Blizzard: store mounts hmmmm yes let’s reinvent the wheel
i’d say lazy recycled rewards is pretty much a design goal of the current dev team of wow stewards
How do you get this mount? Looks nice.
Don’t forget the grill, yo.
they can’t be serious with that color…
lavender or violet for sure
the mount special also sucks. it was probably meant to have a similar effect to the Glacial Tidestorm mount…surprised people are accepting of it doing absolutely nothing lol
They could have literally just swapped the pvp and m+ mounts for season 4 and it would have been way better. This recolor is pretty much just a slightly darker version of s2 lol
MrGM has posted a “Zereth Mortis gold”-inspired recolor of the mount; I think they should go for something like this.
I’d use that everyday, I love it!
I even saw a flashing RGB version of it on the reddit, either of those actually looks like they put in effort.
Can you PLEASE make one pink? OMG Please <3
i think they should make the glad mounts colors purple body/gold armor to match the new ksm mount. LINXY i believe u can do this.
You got that kidney still?
Make it bright pink!
ew no.
the purple is fine
Now change the glad mount to purple
Looks like a void walker. I like it.
no >:( orange is the best colour
I thought we’d get a golden version. They’ve had red green blue and gold of all mounts in sl so far. Guess not with these though
HOW IN THE WORLD DID YOU GUESS IT? psychic or inside people?