The Scarlet Crusade

Did you two reherse this topic somewhere else first? It’s uncanny when this happens. People don’t usually share a braincell unless it’s forced.

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How I envision people getting that one brain cell to get back to work

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I hear you. There’s a reason I went into the thread prepared to disagree. I would probably point most of all to the Arakkoa and Drust who were far more interesting than they really had any right to be without being the focuses of their expansions.

I won’t lose any sleep if the Scarlets never come back; they did get some time in the sun, after all, even if not huge amounts. But I found the argument convincing and the discussion interesting.

…Invoking a common phrase and a common criticism requires rehearsal?

And please, I have at least three brain cells.


Personally I’m interested in DF because it seems like a return to fundamentals.

Shadowlands was pretty much all new stuff. So, no, I’m frankly not confident ih the current’s team ability to invent interesting new enemies. Because they tried that and not only did we get the worst villain in Warcraft history, but we got the most absurd retread of the same beat they’ve been doing since Warcraft 2.

Oh you thought the Orcs were bad? Turns out they are merely the minions of a demon army known as the Burning Legion! Oh you thought the Burning Legion was bad? Well Space Satan Sargeras only went kill crazy because he saw the Void Lords! Oh you thought the Void Lords were bad? Well turns out there’s this ancient evil older than time itself who has been the mastermind behind all cosmic cruelty. Oh you thought Zooval was bad? Well turns out he’s just afraid of something even ancienter and eviler!!!

And enough! For the love of God can I just go fight a bandit lord or deranged evangelist again? Not the cosmic king of all banditry or the Galactic Super Pope.

Bringing it back to gnolls, centaur and dragons is such a breath of fresh air. You can only escalate the stakes so much until they become meaningless.


And we share one of them every fortnight


I named my brain cells Moe, Larry and Curly. At least when the other two decide to show up that is :blush:


Im, I thought we agreed not to discuss our conjugal relations publicly. For shame.

My brain cells have two modes: hyperpunctual and “wait, did I forget to pay a bill? I probably did, I’m gonna be evicted oh nononono wait I set up autopay phew”

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I get where you’re coming from. And I’m not here to be hostile or anything. I just don’t find the Crusade to be all that interesting is all.

Going back to essentials is necessary, but I guess my point is, they can create new interesting villians. I mean, they did that with Lei Shen and the Mogu, and the Sha.

That’s all I want. Something NEW for everyone to tangle with. Something that feels distinctly Azerothian.


We couldn’t hide it forever, someone was bound to find out about us sooner or later. Better we just came out with it.

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We talk about those……things called feelings in these here parts mister. Seen people go astray for speaking of forbidden things! :rofl:


I assure you that once every fortnight, and occasionally in Minecraft, Imfernal gives my braincell a good feeling.


Oh we end up feeling something alright :kissing_heart:

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It’s…it’s all I got for now


Refresh my memory, can you list the reasons they are fondly remembered as a villain organization? Why is their visual style (fashion and architecture) well-liked? What are the nuanced parts of them?

I suspect Blizzard will finally lay them to rest after their vaunted “Light bad” expansion, where we’ll face them one last time in a raid with the final boss being named insert least favorite real-life religious leader here

There is not enough material around the Scarlet Crusade for an expansion. At most, what Benedikt is suggesting and maybe a raid, but that’s it.


I think the Scarlets would most likely be a wing of a Light themed Raid, or a wing of an Aggressive Alliance Raid, before they would have a whole Raid to themselves.

They might not even be on Yrel’s side. We have had Raids where we fight multiple forces at cross purposes. Xymox is not in Nathria to help Denathrius- he is there for his own agenda. In The Sepulcher Raid, most of the earlier bosses are the systems of the area being manipulated by Domination Magic, while The Lords of Dread and The Jailer are of clear minds doing their work with gusto. The Battle for Dazaralor leaned into the idea of various narratives and purposes being at play, to the point that we swap Factions for some bosses.

I agree that the Scarlets alone do not have enough lore to carry an expac. But they could be tied to a Light themed Expansion/Raid/Patch. Or even themes of an Aggressive Alliance coupled with Human supremacists. They are like a prominent seasoning that can expand the flavor of a particular dish, but not exactly a full dish to serve on their own.

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They’ve got a distinct aesthetic. They had a really, really memorable mega dungeon. I remember being gobsmacked when Whitemane came out and resurrected Morgraine.

They had a fun questline on the Alliance where you’re sent to join then but then get pulled aside and told how crazy and dangerous these guys are. To this day we don’t get much like that. Usually we just have to help out whomever even if we know they’re obvious traitorous bad guys.

And for the Forsaken they put a fun twist on a classic scene. The undead fighting clerics and paladins is up there with a dragon on a hoard of gold or wizards in towers for fantasy snapshots. So having the crusaders be arguably more depraved than the undead is a nifty twist.

It was just a fun reminder Azeroth wasn’t as black and white as other fantasy settings. Looks can be deceiving. The ostensibly monstrous can be inwardly heroic and vice versa.


I mean, that’s the thing. The most interesting thing about the Crusade is the Monastery bosses. Take them away and the Scarlets are nothing but your average Crazy Religious Zealot who just so happens to hate anything and everything not wearing the Scarlet tabard


By this logic one could argue that Archimonde (after getting out of lore limbo somehow) wanted it since that book was what allowed Kel’thuzad to summon the demon lord to Azeroth in the first place. And since the Legion was after it…

I always want to know what a complete, single instance of Scarlet Monastery would look like. As that was the original goal before it got split into 4 wings during Vanilla’s development. Then in MoP they combined Graveyard & Monastery into well, Monastery while combining Armory and Library into Halls.

That is also likely, the Book itself also shows up in Khadgar’s Harbinger short. The Dreadlords breifly used it to tempt Khadgar to joining the Legion. The Dreadlords had it though not the Legion. We know now that the Dreadlords serve Denathrius, who was allied with Kel’thuzad. The Dreadlords claimed to be the true power behind the Legion.