The secrets of premade revealed

I don’t know people’s ratings, but i hope this is true. :smile:

then why are you in here talking like you know about epic bg premades lol, because most of the forum crying is about epic bg premades 24/7 its rarely about random bg premades .

I’m not.

I’m talking about random BG premades. OP didn’t specify, and I’m genuinely surprised to learn people do Epic BGs for fun

Ah, the person you were replying to is an epic BG zergling.

It always amazes me there’s still people saying that premades win because of any reason besides being an organized premade.

You can look at most any game, League of Legends, Heroes of the Storm, Overwatch 2, EVE Online, take your pick and if you put 5-10-15 people who are used to playing together and on voice chat, let them take the time to organize an effect team composition, and then put them up against an equal number of randomized players, guess who will win almost every time?

If you really require more evidence of this just follow around an organized ganking group in world pvp and see what happens when they are fighting random people. It often takes 10 random players to take out a group of 5.

Organization matters in team games. A group of 5 or 10 or 40 players on voice chat with an optimized team composition is going to steamroll over a random group with no voice chat and no team composition.

And yes, of course exceptions can happen. Just the other day there was a 7 player premade on the enemy team but they had worse than honor gear so we still won. You can find premades that are so disorganized and underprepared that they’ll still lose but they are the exceptions.

How is this even a debate?


because MAHHHH PREMADESSSS AND YOU HAS FRIENDS O NOOOOO THE END OF THE WORLD its super unfair its practically cheating dont you know ? /s

I find it odd premades don’t try and win with a self imposed handicap.
Like fight a 20 vs. 40, let the match go as close to a loss as possible then bring in the other 20. But nooooooo, its lets go 40v40, in some cases 20 vs. 10 and not give a s* about enjoying the game, all the matters is winning. I love watching when there’s cool 2v2s going on for the odd cutoff points in bgs and suddenly joe rogue comes up and just cd blasts for the side that was winning anyways, talk about oblivious, probably could’ve used those cds on something more useful

Ah so it’s just like regular BGs then.

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What a shocker! People play a game for different reasons.

It’s not much of a debate.

It’s usually just some premade raiders doing mental gymnastics to justify their cheating.

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so, teamwork

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In regular (not epic) BGs it is about gear? Doesn’t that mean differential gear is a problem? Yet a lot of people seem to not want templates.

This coming from Lord of the Goal Posts is hilariously ironic.


or anti premaders doing mental gymnastics trying to justify their crying .

:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:


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Templates offer no agency over your stats is the problem. PvP vendor and crafted gear does.

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basically this . we had the best templates ever in legion but everyone cried waaaaaaaaa i want gear to matter waaaaaa my stats waaaaaa this waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that . Then all of bfa onward thru SL it turned into hey guys i told you so ! now everyone complains about a giant gear gap well i told you so .

the general issue is that the pvp gear system works very well for full time pvpers, but not so much for players who queue sparingly or for fresh capped toons.

i proposed a solution that fixes most of the complaints to all of the systems:
all gear scales to the pvp ilvl, this level is much higher than what you get in pve, meaning pvp gear is required for pvp.
the pvp ilvl changes over the season.

pvp gear is split into two types:

standard issue, templated stats for each class/spec, full set for available for purchase for 250g from a vendor. if you just want to pvp and go, buy this set and you are done.

custom conquest, custom stats set by the player, purchased with conquest points. the PVE ilvl can be upgraded via rated pvp. if you want a custom perfect build, this is the gear for you.

this allows templates, easy entry, instant gearing, and player agency over their stats, and creates an incentive for everyone to do rated.

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Oh, no. It’s just giving people direction. A few percent more stats isn’t really of consequence.


Mmmm… pretty big difference between honor gear and conquest gear though. The less people involved in the fight the more gear matters. But, since this thread was about epic BGs…

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