That could work. But personally I really think the Forsaken and Worgen working together could be neat.
It’s the most one sided rivalry in game. They apparently had this plan to turn Gilneas City into an urban EBG and presumably make the Worgen the Alliance’s answer to the Forsaken.
But that plan fell to ish and ever since then it’s just been a bit weird the Worgen hold the Forsaken as this great enemy. When the Forsaken don’t think about the Worgen much at all. It was a war they were gang pressed into by Garrosh. They didn’t want to fight it. They gained nothing from it. And the whole idea seemed like a suicide mission from Garrosh to begin with as why invade Gilneas for a port when you could just build one off the coast of Tirisfal?
Seriously Tirisfal’s coast is only occupied by Murlocs. And even then only parts of it. Far as I can tell the reason the Forsaken didn’t build them is they create their navy by raising sunken ships. That’s certainly on brand but I still have no idea how they do that with sunken ships. Unless it turns out they’re ‘alive’ too and seeing as everything from rocks to honey can become sentient in this setting I guess that wouldn’t be too weird.
But it is objectively sad that the Forsaken are this huge role in the Worgen’s lore, so much so it’s in their heritage quest, and the Forsaken’s reaction to them is more or less;
It’s the humans who are the main threat. They’re the ones actively trying to get Lordaeron back. The Worgen are just kinda there.
Personally I think one of the reasons this failed to launch is because the Forsaken and Worgen only look good fighting exclusively eachother. Add in the other factions and it looks like the glowing eyed horror movie monsters should be on the same side.
So I say, put them on the same side and give them an enemy that blatantly clashes with their aesthetics. The Scarlets are perfect for this. Their humans, which are what werewolves and the undead are most known to kill. They have a bright red color scheming which loudly clashes with the Forsaken’s navy blue and the Gilnean’s black flags. And the Scarlets have this pseudo medieval Catholic architecture while the Worgen are Victorian and the Forsaken have a sort of Kirkland brand Tim Burton thing going on.
It’s instantly visually striking. You know who’s on what side at a glance. And it keeps with the WoW tradition of disobedient fairytale by having the scary things be the objective heroes.
Frankly I think the Worgen and Forsaken would work much better as the EK’s answer to the Kaldorei and Tauren. Because they’re both ex humans with a supernatural urge to kill, replete with glowing eyes, claws and muted color pallets. Particularly as they’re BFFs with elves who’ve millenias old bloodfeuds.
Maybe it’s just me but I can picture a Spellbreaker and Sentinel having some no doubt terribly overdramatic fight with weapons that have just too many points to them while their Forsaken and Worgen allies give a token effort in the background.
“Evenin’ Klaus”
“Hi Gregor”
“So them elf lads at it again?”
“Yup, yup. Just look busy. You know how this goes.”
“So yew 'eard about that new ogre git?”
“Oh the new two headed one who decided to be a chef?”
“Ya 'eard he’s got a new joint on Lordamere called - get this - ‘How To Serve Man’”
“Well location, location, location they say”
“Free this Thursday?”
“What you call weakness- we call strength. While your kind cowered in the trees it was we what-”
“Eh, let’s see how this goes. You know how maudlin they get”
And what better to set that up then a fun mutual hunting trip?