true for epics too.

If people are putting in the extra effort to premade raid, they probably care about their PvP gear.

Overall, I’d expect premade raiders to be same or better geared than random pugs. Combined with their superior coordination, it’s just easy wins.

If there’s a situation where most of the premade raiders are less geared than random pugs, it’s probably because they’re bored and they’re trying to do something different to amuse themselves.

No, no, no…this isn’t Shadowlands.

Premading is just a group of people willing to work together. That’s it! No special magic.

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I premade for the tears on the forums/in game and boredom.

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This is demonstrably false. Look at the gear of the people in premades. They post in these threads. They have mostly blue gear. Most of them aren’t even fully honor geared. They generally don’t have gems or enchants and don’t use consumables.

The real reason premades win more often is because they actually play the objectives and play as a group. They join the game with the intention reading chat, following instructions and playing the game.

The average player queuing into Epic BG’s presses Accept with the intention of being semi-afk or doing as little as possible like “defending” a node that doesn’t have to be defended and in a suprise to absolutely nobody, they lose.

Every IOC has people sitting in base canons doing nothing as the gates open, every AV has people sitting in base “defending” but don’t contest flags or slow down incoming enemies, every Ashran has people sitting in mage tower doing nothing even if no enemies are within 200 yards of the mage.

Premade players teamfight instead of doing that and they win. It’s really not that complex and seeing Horde forum posters talk about premade players as if they’ve just gotten out of AWC qualifier games is hilarious.

Lmao. Wrong. Great name btw.


I’m not talking about Epic Bgs, as that is content I do not do.

Idk what the experience is like over there because I try to avoid them.